Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Say What?

Nick and Joe walked into Friendly's searching for Kevin. The waitress led them to a booth were Kevin was texting someone. Kevin looked up as soon as Nick and Joe sat down.

"Hey guys!" Kevin greeted while putting his phone away.

"Hey." Nick and Joe said in unison.

"So why couldn't Frankie come?" Nick asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know he really loves Friendly's. He was really upset when he found out he couldn't come with us cause you told us not to." Joe added.

"Well I need to talk to Nick about something really important and I don't think Frankie should be hearing this. On a second thought neither should you Joe, but..."

"Hey! I am not a kid!" Joe defended. "And I'm telling you said that!"

Nick rolled his eyes and asked, "So what is it you want to tell me that is so important that Frankie couldn't be here?"

Kevin was about to open his mouth when the waitress came.

"Welcome to Friendly's do you guys want the menu now?"



"Ice cream!"

The waitress gave a small laugh before handing out the menus. Joe smiled back and noticed how pretty the waitress was. She had chocolate brown hair and matching eyes that made Joe want chocolate ice cream. Before the waitress left, she wrote down the drinks they wanted and Joe made sure to give her his number. She took it, smiled brightly and walked towards another table.

"So like I was about to say, Nick, you might, wanna, break up with, Chelsea." Kevin said carefully, choosing his words as he said them.

Nick frowned slightly. "Why would I wanna do that?"

"Because she might have done something that wasn't very fair to you at all." Kevin replied, still choosing his words but talking faster. The waitress now came back with the drinks and placed them in front of each of them. Joe winked at the girl before she left. She just smiled and wrote down her own phone number on a piece of paper.

"What do you mean by that?" Nick asked with a look on his face that made it obvious he knew were Kevin was going with this.

"I mean, she's cheating on you. With Justin." Kevin said coldly. The way he said that hadn't come out the way he wanted it to, but it was too late now.

As soon as Joe heard that, he almost choked on and spat out the soda in his mouth. Nick's eyes widened in shock. Never in a million years would he think that his girlfriend would cheat on him. And to make things worse, she cheated on him with his best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, I know. But I really wanted to update so I cut my chapter short. And I need to say that this story is coming to an end!!! not many chapters left to write. probably like five depending on how long I make them. But I'm starting to think of ideas for a new story!!!

Oh by the way, why didn't I get a lot of comments about the last chapter???? I was soooo depressed about that!!! comments make my day! they are my inspiration to keep on writing!!! sooooo PLEASE COMMENT!!!!! Or else I won't be motivated to finish the story!!! oh and whoever knows how to make banners, don't be shy to make me one!!!!