Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Please, No More Surprises

'Wait five minutes then sneak upstairs to the balcony between the stairs. ;-)
Love, Nick.'

Nicole read the small note that was given to her by Nick's most trusted brother, Kevin. He smiled at Nicole's smile. He, like many other people that night, also knew.

After five minutes passed, which Nicole felt like it took forever, she walked casually to the main entrance of the mansion and looked around her. She thought no one was watching her, so she climbed up the stairs. It started out as one staircase, but towards the middle, there was a landing and the stairs went two opposite directions. On the landing, before the stairs split in to two, was a balcony. She opened the classic glass door slowly, making sure no noise was made. At the left end of the balcony, stood Nick, leaning over the rail and looking out at the ocean view. The view looked even more stunning on the balcony, but all Nicole noticed was Nick. Her gaze was fixated on him.

His hair glistened in the moon light, and he had a serious, but still attractive look on his face. He seemed to be pondering about something. Nicole didn't want to interrupt. Nick sighed and looked at his watch. He noticed Nicole at the door when he looked up.

He smiled. "You came," he said, as if he were surprised and relieved at the same time. He almost expected her not to come.

She matched his smile. "Of course I came." That was all she could think of saying.

"Well i'm glad you did," he murmured. "I really wanted to talk to you. Alone. And now that no one knows where we are, I hope not to get any interruptions. Like last time."

'He wants no interruptions! Like last time when Starr interrupted our almost kiss!' Nicole couldn't help but smile widely. A full frontal smile. She bit her lip and said, "don't worry, no one can interrupt us up here."

That made Nick happy. He took her hand and led her to the edge of the balcony. When they were there, he stood in front of her and gazed deeply into her eyes. He still held her hand. Nicole's stomach was going more wild now than ever before.

Because now this was it. Because now there would be no interruptions. Because now he could finally lean in. Because now he could finally kiss her. And because now it was perfect. It felt perfect. It was so right. Nicole couldn't believe she had avoided him earlier tonight. But it was fine now. Now all Nick had to do was lean in closer...

But like before, there was an interruption. A big one. Someone gasped from behind Nicole. "What are you doing Nick! Get away from her!" Nicole turned around to face public enemy number one. Chelsea. Chelsea! She stood there, wearing a really slutty queen of hearts costume. It was so revealing, it was an new level of sluttiness. Even for her.

"What are you doing here Chelsea! You're not invited." Nick frowned.

"You! Get out of my party before I call the cops on you!" Nicole shouted and started walking towards her. But Nick was still holding her hand, and didn't let go. Nicole tried to get out of his grasp, but he was strong.

"You home wrecker! Who the hell do you think you are! Get away from my man!" Chelsea started towards Nicole, but Nick got in front of Nicole. Chelsea gasped. "What are you doing, Nick? Why are you defending her?"

Nick held his breath as Nicole looked on from behind Nick's shoulder. "You know very well Chelsea that you weren't invited. You really shouldn't be here."

"Well I'm so glad that I came! For good reason too! Now tell me why you were kissing her?" Chelsea demanded. Nicole wondered if she was even cold in an outfit like that? Or was she used to it, due to the fact that she had no soul?

"We weren't kissing Chelsea." Nick said, his tone full of apathy, but not his face. He seemed...angry?

"Ugh. Right. Like you weren't about to. Now listen," she said, her voice sharper than before. "I'm not mad at you, really. I know that, that thing," she glanced over at Nicole–who, if it weren't for Nick, she would have pounced on Chelsea by now–then back at Nick, "tried to pull a move on you." She came closer to Nick and stood inches away. "It's fine, I forgive you for that. But you need to make a choice here." Now Chelsea came even closer to Nick.

Nicole frowned and backed away at least a few feet.

There was now no space between Chelsea and Nick's bodies, so Chelsea wrapped one arm around Nick's neck and used the other one to run a hand through his curly hair. "You could have her, who is always insulting you and putting you down, or..." she trailed off to take Nick's hand and placed it on her bare waist. "You could have me." Chelsea finished and smiled seductively at Nick. Then she looked down at Nick's lips, bit her own, and kissed him. Nick didn't move an inch.

Nicole just watched, as a wave of the same familiar feeling hit her. She felt like throwing up again. But it wasn't really throwing up that she wanted to do, even though it was a puke-worthy site, seeing Chelsea all over Nick. No, what she really felt was...jealousy?

Now it all made sense. Every time she saw Nick and Chelsea together, she felt it. Not, wanting to puke, but jealousy. Despite everything, Nicole smiled to herself and giggled. She really did like Nick, didn't she?

Chelsea stopped and glared at Nicole. "What are you doing? Is this really funny to you?"

Nicole was now on the opposite side of Chelsea and Nick. She was leaning against the wall. "Not that it's any of your business, but I just had an epiphany. Again." She stood up straight now and glanced over at Nick. She wasn't mad at him. After all, he was still dating Chelsea. Whatever he chose to do, it would be fine with her. Well, not really. If Nick did choose Chelsea, then Nicole would kill him. "Well Nick, make your choice." Nicole said calmly.

Chelsea let go of Nick, but still stood very close to him. She waited with anticipation.

Nick sighed, looked Chelsea over, then slowly turned to Nicole. He knew what he had to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to be a longer chapter, but it seemed like a nice place to end it. At a cliff hanger. >:P

And also, do you want to see Chelsea's slutty costume? I'm sure you don't, but here it is anyways.

So now you have no excuses. You have to go comment. Tell me who you think Nick will choose. I want your opinions! Then afterwards, go read my wonderfully well written other story, What Happens In Hollywood

I love you all. I do. It's true. ^___^