I Hate Everything About You

Boytoys and Picnics and Canoes, Oh My!

I woke up the next morning bright and early because of someone’s snoring. I’m not going to say who, joe, but I’m sure you can figure it out for yourself.

I slipped out of bed quietly and walked downstairs.

So many thoughts were running through my head as I entered the kitchen to the smell of pancakes. I yawned a little and sat down beside Kevin. He was the only other person up besidesMrs Jonas Denise herself. It was weird to sit at a kitchen table, and have someone other then the help cook for me. It was weird to be sitting beside someone, and it was weird that I felt like I belonged…

When clearly I shouldn’t. I’m not even really apart of this family, one drunken night got me married to Joe, and that’s it.

I quietly picked at my pancake, and the rest of the Jonas family soon filed into the kitchen.

Everyone but Joe.

Denise sighed, “I’ll go wake up Joe.”

“No, I’ll wake him up.” I smiled slightly and got up.

“Alright, good luck.” Denise said with a smile, and I walked upstairs.

It’s always hard to think of Joe as anything but angelic when he’s sleeping. He looks so innocent and peaceful, even if he snores like a chainsaw. I always regret waking him up.

But it must be done.

I shook him gently, but he didn’t budge. If anything it made his snores louder. I huffed and flicked his ear.

“Joseph! Wake up!” I yelled into his ear and he sat up quickly. I just barely moved my head in time to avoid knocking heads.

“What the hell was that for?” He asked and rubbed his head. I rolled my eyes.

“It’s time to wake up. Your mom made pancakes.” He quickly got up.

“She made pancakes?! Yes!” He said and flew out the door. I laughed a little.It was these kind of goofy things that made me love him.

He’s so childish.

When I go tback downstairs, the family was having a little discussion, so I stood in the doorway until they were finished. Or at least that’s what I had planned on doing. As soon as Denise saw me, she beckoned me over.

“So, uhm. What are we talking about?” I asked awkwardly.

“We’re discussing what we’re gonna do today. I said going to an amusement park, but mom said we should go on a picnic.” Joe rolled his eyes, making me laugh.

“Well, a picnic sounds like a lovely idea.” I smirked at Joe.

“A picnic it is then.” Denise smiled.


“I am sooo full.” I whined and patted my stomach after I had finished eating. I should have stopped a long time ago, but come on. Denise made pie. I can’t resist that stuff.

“Well, you shouldn’t have eaten so much.” Joe said smartly.

“Yeah, look who’s talking, tubby.” I poked him.


“We should go canoing!” Nick interrupted eager to get Joe and I to shut up.

“Canoeing?” I asked nervously.

“Yeah, haven’t you been before?” Kevin asked.

“Uh, yeah. While you guys were canoeing, I was probably doing some audition.” I replied, and even I noticed the slight twinge of sadness in my tone.

“Well, we’re going to have to change that. Joseph. Go take your wife out on the lake.” Denise said.

“But mooooom-” He started whining. Denise shot him a look, and he stopped. “Come on, Cait. Let’s go.”

“Uhm.” I bit my lip nervously.

“You’re not scareddd are you?” Joe taunted.

“What no, of course not.” I scoffed and got up.

He lead me over to the canoe, and I put on a life jacket. Joe looked at me weirdly.

“What, I don’t want to drown.” I said quickly. He laughed.

“Like I’d let that happen.” He replied. But it wasn’t like jokingly or anything, it was like intense. I shrugged it off and got in the canoe. He untied it from the dock and pushed it away a little bit before getting in.

Once we had gotten further out, he stopped paddling, and I looked at him.

“So, uhm. Caitlin.” He said, breaking the silence.

“uhm, So?” I replied.

“Well, about last night. Uhm, Caitlin. Cait. I’m. I’m-” He started, but I quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear what he had to say.

“You know what, just forget about it, okay?” I responded quickly. His face fell ever so slightly, and I almost felt bad.

“Yeah,” He laughed nervously “That’s what I was gonna say.”

For some strange reason, my stomach dropped when I heard that.

“Right, yeah. We should go back.” I said.

He nodded, and started paddling back.

When we got back, we saw two people sitting with their backs turned to us, talking to Denise.

We walked up to them, and they turned around.

It was Alex and her little boytoy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, i stole the title from the wizard of oz.:]
Yes i totally suck at updating.
But comment anyway?