Me, In Love With Him?! Don't Make Me Laugh!


~Almost 1:30 and I'm all ready looking forward to getting home. I hate being at school, what am I going to use all the shit they teach me at?~

OK... you're Elisa, a typical 17 year old girl (imagine your self at that age).

"Earth calling Miss Elizabeth Kellan Johnson!" History teacher.

~I hate when they call me by my complete name...~ "What?" you.

"Don’t talk to me like that! Now get that lazy thing called body to the office, its the third time..." teacher's voice fading.

That's all you could hear after heading out and away from the classroom. When you were nearing the office, you heard something that caught your attention, it was a voice coming from its inside.

“Yes Sir. I will indeed” guy.

After hearing several footsteps, you just turn around not to face the people coming out of the door and down the hall.

~That was a really interesting voice…~

“Kellan?! You again?” the principal said pulling you out of your thoughts, so the previous incident was immediately but unconsciously dismissed.

“It was her fault!” you.

“Whose fault was what exactly?” principal.

“The new history teacher of coarse!” you.

“Oh god…Lets just get in the office could we?” principal. Yes, the Principal Williams, a good friend of yours after three years of high school and two of college.

Later that day, at your house.

~I can’t believe he gave me a speech about life! Who is he to do that any way?!~ “Its my life after all, if I had problems, like he so stubbornly infers, then I would solved them my self” you were talking out loud when out of the corner of your eye, you saw your mom standing in the doorway.

“What happened now Elizabeth? Why are you home earlier?” mom.

Yes, you’re right again, the so loved principal send you home, a one day suspension ‘so you could think about your future and how you were going to regret living like you did’.

“I got a one day suspension for verbal aggression towards a teacher” you said like if it was an everyday event.

“Oh, well then I should prepare diner early today, oh and by the way, Tom in coming tonight.” mom. And with that she was gone.

"What?! You can’t do this! Elisabeth!" you shouted to your mother but she was definitely not answering you back.

You heated that guy with passion, who in deed was your mother’s boyfriend. He once tried to touch you just months after he and your mom met, but she wouldn't believe you. You heated him and she knew it.

~Why him? Can’t she pick someone else? I’ll have to stay here and luck my self in…Like every other day he visits. And that principal…Like if he knew more about life than me, the fact that he has live longer docent mean he knows more, but really, what is life anyway? Something that you get as a punishment for some and as a reward for others, that is life, at least for me…Why do some people take suicide as a sin or a fast way that only cowards use? It’s not like they chose to live it, society shouldn't blame them~ you thought as you made your way up the stairs to your so private and loved room. You can imagine it your self.

When you got there, you threw your schoolbag across the room and watched out the window. What you saw across the street shattered your heart into peaces, it was him, Anthony, your ex-boyfriend holding hands and kissing your ex-best friend, Daniel.

~At least they shouldn't blame my for trying…Look at them, I can’t believe how stupid I was, they were flirting right in front of my damn nose! I loved him…I gave him my world, my time, I gave him one year of my life, but it wasn’t enough for him... ~

He was your everything and you thought you were a happy couple until you found them kissing at your own bedroom.


“What the hell?” you shouted with tears starting to form in your eyes.

They were making out at your bedroom, your bed, and in your birthday. The moment you spot them the world started crashing all around you, until this day.

“What? I love her and you were starting to annoy me.” Anthony simply said after you catch them on the move and walk out of the room, with Daniel by his side, and away from you life.

***End of Flashback***

"Why don't I end with all this at once?" you ask your self out loud. ~How many times have I suggested that to my self all ready? ~ You smile at you own comment. "But probably this time…".

Alex’s point of view:

“Yes Sir. I will indeed” you.

“Very good now you can go and get prepare for tomorrow” the principal, who’s name you had all ready forgotten, said as you all walked to the office’s door.

As you walked out, you smell a sweet cent in the air, the sweetest thing you had ever met. Suddenly you saw a figure near a chair next to the door, she was the owner of the delicious aroma, you felt an estrange...thing coming from her, you could feel how she reacted from hearing your voice, and you could get a vague idea of the things in her head. Who was this girl? But instead of turning and getting a glimpse of her face or her expression, you just kept walking to your car, wile your dad was trying to talk to you.

“Alexander…Alexander!” your dad shouted after you, before getting to his own car.

Your/Elisa’s point of view:

“Oh god…he’s here” you said wile seen Tom’s car through the window.

Until that moment you noticed it was getting dark out side, so you decide to go for a walk instead of locking your self there. You grab a a random hood and headed towards the front yard. When you got out to the street you found Tom and your mom there too.

“Love, why don’t you go ahead and prepare something for me?” Tom told you mom in a 'sweet' way.

“Oh, of coarse” she returned before getting in the house, this was your sign to start walking away as fast as you could.

As you started walking, you felt a hand grabbed your arm and forcefully turned you around.

“Let go!!” you demanded, but Tom would just stare at you with a smirk on his face.

~If only I could smack that stupid smirk of his…~ but you weren’t able to finish your thinking because a car abruptly stopped beside you and a really hot gay stepped off it.

“Let her go right now” the guy said with calm but demanding voice.

~Who is he..? That voice…~
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Well this is my first chapter ever so please comment me about it so i can keep updating!