A Little Piece of Heaven

Dead On Arrival

It was a little after five thirty and we arrived to where the concert was going to be. There was a few people in line watching the front of the stage. We followed Zacky inside and we stopped when we reached a closed door that said Avenged Sevenfold. I stood in my tracks. I couldn’t believe I was meeting the band.

“Ok here we are. Let me lay down the rules, well there aren’t any but I’ll make sure to make up some as we go along” he said with a silly grin. Then he opened the door. He entered first; after me and Kim followed.

“Hey fuckers” Zacky greeted everyone as we walked in. Once we were fully in the room all eyes were on us. I counted four faces including Zack’s. We were missing one person.

“Guys these are my sisters Kristey and Kim” he said pointing to us while saying our names.

“Hey” we both managed to say.
They all got up and started walking towards us.

The first one to greet us was the one with short brown hair and hazel eyes and a lip ring. “I’m Matt” he said and before we could greet him back he pulled us into a hug.

Then the tall skinny guy came running towards us and gave us a hug. After a couple seconds passed by he let us go. “I’m Jimmy”

A short guy followed and he gave us a hug “I’m Johnny”

“Now that we all know each other” Kim started.

I finished “Lets party.”

“Holy Jesus I love you guys already. I’m going to go get some beers. You guys are much cooler than your brother says you were” Jimmy yelled out.

“Sounds good” Kim yelled then Jimmy and Johnny ran out of the room.

Everyone sat down except for me, Kim, and Zacky. Then a man walked in the room with his hair spiked and had a nose piercing. I realized that I have seen this man before.

“Hey Brian, come here” Zacky yelled across the room.

Brian? Why did that name sound so damn familiar.

He came walking towards us and I kept my face away. This couldn’t be the man I ran into the mall can it? I looked at Kim and her eyes grew wide.

“What?” I whispered nervously. But before she could reply Zacky pulled me and Kim next to him.

“Brian these are my sisters Kristey and Kim”

“Hey” was all he said to send shivers down my spine.

“Hi” I said while I looked up and my eyes met his once again. Fuck I was right this is the guy from the mall.

A grin grew on his face “you’re the girl from the mall right?”

Before I could answer Zacky cut me off “This is the girl you have been talking about all fucking day?”

I turned red and so did he. There was no way getting out of this one, he was caught.

“ y-yeah I guess so” he stuttered a bit.

Kim looked at me and laughed. There was an awkward silence and I have to thank Kim for breaking it.

“I’m Kim” she held out her hand.

“Brian” he replied and shook her hand. He turned around and was about to walk away but then that god damned Zacky had to call him back.

“You better not start hitting on my sister or I swear to god” he started turning a bit angry.

“You cant pick who I date and you cant stop me from liking him” I quickly shot back not even giving Brian a chance to defend himself. Then I realized I just admitted that I was crushing on the guy. Fuck I’m really stupid.

“What” Zacky and Kim said together confused.

“Really?” Brian said with a goofy smile.

“Yeah, boy do I feel stupid” I whispered the last part.

“Well if that’s the case will you go out with me?” Brian asked with hope in his eyes. I remembered the things Zacky said about tour and the last comment he told me wasn’t very pleasing. Brian slept with a different girl almost every night. I completely forgot Zack was even there until he spoke up.

“Kristey I told you how he is, don’t fall for the charm he is a fucking man whore for Christ sake”

“What the hell Zack? I stopped doing that shit!” Brian yelled in frustration.

“ Does 2 days ago sound like long ago?” Zack shot back.

I looked at Brian knowing what the answer was but I had to ask “Is that true?” He had the look of regret on his face.

“Yeah but I really like you and I when I saw you in the mall today I had a feeling I had to have you.” He shook his head “For some reason I know your different then the other girls” before he could finish I cut him off.

I couldn’t help but feel anger rise in me “ What I’m different because I wont let you in my pants so easy? So you have to get to know me?”
He quickly defended himself “No, its not like that, I’m not as bad as your brother says I am. Please trust me” he begged.

Then Jimmy came walking in the room with his arms full of beers. Johnny followed and so did the rest of the gang. I didn’t even notice they left. I had the look of disappointment on my face. You could tell that Zack was totally pissed and Brian didn’t want to show his feelings but they seeped through. Kim was just quiet; just listening to the problem, she was waiting for the right moment to kick Zacky’s ass.

“What’s going on?” Matt asked with concern.

“Nothing that fucking concerns you” Zack spat angrily.
I could see the anger rising in Matt “Just because your pissed at Brian doesn’t mean you have to be a prick to everyone including me” Then he stormed out of the room.

“No beer?” Jimmy pouted.

I couldn’t help but laugh “lets get drinking”

Kim and Zacky started walking towards Jimmy first. I was walking slowly trying to forget everything that just happened. Then I started to walk towards everyone else but Brian then grabbed my arm.

I glared daggers at him “Wait, please hear me out for a second” he begged and he actually had a look of sincerity on his face.

“Fine” I sighed “what do you want to say?”

He hesitated for a moment “Even though I didn’t really know you physically I always liked you because Zacky talked about you all the time and told us how you were like and what you looked like for some reason I just had to meet you. When I ran into you at the mall I had a weird feeling like I knew you. I would love it if you would go out with me. I mean I really like you”

I looked into his eyes and they were pleading into me.

I let out a sigh and then smiled “Despite everything Zack told me, yes I would love to go out with you.”

He had the goofiest smile on his face now “REALLY” he practically yelled.

I nodded and then he pulled me into the biggest hug known to man. The smell of cologne and cigarettes tickled my nose. I hugged him back and pulled away and then he kissed me on the cheek.

He leaned down and his breath against my ear made me shiver when he whispered “Shall we celebrate?”

Then I said above a whisper “Hell yeah lets go.” Then he grabbed my hand into his and started walking where everyone else was.

Apparently Kim had a head start on her drinking and everyone was having a
good time except Matt.He was still pissed about Zacky exploding at him. Zacky is a real ass sometimes.I sighed and then turned to everyone else and everyone’s eyes were on me and Brian. Zacky had his head down and everyone smiled at the sight of our hands linked. I saw Brian smile back at them while I rolled my eyes. We were having a little party and not everybody was smiling. I turned to Brian “Go start drinking, I’ll be right there.”

He nodded and walked to Jimmy and grabbed a beer and sat down. I walked over to Matt. He was sitting in the corner by himself, I knew he wanted to be alone but I couldn’t stop myself I had to talk to him.

“Matt?” He just raised his head to look at me. He didn’t say anything, his eyes said it all. He was angry and didn’t want to be bothered. He didn’t scare me so I kept going “are you ok?”

“I’m fucking fantastic” he snapped.

I wasn’t hurt by it. He was angry and I wasn’t going to let that stop me, I’ve got to admit, I’m pretty damned stubborn. “Why are you sitting alone?”

“because your fucking brother is a prick. I fucking hate when he does that shit. He takes his anger out on other fucking people and it pisses me off. I didn’t do anything to him.”

I sat down next to him “I know how you feel”

He sighed heavily and turned to me “I’m sorry for snapping at you like that, its just that I get mad and I know I cant control my temper sometimes so I stay away from everyone so I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings”

“It’s all good” I reassured him.

He started laughing “ you’re the only one who has the balls to come up to me. No one does that”

I chuckled “Thanks, besides if no one has them I might as well take charge” Then we were both laughing.

“Lets go back to the party” he said.

I nodded and then we both walked to everyone else. They all smiled and then Zacky got up and walked toward Matt.

“Matt, I’m sorry man I didn’t mean-”

“Its ok, lets forget about it” Matt cut him off.

“Yeah sounds good to me” Zacky smiled and then pulled Matt into one of those man hugs and they both walked to the couch and sat down. They started talking like nothing happened. I grabbed a beer and sat between Kim and Brian.

“Hey, its about damn time, I was wondering were you were” she laughed.

“Having fun?” I asked.

“Hell yes and what’s going on between you and the oh-so famous Synyster Gates” she whispered on the last part.

I rolled my eyes “Well little Miss. Nosy we are going out. What’s it to you?” I replied jokingly.

“Nice” she laughed and then turned to Johnny and started talking to him.

“So what’s up?” I heard Brian’s voice next me and turned to him. God his eyes were hypnotizing.

I shrugged “Nothing tired I guess”

“Tired? What did you do today?” he asked.

“I went shopping with Kim and you never want to do that” he looked at me and started laughing.

“Shopping with her cant be that bad” Brian said.
Then Zacky came up to us “Kristey, I need to talk to you” he whispered to me. I got up and followed him.

“What’s going on?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Next one is coming soon!!
Promise it'll be a good one!