Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Is That a Bet?

“Perfect!” Nicole exclaimed and got up from her bed. She walked downstairs and out the door with her dog following. “No Daisy, you stay here!” and with that Nicole closed the door and walked next door. She knocked on the door four times and rang the doorbell twice.

Inside she heard Frankie yell, “Nikki’s at the door!” Mrs. Jonas opened the door and welcomed Nicole with a hug. Nicole walked inside and followed Mrs. Jonas to the kitchen where Joe was getting a chicken out of the fridge.

“Hi Joe!” As soon as Joe saw Nicole, his face brightened. Joe placed the chicken on the counter and ran to hug Nicole almost knocking her down.

“Joseph! You almost knocked her over!” Mrs. Jonas exclaimed with a serious look on her face. Then she smiled and shook her head.

"Yeah Joseph, be careful!" Nicole protested while trying to get out of Joe’s grip. “You’re crushing me!” Nicole yelled finally giving up. The only way she would get out of his grip is if he let her go.

“Sorry Nikki!” Joe replied and let go. He walked back to where he placed the chicken and took out a knife and fork.

“It’s okay. You’re eating that whole chicken by yourself? Never mind, where’s Kevin?” As if by cue, Kevin walked into the kitchen doorway with luggage in each arm and a guitar on his back. His favorite guitar to be exact.

"Hi Nikki." Kevin replied and put his luggage down.

"Where are you going?" Nicole asked with a look of confusion.

"I found an apartment close to my college and I'm moving there." Kevin replied.

Nicole looked sad. "You're moving?"

"That's what he just said." Nick retorted and walked up behind Nicole. Nicole turned around and glared at Nick.

"Because it's time I move and be on my own." Kevin replied ignoring Nick.

"But what am I gonna do when I need you? I'm gonna miss you too much! Please don't move Kevin!" Kevin walked up to Nicole and hugged her.

"Don't worry Nikki, it's not like I'm never going to see you again. You know you can call me whenever you need me and visit me anytime. I'm still here for you, don't ever forget that."
Nicole felt a lot better and that's what she loved about Kevin. Even though she was the only child, she felt like Kevin was her big brother. He always made sure that she was alright and was over protective when she had a boyfriend. Joe was also like her big brother that made her crack up.

"Aww! That's a hallmark moment right there!" Joe exclaimed and took a picture with his Polaroid camera. He gave the picture to Kevin and said, "Here, so you'll always remember us." Kevin raised an eyebrow and took the picture. He then looked at Nicole and noticed a paper in her hand.

"What's that?"

"Oh, right! I wrote a song and want to sing it to you! Come on!" Nicole ran to the living room where the piano was and sat down. She put the paper in front of her and began to play.

Spotlight shining brightly, on my face
I can't see a thing and yet I feel you walking my way
Empty stage, with nothing but this girl
Singing this simple melody and
Wearing her heart on her sleeve

And right now
I have you, for a moment I can tell I've got you
Cuz your lips don't move
Something is happening
Cuz your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

Beauty emanates from every word that you say
You've captured the deepest thoughts
In the purest, and simplest of ways
But you see, I'm not that graceful, Like you
Nor am I as eloquent
But just a simple melody
Can change the way that you see me

And right now, I have you
For a moment I can tell I've got you
Cuz your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cuz your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

And all my life I've stumbled
But up here I am just perfect
Perfect as I'll, ever be

I have you, for a moment
I can tell I've got you
Cuz your lips don't move
And something is happening
Cuz your eyes tell me the truth
I've put a spell over you

"That was awesome!" Joe exclaimed.

"Really good!" Kevin yelled.

"You rock!" Frankie screamed.

"You're great, sweetie!" Mrs. Jonas praised.

"I've heard better." Nick concluded. Nicole glared at him.

"Nick!" Mrs. Jonas scowled.

"Don't hate me because I'm talented." Nicole said to Nick.

"Whatever." Nick protested and took a bite out of his apple. Nicole looked at his hands and noticed a paper.

"What's that?" Nicole asked looking curious.

"It's none of your business." Nicole got up and snatched the paper out of Nick's hand. As soon as she did that she ran before Nick could grab the paper back. Nick ran after Nicole into the kitchen and into the backyard. She ran circles around the pool with Nick following her. Nicole began to read the paper out loud.

"Nominations for Presidential Elections. You're running for president? Who would vote for you?"

"A lot of people have already signed the paper so I could be nominated" Nick replied while breathing heavily. Nicole could run fast, she was after all in the cross-country team in her freshman year and they taught her to run three miles. Nicole slowed down when Nick slowed down.

"Well don't count on my vote."

"I wasn't anyways. Can you give me my paper back?"

"Don't count on Starr's vote either."

"Whatever. Give me my paper back."

"And don't count vote either."

"You already said that."

"Well I mean it."

"Well, I would get more votes than you would ever get."

"In your dreams, poodle boy!"

"That sounds like a challenge to me."

Nicole rolled her eyes. "I'm not running for president."

"Cause you know you'll lose because I'm running."

"You know what? You're on! When I'm president you're gonna have my homework for the rest of the year. Plus embarrass yourself somehow in front of the school."

"What happens if I win?"

"Don't worry, you won't." Nicole replied confidently.

Nick rolled his eyes. "When I win you'll have to do everything I say. You will be my slave for life."

"Is that a bet?" Nicole asked.

Nick thought for a moment and replied. "It is."
♠ ♠ ♠
Zomg I finally updated!! toook me 4ever cause of too much homework! I was going to make this chapter longer but decided it was time to update dont you think? BTW tell me what you think!! well i'll shutup now so you can continue with your life! but PLZ comment!! some ppl that I read their stories dont update without ppl commenting and im going to do the same not to be mean, but because I want your opinions! Ok im babbling again! Quick, leave this page b4 I start babbling again! =]

P.S:You guyz ROCK! =]
P.P.S: The song Nicole sang is called Spell by Marie Digby