I Hate Everything About You


I was sitting, and talking with Jessica,the host, when she brought Joe up.

"So, how is your husband doing?" She asked curiously. I fake smiled at her.

"He's doing good." I answered and bit on my lip, because that was such a lie. I've made sure that he would be anything but happy. Thankfully, Jessica took it as a sign of shyness.

"Awe, so cute!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, he is." I said and played with my wedding ring. The audience laughed.

"Well then, let's bring out that husband of yours! Ladies and gentlemen, here's Joe Jonas." Jessica said, and the audience cheered so loud.

"Wow, I think I'm deaf." I laughed fakely. How come he got so much more applause than I did? I mean, I am the Caitlin Pi-Jonas. Caitlin Jonas. Weird.

"And I'm blinded by your beauty, baby." Joe said and sat beside me on the yellow couch. He wrapped his arm around me and the audience awed. Internally, I rolled my eyes. Externally, I had on one of the hugest smiles ever.

What a lie.

I giggled fakely, "You're so sweet, Joey."

"You know it." He said smoothly, and the audience laughed.

"Alright guys, so how long have you guys been together?" Jessica asked.

"Well, we actually were seeing each other off and on for almost a year before we got married." I answered.

Liz, Nick, Joe and I had gone over the story multiple times.

Supposedly Joe and I have been in love for 'months'. We've been dating off and on since March of last year. Oh, and we're totally happy together.

What terrible and unconvincing lies.

"Wow, how did you guys manage to stay out of the spotlight?" Jessica asked curiously.

Joe opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "Luck."

"Luck?" Jessica repeated.

Joe and I nodded, "Luck."


Well, somehow Jessica believed our story, and apparently the audience did too.

"C'mon, baby." I said and threw some onlookers a sarcastic smile. His hand found mine, and our fingers laced. As much as I wanted to pull my hand away, I knew I couldn't.

"I'm coming, sweetie." Joe replied and we walked to my Porsche. I rolled my eyes, and I was about to unlock the doors when some chick showed up.

The way she looked at Joe made me a little bit nauseous.

And the way he looked at her made me a little jealous/confused.

Because that's exactly how he looked, confused.

The girl, she- she was gorgeous. She had blond hair and blue eyes, and she was wearing a large smile.

Joe just gapped at her.

"Joeeee." She trailed out.

"I- uh. I-. Alex?" Joe asked.

Oh. This girl, is Joe's would-have-been-fiancée.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! I finally got this out!

It's mah birthday!

Your turn, Dev.