Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Joe Jonas Will Suffer

"Did I mention that I love you?" Starr stated to Nicole for the hundredth time. And once again, Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Yes Starr. You've mentioned it like a million times already. And you're welcome. But get over it!" Nicole exclaimed as she threw her arms up in the air, holding a cup of apple cider in her left hand. Apple cider was the closest thing to beer they were getting at Nicole's party, since there was parental supervision there. It's not that Nicole really wanted alcohol at her party (because that would just end up ruining everything) but her friends were used to it at parties. It wasn't a good thing, but the truth is most teenagers drink.

Starr laughed. "I know you're annoyed but if it weren't for you, I would be wearing the same outfit as that girl!" Starr shivered.

Nicole laughed and set her cup down on the table next to her. "So tell me again what you guys plan to do with Joe?" Nicole asked Starr and searched around with her eyes for Chloe. She was nowhere to be found.

"Oh yeah we're friends now. We're putting our differences aside,well more like getting rid of them because Joe was the source of our fight. Anyways, we're going to get him. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but in the end, Joe Jonas will suffer for what he's done!" Starr shouted and frowned. Nicole just laughed.

"Oh please Starr! You don't have an avenging bone in your body! You can't get revenge on Joe, I even doubt you know how!" Starr gasped.

"Ouch. You're so mean what's wrong with you!" she frowned and took a sip of her cider.

"I'm not trying to be mean, just truthful. And the truth is, just leave him alone Starr. He'll see soon enough what he's doing. Two wrongs don't make a right." Nicole advised, but Starr didn't listen to a word Nicole spoke. So Nicole just shrugged it off. Nicole knew that Starr knew that she was right. "On the other hand, Chloe could probably get revenge on Joe. It's just so like her to end up winning. So maybe ask her to help you get even."

Starr just glared at Nicole. She had nothing else to say. "Oh what am I saying?! Joe's like my brother why would I want him to suffer!" Nicole yelled at herself.

"Because you know that he's a no good, low-life, idiotic, arrogant, stupid, freaking, a-"

"Okay I get it damn!" Nicole interrupted and set her cup down once more. She had finally spotted Chloe. And she was with a guy. "Look!" Nicole shouted and pointed to the middle of the dance floor. Starr looked to where Nicole pointed and shook her head.

"Now why didn't I think of that! A boy! It's perfect!" Starr shouted and threw her arms up in the air. Nicole didn't say anything. She just watched.

Chloe danced with the boy. Nicole recognized him from school. He always asked her for a pencil in French class.His name was Derek And he was cute, Nicole had to admit. He was ideal for making a guy jealous, with his perfectly messy black hair that covered part of his light gray orbs. He constantly had to shake his head so his hair wouldn't get in his eyes. He also had snakebites, which, Nicole thought, was really hot. His costume consisted of a red cape and fake vampire fangs. It wasn't the mouth set kind; he had two fangs attached to his teeth with glue so they looked more realistic and his mouth wasn't filled with drool. That's what the mouth set does to you. Seriously.

Derek held Chloe's waist as they danced together. Both of them with a smile on their face. They were pretty close to each other, and were getting rather touchy. Joe didn't seem to notice at first; he was too busy chatting it up with Megan near the dance floor but not quite in it. That is until Chloe came closer to them. She played it well, dancing slowly across the dance floor with Derek until they were in Joe's direct view. Joe couldn't even pretend he didn't see them.

Joe did a double take when he saw Chloe. He glanced quickly towards her then back again to make sure he was seeing correctly. Jealousy oozed from Joe like squeezing a jelly filled donut. It actually worked!

"Woah did you see that!" Starr exclaimed as she noticed the same thing Nicole did.
"I know dude, I know!" Nicole replied. Suddenly Nick walked over to where Nicole and Starr were standing. They didn't even notice him. So Nick cleared his throat and spoke.
"Hey," he said. Nicole reluctantly looked away from a laughing Chloe, a smiling Derek, a confused Megan and a jealous Joe, and stared at the top of Nick's head. She forgot to glare today.

"Uhh, h-h-hi." Nicole mumbled and looked down at her heels. Why couldn't she look at him! Well she knew the answer to that one. Suddenly regret began to fill inside of her. She wished she'd never sang that stupid song to Nick, because if she hadn't, he would still be obnoxious and annoying. And she would be able to look him in the eyes. Starr reluctantly looked away from Chloe flirting with Derek and Joe trying his best to ignore them, to see what was happening right in front of her. She didn't know where to look!

Fortunately she didn't have to look anywhere but at the beautiful boy walking over to her. His name was Josh, and he was absolutely stunning. Or maybe Starr was exaggerating. But Josh was definitely crush worthy. He had the potential to make girls swoon with his golden brown eyes and his sweet smile. His straight brown hair resembled Derek's, only Josh's hair was slightly longer and styled differently. Derek's hair was swept to the side slightly, but Josh's hair was more straight down and fell into his eyes a lot more. From behind him, Chloe smiled at Starr and winked, then glanced over to Joe and back at her. Starr glanced quickly to see Joe glaring in her direction! Revenge is sweet!

Josh smiled his sweet smile and looked straight at Starr. They were almost the same height, Starr being a bit taller. Starr was actually pretty tall so it was a good thing Josh was tall too. "Hey Starr, how are you?" Josh asked. He seemed so polite.

Usually Starr would be nervous around cute guys but not with Josh. She's known him for years in class so he was a familiar face. They've talked often but it was just school related things, like the homework assignment or the fight at lunch.

Starr smiled her sweetest smile back at Josh and greeted him. "I'm doing good, though i'm a little bored now!" She hinted. 'Ask me to dance!' she thought.

"That sucks!" he replied.
"Yeah..." she mumbled and twirled her hair.
"Well how about a dance to get rid of that boredom?"
"Oh yeah, sure!" Starr said excitedly and pulled him towards the dance floor. He just laughed and they started to dance. Starr greeted Chloe and they all had fun dancing. Except for Joe who watched jealously.

Meanwhile Nicole stared at everything but Nick. It was just so awkward. If Joe were there at that moment instead of over there with the green-eyed monster in his eyes, he would say, "awkward!" in the way that only he says it. Nicole would laugh at him and punch him in the arm. Then Joe would chase her around and when he caught her, would only hug her for punching him. They would laugh and talk and ignore Nick together.

But Joe wasn't there. So Nick tried to make (very awkward) conversation. Unlike Nicole, he stared intensely at her. "How do you like your party so far?" he asked, hoping Nicole would look at him. She didn't.

"Er, it's-it's going good I-I guess..." she mumbled at Nick's shoes.

He only laughed. "You're going to have to speak up, love. I can't hear you."

But Nicole couldn't say anything. Her eyes practically popped out of her head, and her jaw dropped involuntarily. She was shocked! 'Love?! Love! He called me LOVE! I sang one simple song, and now he's talking to me! He's calling me love! What is that supposed to mean anyway? Does he call all his girl friends love? Or just Chelsea? Or just me?!'

"Um, Nikki? All you alright?" Nick question, his brows furrowed to show his concern. Luckily Nicole didn't have to reply. Because her so-called best friends who left her alone in the first place came to her rescue, finally.

"Hey Nikki! Come dance with us! You're missing out!" Chloe yelled and took Nicole's arm. Chloe gave Nick the once-over and took Nicole with her. Simple as that.

"Thank you!" Nicole yelled and gave Chloe a hug. She gave Starr a hug too, she was the one who noticed Nikki's trouble in the first place.

"Oh you're welcome!" They both said with a smile and began dancing with their guys again.

Nicole didn't have to explain. They knew.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if jealously is a real word, but I used it.
Consider this as an early Valentine's Day gift! Because I love you all so much!
Here are the rest of the costumes you guys haven't seen already:
Chloe's Costume
Starr's Costume
Kevin's Costume
Danielle's Costume
And you guys have seen Nikki's costume/dress, Joe's nerd costume, and Megan's spongebob costume. And I'll describe Nick's costume later on in the story, because I just realized I never described it before! What a writer I am!

Anyways, I'm going to TRY (not promising, because I don't know if I can or not) to write more by this week and update. This took too long, I know. But now it's February vacation for me so I can write! Whoop Whoop! ^_^

Umm...what else is new? Oh I got a pet hamster! It's sooo cute! I think it's a girl but I don't know what to name it yet. Random, I know. But I love my hammy and I want everyone to know it!
Don't forget to read my other wonderful story called What Happens In Hollywoood!