Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Hope Arts

Starr walked into room 101 wearing a black prom dress. As soon as Nicole saw her, she rolled her eyes and smiled while shaking her head. "What in the world are you wearing Starr?" Nicole asked as Starr sat in the seat next to her.

"Nice to see you too Nikki! And it's called a dress!" Starr said sarcastically. The thing with Starr was that she wore what she wanted, when she wanted. It all depended on her mood and today, Nicole guessed, Starr felt like being prom queen or something.

As if she read Nicole's mind, Starr pulled out a tiara from her backpack and said, "Cant forget my tiara! It's part of my costume ya know." With that she placed the tiara on her head and acted surprised and pretend cried, like if she actually was prom queen.

"Oh God." Nicole mumbled loud enough for Starr to hear.

"Don't look at me like that. You know you love me!" Starr yelled with a broad smile plastered on her face.

"I know Joe loves you. And you love him back!" Nicole yelled back for the whole class to hear. All the girls knew who Joe was. He used to be famous at Hope Arts High School.

"I do not!" Starr yelled defensively. The homeroom teacher threatened to kick them out if they weren't quiet.

Nicole turned around to face Starr and simply said, "Then why were you making out with him at Nick's Party?" as soon as Nicole said that Starr blushed.

" see, what had happened was...I was choking on a piece of meat! And then Joe saw me, and he had to give me CPR! Duh Nicole!" Starr was an expert at making excuses.

"Mhmm." Nicole replied rolling her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something else but the principal began to speak over the megaphone.

"Good morning Hope arts. It is now time for this morning's announcements. Today is Tuesday, October fourteen. Students who want to try out for the play will be in the auditorium after school today. Band tryouts will be held in the music room also today after school. Nomination papers for the school's elections are in the office if any students are interested in running for president, vice president, treasurer, or secretary. That is all and have a pleasant day today." Short after the announcements the bell rang.

"So are you trying out for the play Nikki?" Starr asked while fixing her tiara.

"Yeah I'm gonna try it. I heard this year the play is High School Musical. Might be cool to play Sharpay or something." Nicole replied while looking around the crowded hallway looking for Justin. She wore A black t-shirt with a peace sign on it and a denim mini-skirt, just for Justin. She also wore high heels.

"Oh. Well I was thinking of trying out for the part of Sharpay, cause I'm a blond you know. And you're not. So try out for the part of Gabriella!" Starr said cheerily while staring straight ahead of her. Nicole glared at Starr and nodded. The bell rung again and they started walking faster.

"See you at lunch!" Nicole said while walking into French two.

Later at lunch, Nicole caught up with Starr who was talking to Chelsea. Nicole frowned. Then Starr saw Nicole and walked up to her. "Chelsea's having a sweet sixteen too." Starr said and sat across Nicole. This made Nicole frown more.

"I know. I hate her!" Nicole yelled. She looked at Chelsea who was now sitting on Nick's lap. Nicole felt like puking.

"Well you shouldn't hate her. Just make your party better than hers." Starr replied as-a-matter-of-factly. Nicole sighed. If it was only that easy. You see, Chelsea's dad owns a limo service. Her mom is a local fashion designer who owns a small yet expensive boutique near the mall. It was nearly impossible to have a sweet sixteen better than hers, not that Nicole cared since she wasn't a brat, but she just wanted to have a really cool party.

"Let's just not think about her."

"I don't get why you hate her Nikki. She's so nice!"

"That's what she wants you to think but I know better than to fall for her stupid tricks! Don't know what Nick sees in her." Nicole got up to throw her trash away then saw Chelsea motioning for her to go to where she was. Nicole walked up to Chelsea and her group of friends. Starr followed.

"Hey Nicole! Listen, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be inviting you to my sweet sixteen since I've known you since grade school and I want you and Nick to get along for one day. Right Nick?" Chelsea said while looking at Nick. Chelsea was still sitting on his lap.

"I'll be nice if she'll be nice." Nick replied while looking at Nicole. Nicole felt slightly uncomfortable at the way Nick looked at her. It wasn't the way guys that you hated should look at girls.

"Fine whatever. As long as you don't talk to me, look at me, or get near me I'll be nice." Nicole said while slouching and covering her stomach with her arms. Nick was still staring at her.

"Nikki come on let's go outside I think there's a fight!' Starr said really quick while grabbing Nicole's backpack and dragging her outside. Starr and Nicole went over to the big crowd trying to find out what was going on, when all of a sudden Nicole bumped into someone.

"Hey Nikki! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Justin said with a big smile. Nicole blushed at hearing this.

"Hi Justin..." Nicole replied looking down at the ground. She usually wasn't shy around guys but Justin wasn't just any guy, he was Justin Kowalski, the cute football jock. Nicole was usually into musicians but Justin was just so irresistible. His perfect green eyes that matched Nicole's eyes, His short spiky brown hair that matched Nicole's brown hair, and his sweet and funny personality that Nicole had, were just a few of the things that Nicole liked about Justin. She could go on and on for hours. Starr had to hear about him every night.

"So how are you Nikki?" Justin said with the smile still on his face. For some reason Nicole was not sure of, it always got hotter when Justin was around. She started stuttering.

"I-I'm f-f-fine." Starr rolled her eyes.

"Well Justin it was nice talking to you but we gotta go! Come on Nicole!" Starr started to drag Nicole with her backpack again. She made sure Justin was out of ear-shot and began to talk. "I don't like Justin. There's something fishy about him and I don't get why you and the other half of the girls in this school like him! He's so fake! He makes girls fake too! Look at you!" Starr pointed to Nicole's outfit.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" Nicole asked defensively though she knew what Starr would say next.

"You would never wear an outfit like that! You usually wear converses instead of high heels and skinny jeans! It's October so why are you wearing a skirt? Don't answer that." Nicole knew that Starr was right. Starr was always right. "You make a cuter couple with Nick." Starr added. 'OK, so she's almost always right.' Nicole thought. The bell rang and Nicole and Starr decided they would meet each other in front of the auditorium.

Later after school Starr was waiting outside the auditorium impatiently and pacing back and forth. She never liked to wait. Nicole walked down the hall slowly and outside the auditorium were Starr was pacing. Nicole was very slow. As soon as Starr saw Nicole she asked, "where were you? Never mind it's not important c'mon let's go inside before they stop auditioning!" And once again Starr grabbed Nicole and dragged her inside, but this time she grabbed her hand. Inside the auditorium was a crowd of kids. Some were sitting while the others were standing and talking. Amongst them was Chelsea, Nick, and Justin. 'Justin!' Nicole screamed in her mind. Then she saw Nick and Chelsea kiss. She felt like puking again.

The performing arts teacher, Miss Riggs, yelled for everyone to settle down and for Nick and Chelsea to please stop kissing. Everyone snickered except for Nicole who still felt like throwing up.

"OK everyone! Please listen up! One of this year's plays will be 'High School Musical'. I will give you a script and you will go on stage with a partner. Your script must be according to the part you are trying out for. Then each of you will sing a song because you must be able to sing if you want to be in this play.It could be any song. Got it? OK! You may choose partners!"

Nicole turned to Starr and said, "I can't sing!" She had a look of fear on her.

"You'll be fine Nikki. No big deal!" Starr reassured.

"Easy for you to say. You have the best voice in this school." Nicole protested. Starr knew Nicole was right. But Starr also knew Nicole could sing because she spied on her and heard her sing one day.

"Just don't be scared and pretend the people aren't there or imagine them in their underwear or something." Nicole wasn't satisfied with the advice but she probably would never be satisfied. She had stage fright and nothing anyone said could help her. But she would try to get over that.

Starr and Nicole sat and waited and watched the people on stage. One by one they each sang. Some were good, others made Nicole's ears bleed. Others were just plain sad to watch. Then it was Chelsea's turn. One of her cheerleader friends went on stage with her. Chelsea tried out for the part of Gabriella. 'That bitch!' Nicole thought. 'Trying to steal my part! Well I'll show her! I'm gonna get that part, you'll see!'

"Starr McKendall and Nicole Brenner. On stage please!" Miss Riggs hollered. Nicole felt like there was a block of lead inside her, but she managed to get up and walk up to the stage. She stared into the crowd who was staring back at her. Nick watched her intently. Starr began.

"So, it seemed like you knew Troy Bolton."

"Not really. He was just showing me around."

"A little louder Nicole!" Miss Riggs yelled. Nicole gulped loudly.

"Not really. He was just showing me around." Nicole said louder this time.

"Well, Troy doesn't usually interact with new students."

"Uh, why not?"

"Well, it's pretty much basketball 24/7 with him."

"Perfect Girls!" Miss Riggs yelled. "Now time to sing! You Go first Starr!" Starr grabbed the microphone and asked Nicole to play the piano that was on the stage for her so she did. Nicole began to play and Starr started singing.

It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through

Going coming thought I heard a knock
Who's there no one
Thinking that I deserve it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
If you didn't notice you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gon' be OK

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

I couldn't turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings

If I'm dreaming don't wanna laugh
Hurt my feelings but that's the path
I believe in
And I know that time will heal it
If you didn't notice boy you meant everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'm gon' be OK

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time

Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go
So I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is I'll be fine without you
Yes I will

Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
It'll all get better in time
And even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
It'll all get better in time.

Everyone clapped when Starr was done and by the look on Miss Riggs' face they all knew who the new Sharpay was.

"Excellent Job Starr! You are truly a star!" Miss Riggs yelled while clapping. Then she looked at Nicole and added, "Your turn Nicole." Nicole could tell she wasn't going to be impressed. She thought about walking off the stage and going home but wanted to show Chelsea she wasn't the only star. Not that she was jealous or anything, because that would be ridiculous. Nicole grabbed a microphone stand and a microphone. She had no idea what she would sing. She made up a couple of songs but didn't really have the courage to sing it in front of a crowd. 'Oh what the hell, I'll sing it. Nicole thought. She saw a guitar near the stage and decided she would use it. Even if she didn't know who it belonged to. Nicole sat on a chair on stage and began to play the guitar. Then she began to sing.

When you're around, I don't know what to do
I do not think that I can wait
To go over and to talk to you
I do not know what I should say

And I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn, this guy can make me cry

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high
All the time

They all say that you're no good for me
But i'm too close to turn around
I'll show them they don't know anything
I think I've got you figured out

So I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn, this guy can make me smile

I'ts so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high

I'll give you everything
I'll treat you right
If you just give me a chance
I can prove I'm right

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
you make me feel so high
It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high
All the time

Nicole finished playing the last part. Everyone stared for a minute, then started clapping. Nick was surprised. He thought Nicole was going to suck. Which made him feel kind of awkward. "Excellent! You are amazing! Was that an original song?" Miss Riggs asked. Nicole nodded and walked off the stage. Starr was clapping like crazy.

"See I knew you could do it! You're amazing you are so getting the part of Gabriella!"

"Think so?" Nicole asked and looked over at Chelsea who was showing signs of jealousy. Nick looked at Nicole like she was the most amazing thing he's ever seen and it gave Nicole a feeling she couldn't describe. It was indescribable. Yet it made her feel like she was going to faint. "I can't like him...I hate him!" Nicole thought. Or at least she thought she thought.

"What?" Starr asked with a confused look but a smile on her face.

"Huh? Oh nothing know." Nicole wasn't good at making excuses at all. "Forget it."

"OK guys that is the end of auditions! Great job everyone you each deserve to be in this play!" Miss Riggs lied. "You will all find out who got the parts on Monday. I will put the papers in the bulletin board outside of the Auditorium! Now go home!" With that, Miss Riggs grabbed her purse and her keys and walked out of the Auditorium.

Chelsea walked up to Nicole and said, "Can I talk to you for a second Nicole?" She had a big smile on her face. Nicole nodded and Chelsea led her outside in front of the school. As soon as she stepped outside, her smile faded. "Let's cut the crap. Nick is mine OK? So stay away from him!"

"What?! You think I like Nick?!" Nicole was very offended.

"I know you like him! And he likes you!"

"What?!" Nicole was bewildered.

"What? What?" Chelsea said in a mimicked way that made Nicole sound stupid. She then added, "I saw the way he looked at you in lunch. And I saw the way he looked at you in the auditorium. He doesn't even look at me that way!"

Nicole started to defend herself, "OK first of all-" but Chelsea cut her off.

"And that part of Gabriella is mine! Don't think that just because you sang a stupid little song that you wrote will change it."

"What's going on here?" Nick said while walking outside and looking at Chelsea and Nicole who looked like they were about to kill each other. Chelsea started to smile her fake smile.

"Oh I was just congratulating Nicole here! Her song was simply amazing!"

"You're so fake Chelsea! Why don't you tell him the truth! That you hate me and you're a stupid jealous b-"

"Kiss me Nick!" Chelsea exclaimed and grabbed Nick. She kissed him in front of Nicole who was rolling her eyes. Nicole didn't want to see anymore anymore of this or fight with Chelsea anymore. She just wanted to throw up. And after she threw up, she wanted to sing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so PROUD of this chapter! It's so long! I've been working on it this whole week! Btw the song Nicole sang is called Contagious by Avril Lavigne and the song Starr sang is by Leona Lewis so yeah...

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