I Hate Everything About You

The dumped and the diva meet

I sat down at the bar and nodded at the bartender.

"Give me the strongest drink you have." I told him without even bothering with pleasantries.

"Are you sure you should be starting with the strongest first?" Dani asked me. I nodded.

"I need it." I said indignantly.

"Alright," She said uncertainly and turned to the bartender. "I'll have a Sprite."

After finishing my drink I was feeling a lot better. Okay, that's a lie.

"Hey Dan," I said.

"Hmm?" She asked.

I took a deep breath, "Why are you still my friend? I mean, I've been such a big.. well, bitch."

"Because I know the real Caitlin is still in you. Just deep, deep, deep-deep-deeep down," She replied. "And I think you can be how you were before. And I know that if it was me who had changed, I'd want you to stay my friend and believe in me."

I smiled, "Thanks, Dan."

Dani ordered another sprite.

"And I want to change... it's just I've been someone else for so long and I don't know how to be me

Dani gave me an encouraging smile. "I know you'll be able to do it."

"I hope so." I said and ordered another drink

"Are you sure you want another one? I'm not sure you can handle all that alcohol-" She started saying.

"Shut the fuck up. I'll drink what I want." I snapped at her and instantly felt terrible.

"Okay, okay." Dani said and had a sip of her sprite.

"I'm sorry, Dan." I said and bit my lip.

"Hey, its chill. But you're buying the next round." She said with a small grin. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, fine."


"Gahhh, I just don't get it, bro." I complained to Nick for the millionth time, but it wasn't like it was my fault that my girlfriend dumped me just as I asked her to marry me.

"I know, I know." He said in a bored/annoyed tone but I just kept complaining.

"I mean, she was the one!" I said and reached for another glass of whatever alcohol was just put in front of me.

"Well, obviously not man." Nick said and rolled his eyes. I scoffed.

"Whatever." I said and neither of us spoke for a while.

"Woah, check out that chick." Nick said and I turned to where he was looking. Nick was right. She was hot...but she wasn't Alex.

"What about her?" I asked.

"Why don't you ask her to drink with us?" He asked.

"Why should I?" I asked stubbornly.

"Cos a) you just broke up with your girlfriend and need a distraction and b) she's hot." Nick said. As we were looking at her she walked over to where we were sitting and sat down in a chair two down from us.

I sighed, "Good point."

"Now's your chance" Nick said annoyingly in my ear and I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to talk to her but she spoke before I could even mutter one syllable.

"You're Nick Jonas, right?" She asked and Nick nodded, "And you're Joe?"

"Yeah. And you're the infamous Caitlin Pierce." I said with a little smirk. She laughed.

"I guess I am." She replied and ordered some fruity alcoholic drink. She moved to get money from her purse so I quickly pulled out a twenty and handed it to the bartender. She looked at me.

"A lady never pays." I gave her a charming smile.
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So, this is my first chapter on this story. Awesome :D
Tell me what you thought!