I Hate Everything About You

Ego The Size Of Texas

"Are you absolutely sure I have to come?" I asked and crossed my arms. Joe sighed.

"For the thousandth time, yes. How bad would it look if you stayed home?" He asked.

"Very bad." I muttered unwillingly.

"Exactly." He smirked.

"Just, please tell me that your family is nothing like you." I stated.

He rolled his eyes, "If that'll get you to come, then yes, I'm the oddball in the family."

"Who says oddball anymore?" I asked rhetorically. He just shrugged.

The real reason as to why I didn't want to go, is, well, Joe has the perfect family. A mother who cares about him, a father who loves and supports him, and he has three perfect, pure brothers.

While I have a mother who loves my fame more than me, a father who died when I was younger, and my only sibling died while my mother was carrying him or her.

"Come on, we have to be there in like an hour, and you smell." He said and waved his hand in front of his nose. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"You're such a douche." I told him and walked up the stairs. I heard him chuckle, and I walked into my room. I grabbed some clothes from my closet and then walked int my bathroom and got into the shower.

As I got clean in the shower, I realized that I was legitimately worried about meeting Joe's family. I sighed as I washed the conditioner out of my hair. Finally I hopped out of the shower.

I quickly dried off and got dressed. I just brushed my hair and left it somewhat curly instead of straightening it. I quickly ran down the stairs and jumped the bottom two steps.

"Someone's excited." Joe smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"You wish." I replied. He chuckled, and I rolled my eyes again. "Let's just go, Jonas."

"Whatever you say, Jonas." He said and that cocky little smirk returned again.


I smoothed out my shirt as Joe knocked obnoxiously on the door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Joe looked at me.

"Nervous?" He asked cockily. I rolled my eyes. Of course he'd still act like this. I contemplated denying it, but eventually settled for a little nod. He smiled a little. Not a smirk, not a grin. A legitimate smile. "Don't be."

"Y'know, you're actually pretty swe-"

"I mean, you are an actress after all." He said, and the asshole was back. I rolled my eyes.

"You are such a jerk." I stated.

"And you're a bitch." He replied.

"Yeah well, at least I don't have an ego the size of Texas!" I yelled and crossed my arms.

Suddenly, the door opened. Joe and I looked at each other alarmed. Thankfully, it was just Nick.

"You guys aren't going to be able to do that here, otherwise your cover will be blown." Nick said.

"Yeah, we know." Joe said and grabbed my hand pulling me into the house. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but notice how my hand fit perfectly into his. How sickeningly cliché. I swallowed hard when suddenly there was a loud yell.

"JOEY!" And out of no where, a cute little boy came flying down the stairs, and into Joe's outstretched arms.

"Hey Tank!" Joe replied, and he smiled that legitimate smile again. It was refreshing. I guess the Joe I know is just forgotten when he's home. He really loves his family. And they love him back.

He doesn't know how lucky he is.

He doesn't know how much I envy him.
♠ ♠ ♠
The little Texas thing is a shoutout to my Cheychey. :D

Sorry this is so late.

But, I got it out, and that's good enough, right?

Your turn, Miss Popularity.