Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

They're done being shocked

Four weeks later...

"Oh Jesus Christ! Will you to get a God damn room already!" Starr shouted as she glared at Nick and Nicole's figures. Nicole's arms were wrapped around Nick's neck and he held his face close to hers; their lips moved together in perfect harmony. Nick had his own arms wrapped around Nicole's waist. Starr thought that they didn't hear her, so she started up again.

"Hellooo! It's Starr here. Remember me? Yes, well, I have something to say! So listen! You're grossing everyone out. They're done being shocked by you guys dating and what not."

Then Nicole pulled away from Nick's face and laughed. She said, "I don't say anything about you and Josh, Starr. Go away now," and pulled Nick back in.

Starr rolled her eyes. "Not in front of your locker I don't, so move!" And with that, she used all her strength to push them aside to get to her locker. Nick and Nicole didn't even seem to notice. They were too busy whispering sweet things to each other.

Starr shoved her backpack into her locker and closed it. She then turned to glare at Nick and Nicole. "Listen, we have to go meet the other guys. So come...on!" She struggled as she tried to push them down the hallway, to no avail. Finally she gave up and started walking on her own.Nicole looked over at Starr's retreating figure and laughed.

"I think we made her mad," Nick said, a grin plastered onto his face.

"Yeah, maybe we should go after her," Nicole said and took Nick's hand while they walked side-by-side. Nicole on the left, Nick on the right.

They caught up to Starr, who was just ahead of them by two feet, on Nicole's side. And they tried really hard to ignore Chelsea and Justin as they passed by.

"Oh dear! It looks like the circus is back in town! Look at the freak show passing by us right now!" Chelsea shouted and gave Nicole the death glare when she glanced over. All of Chelsea's friends laughed like hyenas on crack. They looked like it too.

"Pardon me, but you're obviously mistaking me for someone who gives a damn." Nicole said over Nick's shoulder and kept walking. Nick didn't even look in Chelsea's direction. He only smirked and squeezed Nicole's hand.

"Just ignore her, babe," he said.

She smiled up at him. "Kay," she responded.

Suddenly Starr turned around, and furrowed her eyebrows at Nicole. "That's not how you insult someone, Nikki!" She then proceeded to walk up to Chelsea, looked her up and down, pointed her finger at her, and said, "Oh dear! Looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!" And walked away. It left Chelsea stunned, along with her friends. After a second, Chelsea seemed to recover. She rolled her eyes and acted as if nothing had happened.

"So much for ignoring her," Nick said to Starr. Starr glanced at him, gave him the finger for no apparent reason, and zoomed past them to the foyer. "Starr's been hanging out with Chloe too much," Nick mumbled to Nicole.

"Ugh, don't get me started," Nicole replied by rolling her eyes, the words coming out fast.

Josh stood against the left wall of the foyer, looking around calmly. Nicole could never understand how he could be so...chill. She would freak out over the smallest things, like running out of lip gloss. She shuddered at the thought of it now.

Once he saw Starr he smiled and stood up on his own. They greeted each other with a hi and a peck on the lips. Soon Nick and Nicole were there, greeting him also. Nicole wondered how someone so quiet like Josh dealt with someone like Starr. She smiled as Starr gazed at him lovingly. And she decided that Josh was just the type of person Starr needed. He was calm and it rubbed off on Starr. Always a good thing. Always.

"Where's Chloe and Derek?" Nick asked. Then Nicole thought about Chloe and Derek. They were a good couple too, although nothing like Starr and Josh. Derek wasn't exactly known for being an angel, and it didn't help that Chloe was just as bad as he was. They always got into trouble together. They didn't mind getting detention together either, until the principal took notice. Now they served their sentences separately. So they sometimes skipped detention. Which lead to suspension of course.

But even though they didn't win the award for the most well behaved couple, everyone knew they were in love. They showed it everywhere they went. It wasn't a surprise seeing them making out at the end of the hallway where the teachers never went. And whenever they could, they would sneak off to the bleachers; the place where kids went to make out or more. Nicole had no idea how the principals or teachers never found out about that. People made it kind of obvious. Maybe the staff already knew about it and they didn't care? Not likely.

"I dunno," Josh answered. Josh's answer snapped Nicole back into the real world. She moved her head abruptly and looked at Josh. Then she smiled at his response. He raised one eyebrow at her. Nick looked down at her, curious. "Sorry," she mumbled, "I was daydreaming. Anyways, they're probably outside, let's go," Nicole added and they all left through the main doors of the school.

They all spotted Chloe and Derek sitting together at the bottom of the stairs outside. They didn't notice when the others came up to them; they were too busy making out to do that. And it wasn't just a light make-out session either. Nicole could see that tongues were involved. She grinned.

She saw Derek's skateboard on the ground next to him, and she stood on it, holding the handrail for support. Then she spoke, "ahem. I know that you guys are sort of, you know, busy. I mean sure, showing public displays of affection is fun and everything, and i'm all up for it and what not, but we have to go to the auditorium. Like now Chloe. So...stop that!"

"See? Not so fun when the tables have turned, is it?" Starr glared at Nicole, but Nicole ignored her.She thought that they hadn't heard at first, but soon enough, they pulled apart and looked at her for about five seconds before Nicole spoke again.

"Well, do you want Miss Riggs to make us do push-ups for being late again?"

"That can't be legal you know. Miss Riggs isn't a gym teacher," Derek said and looked up at Nicole with his light gray eyes that Chloe said 'penetrated your soul and gave you chills that ran down your spine and made you horny.' Where was she even getting this stuff from, anyways?

Either way, Nicole didn't see it. Not even with Nick or anything. But Chloe was weird, and Nicole knew that.

"I know, but that won't stop her." Nicole said with a serious look on her face.

Chloe sighed and got up slowly. Derek followed her example. They said goodbye with a kiss, just as Starr and Josh did, but with a little more passion. Then Derek and Josh walked off to the parking lot to get their cars. Nicole, Chloe, Starr and Nick ran into the school, screaming at each other as they made their way to the auditorium. Today was Hope High School's production of High School Musical.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah don't yell at me! I knowww :( It's been forever. And no, this isn't the epilogue, but plans change and I wanted to update this story SO BAD. So forget about epilogues, cause I split it into chapters. This was the beginning of the epilogue, chapters to come are the end.

I'm not giving up on this. And you should be happy to hear that I will be making a sequel :D But I can't promise super quick updates :( But I can promise I will FINISH. I'm not a giver upper type of person. Not THAT easily. Kay, I gotta stop writing in CAPS LOCK xD

Well, if anyone cares about my life, (which is probably no one, but I shall tell you anyway) then you'll be interested to know that I have moved. Like, 21 hours away by car, from my tiny little home state. Yeah, it takes 21 hours to drive from Rhode Island to Florida. And don't let anyone fool you, Orlando is frikken cold >_<

I shouldn't have given away my coat.
I have been living here for.. :O today's my two month anniversary!

Anywhooo, I love you all! Thank you for sticking with me. God knows if I were you guys I would unsubscribe. But don't do that cause I am giving away Nick Jonas at the end of this story ^___^
Now this should be the moment I ask for comments. But I don't feel as if I deserve any due to my horrible updating :( so I won't make you comment but...

oh, and sorry for the cheesy insults, but i'm not very good at those :/