Random Rampage Much

Camping, Nachos and Pie

It turned out that Drake and Alayna lived in Skegness. We all decided to walk into town to go and actually celebrate my birthday like we were supposed to earlier. So here we were, finally, just like how I had planned; apart from the fact that I hadn’t counted on psycho boy Reece trying to kill us! But things had to be looking up, hadn’t they? I mean, Drake had found us, and kept me safe.(-ish, anyway!) Alayna had taken a shine to Sammeh, and they were pretty much in love with each other within the first 10 minutes of them meeting. But we were all okay, and we had plans to stick to. It was still my birthday!

We walked down the main road laughing and stopped outside the cinema to decide what we were all going to watch. We were all fighting over what we wanted to watch but I stamped my foot and told them all we were going to watch Transporter 3. Problem solved. It was showing at four o’clock so we had just over an hour and a half to go shopping and mess about. “I want to get you your cake, Katie, and some nacho’s!” said Sammeh, and off we went to Tesco’s. As we walked through the car park, I noticed that McGee was deep in thought. I didn’t think anything of it as we walked inside. Instantly, we all split up in the crowds. McGee, Mitch and Jimmy wandered off to go find gadgets, while Sam and Alayna went to go buy food. Me and Kelly went to go look at clothes and when I turned around to see Drake, he was nowhere to be seen. “Oh well.” I thought, we would find him later.

Twenty minutes later, I had spent £28 on clothes, snacks, and a twelve man tent. Sam and Alayna found me and Kelly buying stuff and gave me a puzzled look as I bought the tent. “Hey, you never know when you might need a tent!” I said before he could open his mouth. He stuck to his word and bought me a caterpillar birthday cake, which I was dead happy about. “Wow,” said Alayna, “We could so camp out under the stars!” She looked up enthusiastically, as if the stars were in the roof. She had a dreamy look on her face, but I wasn’t sure if that was normal for her or not.

When we were done purchasing our items, we went to stand outside to wait for the others, but they were already there. Drake came over to me and took the bags from my hands even though I insisted I would be able to carry five bags as well as the twelve man tent. “We’ve got an hour until the film starts, so I think we should pitch the tent, have lunch, and head down there!” I stated, and so we did. We pitched the tent at the back of Tesco’s because it was the only place we could think of, and there was a nice spot of grass that wasn’t being used for anything, and sat down to eat. Sam had bought a whole load of food as well as my cake; nachos, cookies, crisps, cans of pop, sausage rolls, a cherry pie, chocolate, donuts and more nachos! We all sat down in the tent and started to tuck in. Kelly pulled out a bottle of white lightning from her bag. “CHAV!” We all shouted at her and laughed. “Oh well,” She said as she opened it. She took a large swig and put the cap back on. “It doesn’t taste right anyway.”
“What? Are your chavvy taste buds rebelling against you?” Smirked Sam. Kelly picked up the pie and slammed it into his face.
“Kelly! I wanted some of that!” I laughed as Sam wiped the pie from his face with an extraordinarily angry expression on his face. “Never mind. What’s up with the white lightning anyway?” I asked and picked it up. I unscrewed the cap and sniffed the strong potent smell. It smelled like poison. “Poison?!” I said. “Kelly, it’s been poisoned! We have to get you to the hospital! Erm… Jimmy, Mitch, stay here and look after the tent. Mitch! Don’t eat all the food okay?” I laughed shakily. “Drake, Sam, Alayna, McGee, help Kelly and me to the hospital.” And off we went, trying to hurry as quickly as possible. Kelly stumbled as she walked so Drake and McGee helped her to walk. We got as far as the petrol station before we heard trouble coming our way. We didn’t know how bad it would be though…

“Kelly, I love you!” A shout came from out the window of a chavved up pink playboy Astra.
“Reece!” Kelly shouted. She turned towards me, “I’m sorry Katie, I love him and-“ she was cut off before the squealing of brakes blocked off her sentence. It was too late.
“Kelly!” Reece screamed, crying as he jumped out the Astra and rushed to her corpse. “This is all your fault, Adam Cartwright you killer!”
“What?! How did you come to that conclusion, when you just ran her over, and before, you poisoned her with white lightning?!” He replied
“That white lightning was meant for you! Not her!” He cried out, tears flowing down his scabby face.
“I don’t drink white lightning! I’m not a flipping chav you twat! I can’t believe you! You killed Kelly!”
“Well, it’s not really that much of a loss, is it?” Said Sam.

“Shut up! All of you!” I yelled, my face stricken with grief. “I could do without you chipping in Sam, no offense. One of my best friends has just been ran over by a guy that we all hate, hell, it was bad enough that he poisoned her, but that could have been solved! But oh no! Why doesn’t anything ever go right for me?”
“Katie, just calm down yeah?”
“Shut up Sam!” I snapped. “I’m having my moment!” And with that, I ran up to Reece, and punched him in the face.
“Nice punch!” commented Alayna in her dreamy voice. I could never be mad with her, and turned around to kick Reece but stumbled, feeling weak and in pain. Drake caught me quickly and kept me from hitting the ground. “What is it? Katie?” I could hear voices all around me but I couldn’t find my voice to respond. I took several deep breaths and managed to get my head fixed in time to see the back of the pink Astra speeding away. “No!” I screamed as I saw that Kelly’s body was gone.
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Shocking!! Kelly's dead and Reece has really annoyed us!
Stay tuned for the next chapter!