Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

I want us to be together

'"Well Nick, make your choice." Nicole said calmly.

Chelsea let go of Nick, but still stood very close to him. She waited with anticipation.

Nick sighed, looked Chelsea over, then slowly turned to Nicole. He knew what he had to do.'

Nick turned to Nicole. He walked over to her slowly, and stood directly in front of her. Chelsea frowned, until Nick spoke.

"I'm sorry, Nicole." He said slowly. Chelsea smiled with delight as Nicole's jaw dropped. She could not believe this. How could he?! After all this, after tonight?! She couldn't even begin to describe her anger. She wanted to say something, but the words couldn't come out. They were all mixed and scrambled inside of her head.

Chelsea then walked up behind Nick, her stupid smirk still plastered on her face. Nicole gave Chelsea such a look that if they could kill...

"Come on, Nick. We don't need to be at this lame party. It's very pathetic, compared to my party. We don't need to be here, come on, let's go somewhere," Chelsea said, pulling on Nick's shoulder. Nick slowly nodded, and started towards the door with Chelsea. But before he left, he turned to Nicole, smiled, and winked at her. Then he was off.

Shock ran through Nicole's body and she just stood in place for about a minute. Then she let out a frustrated scream. "Ugh, the nerve of him!" She exclaimed. Then she started pacing about, not really knowing why. "OK, so let me get this straight. It's my party, i'm forced to invite him. He comes, I sing a song. He stalks me, I avoid him. I stop avoiding him, we almost kiss. I go up to the balcony,we almost kiss again, and then comes Chelsea and all she has to do is rub herself up against him and he picks her?!"

"Ahem." Nicole stopped pacing back and forth and turned around to see the last person she ever wanted to see again.

"Really, Nick? You're gonna come up here again? What, did you forget to rip my heart out and step all over it? Because if that's the case, then I have some very bad news for you. IT'S TOO LATE!" Nicole was infuriated by now. Her face was red and her eyes watery. She couldn't help but want to cry. But she tried really hard not to let the tears fall down. And even though she tried to pretend, her face gave it away. She was clearly upset.

Nick sighed and walked closer to Nicole, but she turned away. "Nicole, I didn't choose Chelsea over you."

She turned around to face him now, tears streaming down her face. She was confused. Nick looked hurt at seeing her tears. He reached towards her to wipe them away, but she grabbed his hand before he could. "What do you mean, you didn't choose Chelsea over me? I clearly heard you say, 'i'm sorry, Nicole'?"

"I am sorry. But not about what you think though. I said i'm sorry because she ruined your party. Not because I choose her over you. I could never do that, not after today." Nicole studied Nick's expression. He sounded and looked sincere, but Nicole was still skeptical.

"But why did you leave with her then? And where is she now?"

"Well I knew that Chelsea wouldn't leave without a fight if she knew I picked you, so I just decided to play along until we got downstairs and then I called the cops on her. It was really funny when she threw her shoes at me, actually."

Nicole couldn't help but smile at the thought of that. "Ah, now there's the smile I've come to love," Nick said, laughing. But Nicole held a grudge and her smile faded away. Nick sighed again.

"Look, I know that you're probably mad at me," Nicole rolled her eyes at Nick but he continued, "but I broke up with Chelsea. Forever." That did make Nicole feel better, but there was no way she would let Nick know that. She just wiped away her tears.

"That's wonderful," she replied. Then started walking towards the door. But she only made it to the landing before Nick stopped her. "Let me go Nick!"

"You didn't let me finish!" he exclaimed. Nicole sighed, but stopped. She stood with her arms crossed. Nick continued. "I broke up with her, because of you."

Nicole just stared at Nick. "Oh so now i'm a home wrecker!" She shouted. Nick looked surprised.

"Oh no! That's not what I meant! I just said I broke up with her for you because, well..." then Nick came really close to Nicole. So close, in fact, that he placed his arms on her waist. "I really, really, really, really like you. And I want us to be together. So will you forgive me? Please?" Nick gave Nicole the puppy dog eyes.

But to be honest, he had her at, 'I want us to be together.'

Nicole smiled, and took Nick's hands. "You're sweet. Really, you are. But we've been enemies for so long now I've forgotten how to be your friend. And I think we should start from there. As friends. 'Kay?" It pained Nicole to say it, but she believed it had to be said. She wanted nothing more than to be forever in Nick's warm embrace, but they had to start off as friends first.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate this chapter. I truly do. It's not one of my best, but I think I had semi-writer's block when I was writing this. Ah, well. I'll redeem myself in the next chapter. Soon, hopefully.

So you must know the drill by now. Honestly. Click here for story.
Now go comment! Even if it's just to say hi! Go comment!

I love you all. Have an amazerfull day ^__^
And thanks for reading my story!

Oh and I almost forgot! I've put up character descriptions now so you can go read them. They're not very wonderfully descriptive though, but still.