Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

And the Winner Is...

"Good morning Hope Arts High School, It's time for the afternoon announcements." The principal said through the intercom. Nicole bit her nails nervously while Starr sat next to her and tried to talk to her.

"Don't worry Nikki, you'll win." Starr reasurred her. Nicole ignored Starr and continued biting her nails. Starr sighed and went back to doodling in her notebook.

"The votes have been counted and it's time to announce the winners of this year's elections. Starting with the freshman class. The treasurer is Riley Adams. Secretary is Noah Carson. Vice President is Owen Davis. And the President is Hannah Barkley. Now for the sophmore class..." Nicole listened carefully as the principal named each one of the winners. "And now for the junior class." Nicole's heart skipped a beat then began to beat faster. She couldn't help but get nervous.

"The treasurer is Grace Giller. Secretary is Violet Hartz. The vice president is Adam Frost, and the president for the junior class is Nicholas Jonas. Congratulations to the junior class. Now for the seniors..."

Nicole looked at Starr with dissapointment showing all over her face. "Aww, Nikki!" was all Starr could say. 'Great, now all I'm gonna hear at my party is, Nick bragging about how he won, and Starr and Chloe fighting each other over Joe! Stupid Jonas boys! Except Kevin he's the best! And Frankie he's-' Nicole's thoughts were interrupted when the last bell rang. Everybody ran out except Nicole who slowly got up, collected her books and walked out to the hallway.

She expected Nick to be waiting for her by her locker so he could rub it in. But instead she found Chloe and Starr satnding in front of her locker. "What do you guys want?" Nicole asked, standing in front of them.

"To apologize." Starr replied.

"Yeah, we're really sorry." Chloe added.

"Why are you guys apologizing to me for? I'm not the one who's fighting over a guy. I just refuse to get in it." Nicole said.

"But we were making you get in it." Chloe said.

"Yeah and we're sorry for that." Starr added.

Nicole just stared at them. "You're in the way of my locker."

"Look if it makes you feel any better, we're not fighting anymore." Chloe said hoping Nicole would just forgive her.

"Are you guys just saying that?" Nicole asked.

"No, seriously. Nikki, we don't want to ruin your party. We both agreed to put our differences aside, and have fun together." Starr said.

Nicole closed her locker door and turned to face them. "So what you're saying is, you're not actually friends and you didn't make-up, but you guys aren't gonna fight at my party and pretend to get along?"

Chloe and Starr looked at each other then back at Nicole before saying, "yup."

"Works for me then!" Nicole said grinning. Both Starr and Chloe laughed and linked arms with Nicole. Then all three girls walked out of the school while talking at the same time. They were walking down the steps, arms still linked, when Nicole said, "So now I can't wait to show you the dress you guys are gonna wear!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. I think this is the fastest update I've ever done. Probably cause it's a short chapter.

So guys, one more chapter after this one. Let me warn you though, It's gonna take a while to update it. Why you ask? Well first of all, I'm still working on what's going to happen at Nikki's party. I have Ideas and all, but it's still in progress. Second of all, I'm working on a new story called What Happens in Hollywood. It's another Nick Jonas fanfic. [don't worry though, i'll make Kevin and Joe stories too...eventually.] So yeah, I'm pretty busy.

And I've noticed that the whole comment-then-i'll-update thing is actually working, soooooo guess what??? I want at least 4 comments before my next update!!! You guys can do it, you already did it before!

So you guys can go comment now!!! go ahead, You won't die!!! =]