Me, In Love With Him?! Don't Make Me Laugh!

Did You Missed Me?


- Did you missed me?-
~Who are you?~

"Who wants to know?" Alex.

You suddenly felt like if you were inside a black room with no way out the moment he turn his head your what and locked eyes with you.

**Story Start**

Alex’s point of view:

Yesterday was a blur the moment you woke up. As always, to one of the many alarm of yours, let’s just say you weren’t a morning person. You got yourself up, took a bath, and wile you were under the warm water all the images of the previous day started to fix were thy belonged.

~That seriously was a strange girl…beautiful in her own single way. But why did I actually stopped to help her? It’s not like she mattered to me or something, just one of many humans in this world. Even though she has the sweetest sent ever. I just remember feeling something strange, like if something bad was about to happen when I was turning in a street corner, I was just riding in my car to get used to the place and streets. It’s just that when I saw on her eyes what was about to happen y couldn’t helped it, I had to save her from all that. The moment I stepped out that same feeling from when I saw her at school returned, I know that time I didn’t look back to see her face but I was sure it was her, I can bet my life it was.~

At school.

~I hate being introduce…~ you thought wile trying to spot an empty chair to sit, but it seemed like the teacher had some other plans for you. By the way, you were late.

“Students!” the teacher said. “We have a new student today, so please give a welcome to Alexander”

~Fucking great…~

“So Alexander, where do you come from?” teacher.

“Hmmm, from England” you.

“Oh! Is it true that it has a really cold climate?” the teacher asked happily.

“Yes?” you.

You were looking around the room when your eyes met with others, her eyes.

~So we are going to share classes huh? This will be interesting.~

You noticed that the only chair unoccupied was the one next to her.

“And what about your parents? Did they came along with you? And why did you moved to Phoenix?” teacher.

~OK, too many questions to handle at the time and I’m getting tired of all this shit.~

“Could I just go get a seat?” I ask her, taking your gaze away from the girl and looking her directly to her eyes, reading her thoughts and ideas; even if the answer was ‘no’ you would had done it either way.

“Ye-yes…you can” she said in a scared way. Sometimes you got that effect on people when they stared into your eyes.

So you proceeded to getting the only vacant place at the classroom, witch I remind you was nets to her.

~I think I’ll just toy her for a bit…~

You couldn’t find out why, but you were interested in reading her mind and finding out about her, but each time you tried, it was like she blocked you out of her head and you only got fading images.

You sat down next to here, and were able to feel her tensed up.

~Did you missed me? ~
-Who are you?- you could felt she got alarmed at your intrusion.

"Who wants to know?" you said turning to face her, saw her confused feelings, and took advantage of them to register her memories.

For an odd reason, you weren’t scare of reveling your self to this mortal, you never were, and that’s why you talked to her in the first place. And this time you were able to see through her.

You saw how her dad died just in front of her eyes in a car crash, how her mom treated her like just another piece of furniture most of the time, how she thought she had found love to later loose it, but there was something wrong, some thing hiding its self from you and when you were about to go deeper to find out, the images of your childhood started to play like in a movie.

Elisa’s / Your point of view:

When you looked into his eyes you felt vulnerable, you could feel him getting into your most heated memories. You just place yourself in a dark room without exit, but suddenly you found a door and opened it as if it was magic you were able to see a little boy sitting in a bench all by him self, staring at the rest of the kids playing with teary eyes, then he was older and his father was hitting him for disobeying one of his orders wile his mother just stood there without saying a word to help him, later you saw the same boy seducing a young girl but something was wrong, she seemed to be disoriented and lost you saw how he was getting her hair away from her neck…and suddenly everything became black again. You realized your eyes were closed so you immediately opened them to see a mad and confused Alex.

~What was that?~

“Why are you to staring at each other?” Kat

“Non f your business” Alex snapped at her and turn around to ‘pay attention’.

“Elisa?” Kat asked confused.

“Y-yes?” you.

“What’s wrong?” Kat.

“Believe me, I wish I could answer that” you.

“Oh, what ever. Do you mind if I go home with you after class? My mom won’t be home and I would rather be with you than alone” Kat.

“Yea sure!” you didn’t like being alone either so why not?

~Was that boy really him?~
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I'm not getting the results I would like..=/
Pease message me with your comments..!!