Me, In Love With Him?! Don't Make Me Laugh!

Do You Whant To Dance?


“Hey Ed are you ready or what?!” you.

“Wait the fuck up!” Edward, who was dressed just like you.

You both got down stairs and started meeting the people who were waiting patiently in the salon, when you saw the most beautiful thing in the world dressed in a corset, a tiny skirt, a hat and was beside another stunning girl in a long red dress that almost let her boobs go wild.

~Wow…Who is she? ~
-I have no fucking idea…but they are both fucking hot!- Ed’s voice in your head.

**Story Start**

“Oh My Fucking God! Elisa, there are two guys, like twins or something looking these way!” Kat whispered to me.

You turned around and locked eyes with one of the boys after looking them over, they were wearing the same tux and mask, but one had a silver-blond hair with green eyes wile the other one had black hair with some familiar icy blue eyes that were actually looking right at you, you locked eyes with him.

~Twins, sure! But…cute blue eyes…~ you smirked at him and turn to Kat.

“Let’s go get a drink” you told her.

“No! Why?! I want to go meet them!” she pounded.

“Trust me baby, and follow” you winked at her.

“OK…” Kat.

You turned so you could both share a look with the boys, you smile sweetly at the pair of blue eyes looking flirty at you, and holding your friend’s hand you both headed for your drink.

Later that night...

“Aww…they are gone! I told you I wanted to meet those hot guys, but no! You wanted to get a fucking drink right?!” Kat yelled at you over the loud music.

The place was starting to get a little too crowded for you since more and more people were starting to arrive.

After Kats shouting, you felt a slight tap at your shoulder and saw Kat grinning. You turned around to the pair of icy blue eyes you met earlier; they were followed by a green pair.

~These close, I can definitely tell that I like these blue eyes better than the green ones, I guess I’ll just call them B dud, for blue eyes, and G dud, for green! I have definitely saw those blue ayes somewhere else…but never like these.~

“Hey!” the B dud great you.

“Hi!” you.

“Mind a dance?” B dud.

“What?! I can’t hear you!” you shouted.

“That if you mind a dance!” He shouted getting near to your ear, even if his voice was a bit muffled by his mask, you got what he said.

“Oh! Well…” you didn’t like dancing, which was ironic, since you were a great dancer. “…sure!”

~Did I just agree on dancing with him?! What the fuck?~ you blushed and prayed the guy hadn’t notice it.

He pulled his hand for you to grab, and you did. He led the way to the dance floor.

Alex’s point of view:

“Man how many people did you invited?!” you shouted to your brother as you got to the back yard, away from it all.

It had been a while since you shared eye contact with the chicks. You were sure of been able to see those pairs of eyes in some other place but these time they were different.

“I didn’t invite fucking anyone! It was all done by our mother you dumbass!” Ed.

“Hey look over there! There they are” you gave Ed a slight punch in the arm so he would turn around and see them.

“God they are hot, let’s go” he told you. “But I want the beauty of the red dress!”

“Its all yours Ed” you told him wile walking towards the girls who were arguing about something.

When you were near enough to try hearing their conversation the look Ed’s girl change into a grin, she saw as coming and lock eyes with your brother who looked just as happy to see her.

~He needs to get laid…she is just another hot girl!~

You taped your prey in the shoulder and she turned herself around. For just a fraction of second you got lost in her eyes.

“Hey!” you.

“Hi!” she answer smiling, a true smile.

~Here I go…~

“Mind a dance? You ask in a shy way.

“What?! I can’t hear you!” she shouted over the music.

“That if you mind a dance!” you almost yelled getting nearer to her ear.

~Oh my fucking god, the stupid cent! It has to be hers, or I’m just confused because all of the damn people here?~

“Oh! Well…sure!” she said looking you in the eyes but instantly realized what she had answered and blushed.

When you heard the yes something inside was relived.

~God, am I really smiling? I can see in her eyes she knows the true of who I am and…she looks beautiful.~ You started leading the way to the dance floor. ~Wait…beautiful?! Something’s wrong…~
♠ ♠ ♠
Tomorrow I’ll post the second part…=)
Thanks for the ones that are taking their time to read mi story!