Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

An Unexpected Surprise

"Well what if I say that it's not over yet? That there's still one more surprise left?" Everyone looked confused and excited at the same time. Even Nicole furrowed her eyebrows together in wonder. What had her parents planned that they didn't tell her about?!

"Nicole, do you really, really, really want to know what surprise your parents have planned for you?" Nicole's uncle said, with a teasing smile forming on his lips. Her guests screamed, their way of saying they wanted to know what her surprise was. She was just as curious as them.

Nicole rolled her eyes. Of course she wanted to know! "Of course I want to know!" she yelled out her thoughts. Uncle Jacob laughed menacingly and gave her an answer that did not make her happy at all.

"Well you're just going to have to wait half an hour, because your surprise is not here yet."
The crowd booed as the anticipation on her face grew into dissapointment. She pouted and frowned, and from the corners of her eyes she saw someone smile at the face she made. Nicole felt her cheeks get warm as she blushed lightly. It only made him smile more.

"Go have fun honey, and don't change into your other dress yet." Her uncle said to her, holding the microphone away from his face. She frowned questioningly. Why couldn't she change yet? "Don't look at me. Your parents are strange people." Nicole laughed at his comment, only because he was dead right.

So as Nikki skipped down the stairs, Starr and Chloe came running up to her- well they tried to run at least. The crowd was too big for them to come directly towards her. They met just as she landed on the last step, and then the floor. Starr and Chloe started talking at the same time for about a minute and Nicole waited until they were done. Four seconds passed by before she said, " You know I have no Idea what you guys just said, right?"

They looked at each other, then at Nicole and said, "Yeah."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. Suddenly Thriller by Michael Jackson started playing. Chloe gasped and shrieked, "Oh I love this song!" Then she took Nicole's hand, and Nicole took Starr's, and they walked out to the dance floor.

Okay, so they weren't the best dancers in the world but they had a lot of fun as they did the thriller dance from Michael Jackson's video. The song really suited the party since everyone was wearing a costume.

And after that song was over, another song that Starr loved started to play. So they danced again. They all danced to a few more songs, and Nicole did a good job of ignoring him the whole time that she danced, but she was still self-concious. He just wouldn't stop looking her way, and it was hard for her to try not to look at him.

That's when it happened. Nicole couldn't help it anymore. As Starr turned her around in a circle and held her as she dropped her head back, Nicole's eyes met his. She was looking at him upside down, and for a moment, time stopped. Nicole couldn't look away, and neither could he. Then he started walking towards her. She broke their gaze away-mostly because her blood was starting to rush to her head-and Starr put Nicole back on her feet.

"What's wrong Nikki?" Starr asked, and Chloe stopped dancing to stand next to Starr. Nicole's face must have shown what she was feeling, but it was him who made them comprehend the way she was acting.

"Hey, Nikki." He said. Chloe nodded in understandment while Starr mouthed, "ohhhh!" as realization hit them..

"Well alrighty then. We'll be going now. See you Nikki!" Chloe said before taking Starr's hand and walking away with her.

"No! Come back!" Nicole yelled, but they acted like they couldn't hear her. Some friends they were.

"So ummm... this is a nice party. Cool cake too." Nicole swallowed the lump in her throat and turned around to face Nick.

"Th-th-thanks, I-I guess." she mumbled. Ugh. It was bad enough that she couldn't look him in the eyes, now she was stuttering?!

Thank god for Nikki's Uncle. He saved her life right then.

"Alright, alright, will the birthday girl please come up on stage? Your surprise is here." He announced. She sighed loudly in relief.

"Gotta go." She mumbled to Nick then turned around and made her way towards the stage.

"Where's the birthday girl at? Oh there you are Nicole! Come on, we don't have all night. Let's help her out a little by dispersing people!"
I think half the idiots from my school had no idea what he just said. Nicole thought.

Then her uncle moved his hands apart, signaling for everyone to move. That's when everyone got out of Nicole's way. She rolled her eyes and laughed along with Chloe and Starr who were near the stage. She heard Nick's chuckle from afar. Oh god.

"Alright, alright." Her uncle had a habit of saying that too much. "So Nicole, before I get to your parent's gift, your best friends, Chloe and Starr, have a little surprise for you too. Not just your parents." Nicole now stood next to her uncle.

She glanced over at Starr and Chloe who were smiling like crazy. Chloe winked at her. Starr put her thumbs up. Nicole then winked and put her thumbs up at them. Her uncle continued. "Awww, how adorable. So anyways," Nicole rolled her eyes playfully. "They put together a slide show for you."

Jacob had a small remote in his hands and clicked on one of the buttons. Suddenly, down came a projector screen. Then he clicked on another button and the slide show started.

Half an hour later, Nicole was in tears. Everyone clapped and cheered when Two Worlds Collide by Demi Lovato ended and the last picture of all of them together faded in with the music.

Starr and Chloe came running up to her then and Nicole hugged them both. "Thank you so much!" she said, but she doubted they would understand her. She was all choked up.

"You're very welcome Nikki." Starr said softly. Nicole looked up to her and she had tears in her eyes.

"Awww!" Nicole cried out and more tears gushed out.

"Alright, alright Nikki. Don't ruin your makeup dude!" Chloe yelled out. But Nicole could tell by the tone of her voice that she was almost in tears too. Then she turned to look at the crowd. She would have to thank Kevin and Joe later for being in the video in the slideshow.

It was Nicole's uncle's turn to speak now. "Well, wasn't that just so adorable?" Everyone nodded, though they didn't have to. "Well Nicole, now your parents' surprise is ready. Question now is are you ready for your gift?"

"What, are you kidding me?!" Nicole aswered quickly, wiping away her tears, "i've been waiting for so long now! Where-is-it-where-is-it-where-is-it?!" Everyone laughed, but she only noticed Nick's chuckling from the corner of her eyes. Stop noticing him![/], she yelled at herself, but Nicole knew it was no use. It was like trying to avoid looking at a car accident as you passed by it in your own car. And yes, she's comparing Nick to a car accident.

"Alright well you just come stand right over here," Nicole walked over to where her uncle was. He was standing next to the giant jack-in-the-box. It was fixed again. Nicole wondered when that had happened

"What's going to pop out of there..." Nicole said cautiously as she stared at the giant box knowing something was going to pop out of there at any moment. And it would happen. There was no doubt in Nicole's mind that something or someone was going to pop out of there any minute, giving her a premature heart attack.

"Well you're going to have to turn the handle and find out for yourself." He pointed to the box. He had a devilish grin on his face. He's in on this too! Nicole thought and frowned.

She then sighed and rolled her eyes. "My parents. They can't just show me the surprise. No. They have to do this." Everyone laughed.

Nicole grebbed the giant bars with both hands and slowly began to turn the handle. The traditional "pop goes the weasel" song started playing slowly. Then she started to turn the handle faster and the song went faster too, but she slowed down when something was supposed to pop out. Strangely, nothing happened. So she kept turning the handle until she found out it was the long version of the song this time, unlike in her entrance. She sighed loudly, clearly exasperated. Her parent's just smiled at her when she scowled at them from the stage. They were sitting at the long table, far from Chloe and Starr. She dared not look Nick's way.

She kept turning the handle, until the end of the song was about to come, and the 'weasel' would 'pop out.' For a moment Nicole hesitated, but turned the handle a little more....
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this chapter totally sucked. I hate it so much. It just screams filler. But I just needed to update sometime for you guys.

But that's not what I need to say. I need your help for my next chapter. You see, I need a celebrity guy who can make Nick jealous. I have no Idea who can be that guy. That's were you guys come in! Just send me a comment on who you think is the perfect guy to make Nick jealous. He has to be a singer though. I was thinking mitchell musso, but I just don't know....
This story is taking way too long for me to update. I realized that it's been a year since this story has started and it's not even finished yet! A whole year! Oh well, there's not much I can do until my laptop is fixed again.
I love you all, and hope your Halloween is filled with candy, scary stuff, and more candy!