Status: Actively active :) Yaayyy new banner!! Also, go see the characters page up here ^, I changed Nicole.

Vote For Nick, I Mean Nicole!

Cat Fight

Chloe put down the magic marker she was using and said, "I'm hungry!"

"Yeah me too!" Starr agreed and put down the glitter she was using.

"Lemme just add the finishing touches to this poster and-" Nicole started but was cut off by Chloe.

"No! Let's go eat now!" She grabbed Nicole's hand and led her downstairs. It was a Sunday afternoon and Chloe and Starr were at Nicole's house helping Nicole make posters for the elections. In less than a week they would announce who was the new president so Nicole needed all the posters she could make. In a week it would also be Nicole's sixteenth birthday. Saturday to be exact. Yes, Nicole was born on Halloween and she decided to throw a Halloween party.

"Fine! What do you guys want to eat?" Nicole asked walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge while Chloe and Starr went into the living room.

"I don't know, what do you have?" Starr asked.

"Everything and nothing. Lots of healthy food, not enough junk food." Nicole replied walking into the living room with the phone in her hand. "I'm ordering a pizza. And we can't eat here my mom will kill me!"

Chloe and Starr ignored Nicole and turned on the TV. Half an hour and a delivery from a hot guy later, Nicole came back with two large pizza boxes, a box of cinnastix, and a bottle of Pepsi.

"Finally! I thought the pizza guy got abducted by cow aliens!" Starr exclaimed when she saw Nicole carrying all the food.

"He was cute by the way. How much did you tip him?" Chloe mentioned.

"Five dollars. I'll go get some cups." Nicole replied.

"Five dollars?! He wasn't that cute, Nikki!" Chloe hollered as Nicole walked into the kitchen. Nicole rolled her eyes and got three cups. When she came back, she found that Chloe and Starr went to the backyard, and they took the food with them. She walked into the backyard to find Starr and Chloe sitting on the swings, each eating a slice of pizza.

"What took you so long?" Chloe yelled, slightly swinging from the swing.

"Yeah, we thought you got abducted by cow aliens!" Starr added.

Chloe rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Hey, what is that?" Chloe was referring to some instrument that seemed to be coming from next door.

"Oh that's either Joe or poodle boy playing the guitar. Can't be Kevin cause he moved. " Nicole replied, taking a cinnastix and dipping it into the icing.

"Ha ha! Poodle boy! Good one Nikki!" Joe exclaimed from the other side of the fence. He then took a chair and stood on top of it in order to see Nicole. "Hey I want pizza!"

"Coming right up!" Nicole exclaimed.

"Hey girls!" Joe said waving at Starr and Chloe.

"Hey!" Starr and Chloe said in unison.

Nicole got a chair and handed Joe a plate full of pizza, and cinnastix with a cup of soda. "Enjoy!" Nicole sang and took a cinnastix from Joe's plate.

"Jeez, Thanks."

"Sorry I just love cinnastix!" Nicole replied licking her fingertips.

"I can tell. Well, see you later."

"Wait Joe! Did you or Kevin tell poodle boy about the cheating red-head yet?"

"Ha ha! Yeah. Actually, we just came back from Friendly's. We told Nick there."

"And you're eating more?! never mind, what did he say?"

"Well at first he believed us. Then he asked Kevin when he found out so Kevin told Nick about what you saw." Joe paused to take a bite out of his pizza.

"And then?" Nicole asked.

"Then he was relieved so Kevin asked him, 'why are you relieved about something like that?' so then Nick said, 'because I thought that Chelsea was actually cheating on me!' 'Cause you see, he doesn't believe anything you say, and since you saw it and not me or Kevin, he doesn't believe it."

Nicole nodded. "Well that sucks for him because it's only gonna be worse when he finds out that it really is the truth."

"Yeah, it really is. But we tried to warn him."

"Tried to warn who?" Nick asked, walking outside and standing next to Joe.

Nicole pointed at Nick's shirt and asked, "What's that?"

Nick gave Nicole a smirk and said, "Just a t-shirt that says to vote for me. I ordered a whole bunch and I'm gonna pass them out at school tomorrow."

"What? Now you're bribing people? That's never gonna work!" Nicole protested and stepped down from the chair. "Now come on girls, let's go bake some presidential cookies!"

Starr and Chloe followed Nicole. Before they walked inside, Joe yelled, "Bye girls!" Both Chloe and Starr blushed and said goodbye before walking inside. When they went into the kitchen, Nicole had already took out the ingredients, and was mixing things into a bowl.

"How many cookies do you think we'll need to bake?" Nicole asked while wiping flour off her face, only making it worse.

"Like a gazillion! Our school is big and the students there love cookies." Chloe replied.

"Then we better get to working!" Nicole shouted.

"We?" Starr asked, pointing at herself.

"Please? I'll be your best friend!" Nicole begged.

"You are my best friend!" Starr shouted.

"But I'm her bestest friend!" Chloe exclaimed and grabbed a giant wooden spoon.

"Yeah, well I'm her bestest forever friend!" Starr protested.

"Well, I was her best friend before you!"

"So? I'm her newest best friend!"

"No one can replace me!"

"Well I think Nikki did, and so did Joe!"

At that point, Nicole gasped and Chloe gave Starr the death glare.

"Well. You want to know what I think?"

"No, not really." Starr replied.

"Well too bad here it is anyways. I think your brain was abducted by 'cow aliens' if you think that Joe would prefer you over me!"

Nicole gasped again as Starr rolled her eyes. "Oh please! I don't know what you and Joe had in the past, but you need to get over it because now I'm with Joe and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Chloe slammed the spoon down on the table and shouted louder than ever, "Like I said, no one can replace me and the only reason that Joe was with you, which I doubt he was, is because I left and now that I'm back, he's going to dump you like the yesterday's trash that you are!"

Nicole's jaw dropped as soon as Chloe finished. Soon, they were arguing so fast, Nicole couldn't understand what Chloe and Starr were saying. She couldn't believe that her two best friends were fighting. Sure, they had their differences but she couldn't imagine them fighting. Until now. "Guys! Please stop fighting! Joe's just a guy! Don't let him get in the way your friendship!"

" Me? Friends with her? Psh, I only pretended to like her for you Nikki!" Starr hollered.

"Same here! And I can't stand to stand here next to her any longer! I'm outta here!" Chloe exclaimed and grabbed her jacket.

"No! Chloe don't leave, we need to work this out!" Nicole started after her but stopped abruptly after she heard the front door slam. When she walked back into the kitchen, she didn't see Starr. She gave a really long and loud sigh as she heard the door slam again.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, so it's official, I'm a horrible updater! I just realized that!

But here's something I can do about it to make it a little better:
a. I could keep my chapters long and semi-interesting but it will take longer to update OR
b. I could cut the chapters short and update a little faster but they will be a lot less interesting

What should I do? Well, I thought about it, (and the fact that no one ever comments my stories!) and I came up with an easy solution!

YOU GUYS DECIDE! Send me a comment on what you would like me to do! Don't know how? It's very easy! all you have to do is scroll all the way up, look on the right side of this page until you see the word comment, click on it, and, well, COMMENT! (just thought I should mention it just in case!}

well I'll stop my rambling now and let you guys get back to your lives, AFTER you comment of course! =]

Peace, Love, and French Fries!