I Hate Everything About You

Caring Is Not Good

"What are you doing here," I asked Alex quietly.

She giggled, flipping her hair back. "I wanted to see you silly. I've missed you."

"Oh really," I laughed bitterly. But the truth was that I was hurt still. I had loved Alex for as long as I could remember. And she had stomped on my heart. She held the key and she threw it away. "What happened to what's his name?"

"Drew," she informed me. "He – well he wasn't you Joe. It took me all of 2 days to figure that out. I don't know how I could have been so stupid."

"I can," Caitlin mumbled under her breath.

Alex turned to her, smiling. "Hi, I'm Alex."

"Hi, I don't care," Caitlin smiled nicely.

I had to refrain from laughing. It wasn't just that she was being her regular bitchy self. It was also because she sounded tense. Like jealous tense. "This is my wife Caitlin," I told Alex. I saw her eyes flicker from me to Caitlin, and then back to me. She seemed confused.

Before Alex could open her mouth, Caitlin's phone rang. "Hello," she answered it. "Hey Liz. Yeah, I just found—wait, how'd you know? You what? Why the hell did you do that? Like what part of your brain told you that would be a good idea? I don't even get what you were thinking. No, you know what Liz? I don't care what you were thinking. I pay you to do what you're told, not to think. Maybe you should start doing your fucking job." She hung up.

"Anything wrong sweetheart," I asked her, smirking as she glared at me. I had a feeling I knew what was really wrong with her. I felt bad that Liz had to bare the blunt for her jealousy. The thought made me grin.

"Nothing honey," she glared at me. "If you're done flirting with your not really ex because she ditched you fiancé, I'd like to get going." She walked to the driver's seat of her car, getting in.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"So you're married, huh," Alex said. I shrugged. "She doesn't seem – your type."

"She's everything I want," I said. And a part of me was telling the truth. At least with Caitlin everything was out in the open. At least with Caitlin, I knew not to let my heart get too attached.

"You mean you're into the bitchy now," Alex asked.

"She's just – tired," I said. "And opinionated." Was I defending Caitlin?

"Is that what you're calling it," Alex laughed. Caitlin revved the engine to get me to hurry up.

"She's really amazing once you get to know her," I said. That was true. When Caitlin let her defenses down, she really was an amazing person. Unfortunately, the walls didn't come down often, though now that I had met her mother, I had a feeling it wasn't entirely her fault

"Didn't seem to take you that long after."

"At least we were over when I did," I said quietly.

I saw the pain in her eyes. "Joe, I never –"

"Hey, it's cool," I grinned at her, hugging her quickly. "You look really great Alex."

"Maybe we can get some coffee or something," she asked.

"That's be nice," I said. Caitlin honked the horn. I sighed. "I'd better go."

She nodded and I got into the car. Caitlin was glaring at the road as she sped off. "Have a nice little chat," she asked.

"Yup," I grinned. I could hear the jealousy in her voice. And it made me quite happy. "Have a nice time in the car?"

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes.

I laughed. "Wow, chill Caitlin. No need to be jealous. You are my wife, you know? Even if this is all fake, I wouldn't cheat on you."

She rolled her eyes again. "You will. Cause I sure as hell won't. I'm not making the public hate me any more. But like I care if you did. It'd be better for me really. And you're right Jonas, this is fake. And I could really care less if you want to chat up your ex girlfriend or anyone else really. Just don't blow our cover."

Jonas? "Sure sweet cakes," I smirked. "I bet this isn't about blowing our 'cover'." I used air quotes to emphasis my point, and to act a bit more snide.

"One, don't call me sweet cakes," she hissed. "And two, shut the hell up."

"Just admit it Caitypoo," I grinned. "You were jealous. You're so into me."

"I was not," she shot back. "And you're so full of yourself."

"You could be full of me too," I winked at her.

"You're disgusting," she scoffed.

"Putting aside the evidence that you were clearly jealous, care to tell me why Liz pissed you off? Or rather, why you took your jealousy out on her?"

"It's none of your business," she said firmly.

"Come on," I laughed. "All joking aside, you can tell me."

She groaned. "She found Alex and told her where we'd be. She also told her that you – missed her."

"She – what," I said.

Caitlin shrugged, focusing on the road. Suddenly, I found myself laughing again. The fact that Liz had brought Alex back into my life to clearly hurt me, to make me cheat on Caitlin, wasn't particularly funny. The funny part was that this clearly bothered Caitlin.

"What," she demanded.

"You were jealous." Now why did I find myself liking that more than just to make fun of her?
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, I apologize for the suckiness of the chapter. Lily, luckily, will be able to be better because she's awesome! whoo!
hehe anyways, comments, yes?