I Hate Everything About You

Fake It

Her reaction surprised me a little even though I did (slightly) remember her telling me about how bad her mother was. I mean, when my mom calls, I usually brighten up. Unless, of course she's yelling at me for something. Like the time I broke her vase and tried to blame it on Nick. When she called then, I was slightly scared.

Caitlin sighed and brought me from my thinking. "No mom I-"

"Mom, listen to me!-"

"Mom, can I tal-"

"Mother!" She practically screamed. I was about to criticize her when her face fell.

"Mom." She said softer. She winced at whatever her mom said. I thought I saw tears form in her eyes but she blinked them away.

I guess Caitlin actually put up with a lot of shit from her mom. Maybe that's why she's so bitter all the time...

"Bye." She said and hung up the phone. I was looking at her with pity, and she obviously noticed.

"Caitl-" She cut me off.

"What're you lookin' at? I don't need sympathy, especially not from you." She said acidly. I scoffed.

Screw what I was saying before, she's just a bitch.

"Okay, you know what? Let's just go to city hall and get this thing annulled." I said.

"Alrigh-" She was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. She went to go answer it. "Liz?"

She walked back into the room with this 'Liz' person. Liz was holding a stupid tabloid. I groaned internally, I hate those things.

"So, what's this about?" I asked. Liza handed me the tabloid. On the front page in big letters was,

Caitlin Pierce and Joe Jonas, How Long Will These Two Last?

In smaller letters it said,

Read inside for our experts bets.

This time I groaned out loud. Do these people have nothing better to do than try to ruin me? Oh, and Caitlin of course, but she's sort of ruined herself already with the attitude. I passed the magazine to Caitlin and she read it quickly. She flipped to the article.

Every once in a while, her eyes widened.

Finally she spoke. "What. The. Fuck?"

Basically, she said what I was thinking. Just shorter.

"Look, I'm really sorry about this Cai-" Liz was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"How many people are going to come knocking?" I asked and walked over to the door. I opened it and Nick stepped in.

"Hey guys." He said with a little wave.

"What are you doing here?" Caitlin asked in a snooty tone.

"Hey, you can't talk to my brother like that!" I told her.

Caitlin turned to me and glared, "I can talk to whoever I want however I want. You don't own me."

"I may not own you, but you are my wife." I told her with a smirk. Her glare intensified.

"Guys, guys. Calm down." Nick said, trying to be peacemaker.

"Don't bother." Liz told him quietly, "Caitlin won't back down, and from what I've seen, neither will your brother."

"Well, thankfully I won't be your wife for much longer." She said.

"Well, that's why I'm here.." Nick said.

"What do you mean?" Caitlin and I said at the same time. We both glared at each other.

"Maybe you guys should just like wait it out for a while. Just so people aren't like 'I told you so'" Nick suggested.

"People are gonna be like that either way!" Caitlin said. I nodded in agreement.

"But, it won't be as bad if it seems like you guys are trying." Nick said reasonably.

"You know... He's actually right." Liz spoke up.

"What do you mean he's right?!" Caitlin yelled. Liz backed up.

"W-Well, I just m-meant that if i-it seems like you guys wanted to get married and it just wasn't a stupid drunken mistake, it would be better for your careers rather than if you just went and got it annulled the day after." Liz explained.

"Well, I guess that's true.." I said.

"So, we're going to try to make this work?" Caitlin asked.

"No. We're going to fake it." I told her.
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I finally got this out! Haha. :D

Your turn Dev. :]