I Hate Everything About You

Waking Up

I opened my eyes slowly to let them adjust to the light. My head was killing me.

How much had I drank last night?

I brought my left hand up to brush some of my hair out of my eyes. I felt something touch my face. Confused, I looked at my hand.

There was a ring on my wedding finger.

I inspected it closely. Then, I rubbed my eyes and rolled over. Shocked, I saw a head of black messy hair. Everything that happened last night came back to me in a rush.

Drinking. Approaching Joe. Drinking. Dani leaving. Drinking.

And then, I realized, that I had a Jonas in my bed.

Now, I've been known to mess up a lot of things and be an incessant bitch but this was a little bit much.

He shifted slightly and I held my breath. Hoping, no, praying that he wouldn't wake up. So I would be free from conflict for that much longer.

Yes, I realize I'm a selfish bitch.

Sighing softly to myself, I got up and walked into the bathroom. I shut and locked the door and splashed some water on my face. There were remnants of last night's make-up still on my face and my hair was a mess.

I shut my eyes tightly, hoping this was all just a dream. But when I opened my eyes, the sad truth. This was real. I was married. To a guy I had just met last night.

I took a deep breath. I needed a hot shower.

I quickly undressed from what little I had on and turned on the shower. I stepped into the small area and let the hot water wash my worries away.


I woke up in a strange hotel room. As I shifted, the blanket fell to the ground and I realized I was naked.

Naked. In a strange hotel room. And-

My ring is gone. Oh my God, my ring is gone. Instead there's this strange looking one- Oh my God. It's a wedding band.

What the hell happened last night?

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. I was so beyond confused when I heard the shower.

I contemplated on weither I should go and knock on the door for a while before deciding I would call Nick.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and dialed his number quickly.

"Hello?" He answered groggily. He must have just woken up.

"Yeah. Hi. Dude. What happened last night?" I asked quickly.

"Wait. Hold on, I just woke up. You have to talk slower than that."

"What. Happened. Last. Night?" I asked slowly.

"Oh. Yeah, you got married, Bro." He said andmy jaw dropped.

"AND YOU DIDN"T THINK TO STOP ME?!" I basically yelled at him.

"Hey, I tried. You just wouldn't listen to me."

"Nick, this is horrible. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Well, you have to choices. Get it annulled or sit it out."

"That's relly not helping me." I replied.

"Dude, just. I don't know. I don't really KNOW how to help considering I've never gotten married."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry man."

"It's okay." He paused and I heard mom yell at him to do the dishes. He really needs to move out. "Look, I have to go."

"Alright. Love you."

"You too" He replied quickly before hanging up.

I put my phone down on the table.

The door opened...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, sorry this is so late guys. But my dad passed away and some other personal things happened and just recently my laptop broke! But yeah. Hope you liked it.

xo, Lily.