I Hate Everything About You

Meet our dumped and our diva

"Liz," I shouted out my dressing room.

"Yes Caitlin," she ran in, her face anxious.

"What the hell is this," I held up the script I had gotten.

"It's, um, it's your new script," she said, her voice breaking as she slightly backed away from me.

I threw it on the ground. "It's crap. Why the hell am I doing this film?"

"Um," she said, looking around.

"I'm waiting," I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Because no one wants to work with you," another voice said. I turned around to see my manager. Of Course she'd be the one to be here.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"You're done Cait," she said. "Over, finished, kapoodled."

"Kapoodled," I asked. "That's not even a word."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "The point is no other movie wants you."

"But I'm the hottest actress around," I said, indicating all the magazines around the room. "I am the IT girl."

"The IT girl without any films," my mom said. "No one wants to work with such a diva. And you've become a bit of a bitch. Sorry honey, but it's the truth."

"What the hell am I supposed to do now," I demanded.

"Go back to college," she suggested. "I'm sorry honey. You know I love you like a daughter."

"Mom, I am your daughter," I rolled my eyes. "And you're my manager. Fix this."

She sighed. "I don't know if I can."

"What do you mean," I demanded. "There has to be something."

She sighed. "I'll see what I can think of. In the mean time, lay low. You don't want the paparazzi seeing you act up. That wouldn't help us at all."

"Fine," I said as she hugged me.

"For now, I have to go. New client, you understand right," she kissed my cheek.

"Yeah," I sighed, knowing it didn't matter either way. "See you when you get back."

She patted my cheek. "Just give me a while," she said. "I know I'll think of something." She turned and left.

Liz looked at me, her expression cautious. I looked at her. "You can go now too," I said. She nodded and left quickly. I sighed, feeling guilty. I knew Liz was a good person and she was nice. I knew I shouldn't be a bitch. But it had become who I was. Caitlin Pierce was known for her bitchiness.

I called my friend Dani. "Hey babe. Want to go paint the town red tonight?"

"You know it," she said. "What are we doing?"

I sighed. "I need something to drink, and fast."

She laughed. "The Diamond it is then."


"Joe, seriously," Alex groaned. "I need to talk to you."

"We're almost there," I promised. I led her to the brick wall in my backyard. We had just gotten back from tour. And the first person I'd gone to see was Alex.

"Joe, this can't wait," she insisted.

"Just a second Alex," I said, looking at the sky. I looked at my watch. 11:59

"Joe please," she said.

"Okay, look," I said, pointing up as the blimp headline I had planned went off.

"I don't love you anymore," she said, still looking at me.

I looked at her as Alex, will you marry me? went across the blimp. "What?"

"I – I don't love you Joe," she said, looking at the ground. "You're not serious about this relationship. You're always gone, and – you're always busy. I just – I can't take it anymore Joe. I don't love you."

"Alex, I am asking you to marry me," I said, my voice quiet. "I am serious about us."

She sighed. "No you're not. You're asking me to marry you because you're scared you'll lose me. But I'm sorry Joe. I just – fell out of love with you. It's not anyone's fault. It happens sometimes."

I looked at the ground, thinking about it. I realized the only reason I was asking her to marry me was because I had felt her drifting away for a while now. It didn't mean I didn't love her. "How long have you felt that way?"

She sighed. "Joe, I don't –"

"How long?"

"I didn't want to do this Joe," she looked at her shoes. "But, I met someone." I felt my heart break. "I met someone that I really like, that I could even love. I'm sorry."

I nodded. She looked at me before leaving. I sat on the brick, feeling like I was going to cry. "How'd it go," Nick asked, coming out to check on me.

"I need a drink," I said. "Let's go to The Diamond."
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Hey guys! New story!
Woohoo =]
So this story is co-authored with Lily (MrsPKJ2)
We have big plans for the story.
And if you like it, which we hope you do, please let her know too.
Thanks! And comments/feedback are always appreciated