Me, In Love With Him?! Don't Make Me Laugh!

Who Are You?


“Let go!!” you demanded, but Tom will just stare at you with a smirk on his face.

~If only I could smack that stupid smirk of his…~ but you weren’t able to finish your thinking because a car abruptly stopped besides you and a really hot gay stepped off it.

“Let her go right now” the guy said with calm but demanding voice.

~Who is he..? That voice…~

**Story Start**

“Do you mid?” Tom said wile getting a tighter grip at your arm, you perfectly knew this would make a bruise later, and it hutted too damn much not to notice it.

~Is he really trying to…help me? No, he can’t be. This guy docent even know me, so why is he wasting time with me? What if I deserved the punishment? Why would someone try to help me…I just don’t get it~

“I said let her go!” the guy said with a more demanding voice, I could tell he was all ready getting frustrated with Tom by not obeying him.

“And who are you to stop me huh? Just a stupid kid…” but Tom didn’t got the time to complete his phrase because out of no were he received a punch right in the shin witch send him flying towards the garden in front of my house.

Just as that happened, you grabbed your all ready forming wound with your free hand and finch with your hands touch.

~I didn’t saw him approach. Really…who is he? ~
- Who am I?-
~What the?! Who a… ~
- Who cares? Just tell me you are ok so can get out of here- the voice in your head interrupted you.
~Who are you really? How did you got inside my head? Oh my god, I think I migh me going creasy…~
- Too many questions don’t you think?-

You were really confused, but you heard a muffle laughter next to you. Being as curios as you are, you immediately turn your herd and caught a glance of the guy who just…saved you smiling and starting to move towards his car. Without realizing it you were starting to stair. All you saw were a pair of cold icy blue eyes, peach black hair, and a skeleton shirt.

~And his smile…~
- Don’t get too use to it.-

“Wait!” you shouted after him when you saw he was sitting in the driver’s seat.

“What?” he simply snapped at you.

“Well…thanks, I guess” you shyly answer him. You weren’t used to thank people, nor apologize.

And with a nod he speeded down the road until you weren’t able to see his car.

~Wait, why am I even looking? ~

“Elizabeth?!” your mother shouted after you.

“What?” you snapped. ~I didn’t even knew she was here. ~

“Explain to me what just happened!” mom.

10 minutes latter you were all ready locked up in your room thinking about what happened and about that boy…After all, Tom managed to invent a story were you were planning on running away with the boy she saw, she was there for a longer time than imagined wile Tom told her this, and he just wanted to stopped you but the guy punch him in the face. It didn’t matter how much you repeated your self, she just gave Tom the winning word so you got tired of that and locked your self in you room. Since then your mom had been pounding at your door but you didn’t really care and eventually you got your self to sleep.

Next Day.

“People please pay attention!” the math teacher said like the thousand time n the 1hr class.

“Hey, I heard there is this knew student…” Kat, your kind of best friend said.

“Oh, really?” you said in a matter of fact way, you knew what was coming.

“Hell yea, they told me he was like, really hot and mysterious” Kat.

“I can bet they were right” you just said not interested in the subject.

But just as you answer Kat: “Students!” the teacher said. “We have a new student today, so please give a welcome to Alexander”

Since you didn’t care, you just kept drawing on a random note book.

“Holly shit…” you heard Kat whispered only for you to hear. “He is freaking HOT”

You immediately turn your head and saw him.
It was him…and he was staring at you, so did you at him.

He was randomly answering the teacher’s stupid questions until he got tired.

“Could I just go get a seat?” he coldly said to the teacher getting his eyes off you, she just looked confused at him into his piercing eyes.

“Ye-yes…you can” she said in a little, scare way?

He took the only seat left in the room, the one next to you.

“What was that?” Kate asked to no one in particular, but no one answer her.

- Did you missed me?-
~Who are you?~

"Who wants to know?" Alex.

You suddenly felt like if you were inside a black room with no way out the moment he turn his head your what and locked eyes with you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise to post his pov soon..=)
Please feed back so I can get an idea of how you think about my starting story!!