I Hate Everything About You

Grade A Bitch

I have to admit, the past couple of days haven't been that bad. I mean, sure, Caitlin is a big bitch, but we actually got along. Well, to a certain extent.

We were playing Halo when someone knocked on the door. I sighed and paused our game. "Don't cheat." I said and gave Caitlin a warning glance. She just rolled her eyes at me. I went and opened the door. It was Caitlin's mom. I moved away from the door to let her in. "Uh, Caitlin.. you have a visitor.."

Caitlin got up and walked over to us. "Mother." She said stiffly.

"Caitlin, how could you be so stupid? And you!" She turned to me, "How could you allow this to happen?"

"Uhm...huh?" I asked, slightly confused. I mean, this woman has no right to be so authoritative of me. But it didn't matter anyway because she quickly turned back to Caitlin.

"How can you be so irresponsible Caitlin? What the hell was going through your head? You're already in enough deep shit! Are you trying to ruin your carrer? If you are you're doing damn well at it-" I tuned her out, because honestly, I did not need to hear Caitlin's mom bitching her out.

"Mom. Stop. Okay? We're going to fix this. Joe and I, we're going to pretend to the paparazzi and then in six months, we're going to go get this annuled." Caitlin explained. Her mom nodded and walked to the door.

With her hand on the door, she told Caitlin, "Don't mess this up like everything else you've ever done in your life." and she left. I looked over at Caitlin and- there were tears in her eyes. Actual tears. One slipped out and fell down her cheek leaving a mark.

"Wow. Caitlin I- I am so sorry I-"

She cut me off, "Yeah, my life isn't perfect. So what? Mind your own damn business." She snapped.

All traces of sympathy left. This chick is just a Grade A bitch. Forget the whole this might be okay thing, the next six months are going to be pure hell.


Any experiences with my mother make me want to go crawl in a hole and die. Or pig out on ice cream. And with Joe around, I can't do either.

I hate this. I hate him.

I wish my life was perfect. I wish my mom actually still gave a damn about me. Not my money, not my fame. Me. Her daughter.

I wish I was just 10 again. When I was at my first audition. I should have just walked away from there and never looked back.

I would still be happy then.

But whatever. I'm not, and will not ever be 10 again. I just have to live my life in the now.

I looked over at Joe who was making himself a sandwich in the kitchen. I do sort of feel bad for snapping at him, but I was still angry about my mom.

I just want these six months to be over. Now.
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I am so glad I finally got this out! :]

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