Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Kung Fu Grip

"They've ruined my cake!" Nicole yelled out in horror, looking at the cake, or at least what was left of it. The top layer was completely ruined, crumbled into pieces. Some of the stars that stuck out of the cake were now flipped around so the star part was stabbed into it. Frosting was everywhere, including the table. Starr put her arms around Nicole to comfort her.

"Hey, at least they didn't get the cupcakes. We can still eat those." She whispered (more like talked) softly into Nicole's right ear. The music was still playing in the background, but not many people were dancing. Mostly everyone was stitting down or outside looking at the police who arrested the party crashers. It was Justin and some of Chelsea's friends!

Chloe came up to Nicole's other side and brushed her hand through Nicole's wavy hair. It was all she could think of doing to try to comfort her at least. But neither Chloe's or Starr's attempts worked, because Nicole was on the verge of tears. Who could have done this? Why did they do this? Why didn't anybody stop them?

Nicole rolled her eyes and sighed deeply. There were so many questions she had been asking that day, and honestly she was sick of it all. She just wanted an answer.

She wasn't aware of the fact that the music stopped. "Uhh, this song is for the birthday girl. You know who you are."

'What is he doing!' Nicole thought.

"This may be a bad time, since your cake is ruined and all," Nicole rolled her eyes, "but I hope this makes you feel a little bit better at least." He cleared his throat and the guitar playing started. She looked away from her ruined cake, and turned around. Why was he on stage playing guitar?

'Great, more questions. She began to walk to the stage without really looking at anyone in the crowd. No one was freaking out. It was when she was almost there that he began to sing.

And she knew all too well what song he would play.

She's got a smile.
that I’d die for.
everyone knows, that I’m
a prisoner of war, for her.

Sometimes I wish
I had a kung fu grip
Never let her slip,
away she'd be my girl.

I Really wish she knew
what I feel is true
She'd be my doll and
I would be her hero too.

I’m so in love
with her.
Everyone knows
that I’m
Ready to fight, ready to go.
Just like a G.I. Joe

Sometimes I wish.
I had a kung fu grip.
Never let her slip,
away. She'd be my girl.

I Really wish she knew
what I feel is true.
she'd be my doll and
I would be her hero too.

Sometimes I wish
I had a kung fu grip.
Never let her slip,
away. She'd be my girl.

Really wish she knew
what I feel is true.
she'd be my doll and
I would be her hero too.

She'd be my doll and
I would be her hero too.

Nicole walked up on stage, tears in her eyes, wide smile on her face, and hugged Nick. Hugged him! Everyone gasped. Even the parents! But after three seconds all you could hear was aww's, and oooh's. Nicole didn't care. She was so emotional, the reason being because it was their song. The song Nick had written specifically for her when they were ten. She remembered when he sang it for her in the park. She couldn't stop smiling then, and still couldn't now.

"Err, Nikki?" Nick mumbled.
"Yeah?" Nicole asked as she looked up at him.
"Don't get me wrong here, this is nice and everything, but you're kind of hurting me..."
"Sorry!" Nicole said quickly and let go of Nick. Then she came up with a clever thing to say. "I guess I'm the one with the Kung Fu Grip, eh?"

It sounded better in her head.

That's when they realized they were still on stage. "All right love birds," said Nicole's uncle Jacob on the mic, "get off the stage!" Nicole stuck her tongue out at her uncle/host for the night. Nick followed Nicole down the stairs and towards the long table. Everyone watched them carefully at first, but as Nick and Nicole sat down and talked, everyone got back to what they were doing after a while.

Starr and Chloe didn't go near them. They only watched from afar, pointing and trying to read Nick and Nicole's lips. Joe or Kevin didn't go near them either. Kevin was talking with his girlfriend, Danielle. But Joe was alone.

It seemed as no one wanted to disturb them, in this strange sight, so they all were staying away. But from the corner of everyone's eyes, even the parent's eyes, everybody was watching them. It made Nicole uncomfortable. Nick just tried to shrug it off.

And although people were watching, they couldn't hear them. So they had a nice conversation about everything. Music, parties, TV, food, other people, etc. Everything except themselves. It was a safe conversation, but a much needed one. As they talked, Nicole felt a sense of relief somehow, like drinking water. She felt much more calm and happy after talking with Nick. And Nick felt it too. He smiled at Nicole. When she smiled back, he made a goofy face at her. That made her laugh, which made Nick laugh, which made Nicole laugh harder.

From across the room, Chloe pointed at Nick and Nicole and said something. Starr smiled and nodded her head. This bothered Nicole so she looked over at them and stuck out her tongue. Chloe and Starr just laughed and got up. They walked over to Nick and Nicole and stood across the table. Nicole asked, "don't you guys have anything better to do than to spy on us?"

"Oh we're not spying on you. If we were, you wouldn't see us watching right in front of you." Chloe stated as-a-matter-of-fact way. Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Where are your boyfriends anyway?" she asked.

"Err,somewhere around here, I suppose." Starr said.

"Well go find them then." Nicole replied.

"No! They have to come to us. Otherwise we'll seem too clingy." Starr replied. She looked over at Nick and smiled.

Nicole knew the gist of what she would say before she said it just by the smile Starr gave, and sent her a warning look.

"But I see you have no trouble finding your boyfriend." Starr giggled. Chloe chuckled too while Nicole stared daggers at the both of them.

"Oh Nikki, dear, dear Nikki. Don't give us that look. We know you two are just friends. Like finally! And we were just kidding!" Chloe said.

"Will you two please go away now? Thanks." Nicole said sarcastically.

"So Nick. Nicholas. Poodle boy. How have you been? It's been a long time no talk, my dear friend. Remember me? Chloe?" Chloe said ignoring Nicole.

"How can I forget? You terrorized all the boys in school. You were a total tomboy, though you look good now I must say." Nick smiled.

Chloe gasped. "Oh no, Nick. Don't say that! Now you've got Nicole all jealous!"

Nick smirked. "That's what I was hoping for." He glanced over at Nicole, who just rolled her eyes.

"I'm not jealous of you poodle boy. That's just impossible. It can't happen."

Nick laughed along with Starr and Chloe. Nicole felt insulted. "What? You all think I'm jealous of him?! Honestly it's like you guys don't even know me anymore!" She shouted at Starr and Chloe while pointing an accusing finger at them.

Starr sighed. "No, Nikki. We know you're not jealous of Nick, exactly. We're just saying you get jealous of Chelsea. Because she's dating Nick, who is supposed to be your boyfriend. That's all."

"What?! You're crazy! You don't even know what you're talking about. Now get out of here before I kill you both. Your clingy boyfriends want you." Nicole said bitterly. She wasn't happy with what Starr and Chloe had said. How can she be jealous of Chelsea! And how dare they come over and just start saying things like that! Such horrible friends she had!

Starr and Chloe turned around and sure enough, Josh and Brendon were coming over. They both giggled and went off with their guys. Nicole frowned and crossed her arms. She slumped back into her chair. Happiness had evaded her.

Nick laughed when he saw her face and posture. She glared at him from the corner of her eyes without moving her head. "Why are you mad?" Nick asked, wanting to laugh.

"I hate you. I hope you die." She answered.

"What else is new?" he chuckled.

"Stop laughing. It isn't funny. It's annoying, really. You have an annoying laugh."

"Oh you love my laugh. You know you do."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

Nicole turned to face Nick and got directly in his face. She told the butterflies to shut up; she had something important to say. "Read my lips Jonas. I. Do. Not. Love. You. Or. Your. Annoying. Laugh. Period."

Nick stared at her lips for a moment, then looked into her eyes. "Do too." he said.
♠ ♠ ♠
:O This is the fastest update I have ever done! I'm so proud of myself! X]

I'm not sure but I think that Chloe and Starr's guys are called Josh and Brendon? I don't remember and I can't be bothered to look because I am lazy.

Go check out my other story, Click Here.

And I am starting to think that maybe not everyone comments because maybe they don't know what to write! So I'll help out!
For this Chapter, tell me what you think.
Do you think that:
a. Chloe and Starr are soo right about Nicole being jealous of Chelsea.
b. Chloe and Starr are dead wrong about Nicole being jealous of Chelsea.
c. Who smashed Nicole's cake?!
d. Nicole has very mean friends and needs to find new ones.
e. This story totally sucks and I can't believe i'm still reading it!

PLEASE don't pick e! :P

So that's it now, you may go make me happy by commenting. I made it easy for you. K bye! ^_^