A Little Piece of Heaven

Wake Up Call

“Kimmy wake up, wake up!” I heard my best friend yelled while jumping on top of me.

“Leave me alone, I’m tired” I groaned at her.

“It’s not my fault you partied your ass off last night. Now wake the fuck up or I swear to God I will hurt you”

“What are you going to do that’s so bad?” I shot back and the moment I said that Kristey got up and walked to the curtains. She pulled them open and then bright sunlight hit my face. Then she came running at me and jumped on me again.

“You bitch-” she cut me off

“I told you, never test me again. Now up, up, up! We have to get ready” she said walking out of the room.

I sat up and took a deep sigh. After a couple of minutes passed by I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and I couldn’t believe how shitty I looked. My brown eyes were dull and my brown straight hair was a mess. I got to lay off the partying for a while. I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. I let the burning hot water consume me. I stayed there until the water went cold and I walked out to get dressed. I put a pair of jeans and a blank tank top on and went downstairs. Today was going to be a quiet day.

Boy how I was wrong

Kristey’s POV

“Kim get you ass down here breakfast its ready” I yelled and then I burned myself with the hot pan.

“Fucking shit” I said under my breath.

“Good morning love! What the fuck happened to you?” She asked while walking into the kitchen.

“I burned myself making our god damned breakfast” I said almost yelling.

“Can we eat?” Kim asked eagerly.

“Sure why not”

We sat down to eat and then I heard Kim yell out loudly “Jesus Christ” and I jumped in my seat from the surprise“ these fucking pancakes are delicious“ she finished.

“Fucking shit Kim what the hell was that?”

It was quiet for a minute and then Kim randomly asked “so what are we doing today?”

“Well we have to go shopping because we are going to go see Zacky and meet the guys. Plus me and Zacky have a surprise for you” I replied teasingly.

“And you’re not going to tell me right?” Kim asked with a pout.

“That’s exactly right now hurry up and eat so we can go”

Kim’s POV

“Kim I think we did enough shopping for today, I have a somewhat regret of bringing you to the mall” Kristey whined.

“Well it was your idea. Want to go to Hot Topic? It’ll be fun” I asked knowing she would say yes. It was our favorite store.

“Then what the hell are we waiting for” she yelled “lets go!”

As we were running to the store Kristey ran into someone and fell on her back and knocked that poor stranger down with her.

Oh boy here we go!

Kristey’s POV

Kim and I were running and then I ran into someone and fell flat on my back. I quickly got up and looked at the man I knocked down. “Fuck I’m sorry are you ok?” I asked hesitantly at the man.

He was getting up and I held out my hand to help him. He took it and stood up then he looked at me. All I could do was stare into his chocolate brown eyes.

“No its ok I should have looked where I was going. Names Brian” he said with a smile.

“U-uh my names Kristey” I couldn’t sound more stupid.
Why did he look so familiar. He had black hair and it was long but short enough to be spiked and had a nose piercing. Kim broke the silence by opening her big ass mouth.

“Oh my god Kristey are you ok?”

I turned to her “Yeah I’m fine” and then I looked back to see Brian and god he was gorgeous.

“Nice running into you I have to get going, bye” then he walked towards the exit.

“Bye” I whispered under my breath

Then I turned around and saw Kim with a huge ass smile on her face.

“What?” I asked nervously, I knew she was going to ask something I didn’t want to answer.

She rolled her eyes “you know what I’m going to ask so might as well answer”

“Fucking nothing but didn’t he look familiar. Its like I’ve seen him somewhere”

“Wow I believe you and when I saw him I had that feeling too. But we probably don’t know him. Anyways let’s go to the store” her voice was begging at her last sentence.

We linked arms and skipped to the store. We acted like 2 year olds.

Kim’s POV

“Oh my god isn’t he beautiful” I said pointing to Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy.

“Yup and he is all yours” she said with a sly smile.
Something wasn’t right, she was hiding something from me and she knows I hate surprises.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“ Oh nothing. Come on lets get some sexy clothes” was all she said. God I’m going to kill her.

Kristey’s POV

“ Shit its 3 o’clock already we have to get dressed” I said eagerly

“ Ready for what? I thought we were just seeing Zacky and the guys” she said as she plopped on the couch.

“ Yeah and we are going to their concert and besides this is our first time meeting Avenged Sevenfold. And then you wont get to see my surprise that I got for you” I said with a pout.

“ Fine let’s get ready” she sighed.

Then my cell started ringing Evidence by Marilyn Manson.


“Hey Kristey how are ya?”

“Zacky? It’s so good to hear your voice. I’m doing good I guess. How about you?”

“ I’m doing good getting ready to pick you guys up in a couple of hours. So are my two sisters behaving?”

“ That’s cool what time and yeah right to that last part”

He laughed “ yeah I didn’t think so. Does four thirty sound good?”

“yup sounds good to me”

“ Ok I got to go I’ll see you later”

“ ok bye”

“bye” and then the line went dead.

I turned to see Kim still on the couch. Damn that bitch is lazy.

“ We have an hour and thirty minutes to get ready so lets get a move on it”
She turned off the TV and jumped up from the couch “Lets go the excitement of meeting Avenged Sevenfold is kicking in. I wonder why Zacky didn’t let us meet them before”

“You know Zacky is an over-protective whore” I laughed “you should have known that by now”

Kim nodded “yeah that’s true” then a huge grin came across her face “lets go get dressed ‘cuz I’m so hyped right now”

We both ran up the stairs together and went our separate ways to go to our rooms. I went into my bathroom and took a shower. This is going to be the best night ever. I got out of the shower and noticed Kim was halfway ready. She was wearing a tight denim skirt and a red halter top.

“You bitch you stole my skirt” I yelled playfully.

“Want to match like old times?”

“Sounds good to me” I replied while walking into my closet. I grabbed the same skirt and my favorite purple tank top that had black skulls all over it. Then I grabbed my black stilettos.

“ Black stilettos huh? Mind if I use mine?” She said eagerly.

“ Go ahead”

We both straightened our hair and did our make up. Then the doorbell rang and I ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw the guy I have been dying to see in months. Me and my brother were really close.

“Z- bear!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. He rolled his eyes and pulled me into a huge bear hug.

“Nice to see you baby sis hows everything?”

“ Good and how are-” before I could even finish Kim yelled from the top of the stairs.


“Hey how’s it goin?

She ran down the stairs and pushed me to the wall and filled my place in Zacky’s arms.

“Bitch” I yelled playfully

I was completely ignored and Kim started talking to Zack

“Jesus Zack its been forever”

“Yeah I know. Any boyfriends I should know about?” he asked suspiciously.

“No we are single” Kim said.

“at the moment of course” I finished and she smiled at me.

“Very funny” Zack said without laughing but then he put a huge smile on “Guess what?”

“What?” Kim and I said at the same time.

“ Your not even going to guess?” Zacky said incredulously.

“No, I’m to excited about tonight” I defended.

“Please just tell us” Kim begged.

“Ok ladies start packing because we are going on tour!” Zacky shouted.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” me and Kim yelled excitedly.

“No so start packing. We’ll be on tour for 6 months but don’t pack a lot of shit, okay?” Zacky said with a huge grin on his face.

We all looked at each other for a second and ran up stairs. We all scattered looking for suit cases and started packing. We each had a big suit case and a duffel bag. We were amazed how we both managed to fit so many things in there.

Zack started laughing “Damn you couldn’t bring enough shit?”

“ This is just half so shut up” Kim snapped.

“Ok lets get a move on it” Zacky said while grabbing our suit cases. Me and Kim grabbed our duffel bags and ran out the door.
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Ok here it is lol ENJOY!