Counting Down The Days To Go

First Day of The Last Year.

“Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep”

My annoying alarm-clock was beep-ing right next to my left ear. I tried to locate that little device that beeps at 6.30 AM every morning to wake me up and tell me that it is yet another day. I couldn’t find that little twerp and unwillingly, I opened my eyes. Thoughts flooded into my mind and then I realized that today was the first day of my senior year. I shot up to a sitting position, too fast for my brain’s liking I suppose as I felt dizzy. I couldn’t care less as I was too happy. In 9 months, I would be free. Free from this hell-hole known as Wythe Ville, Virginia. I just couldn’t wait to get away from here. Well, enough day-dreaming, I’ve got to go get ready for high-school.

I went to my bathroom to do the usual which is to make myself lookpretty presentable. I don’t consider myself pretty. At high school, there were tons of gorgeous girls walking down the hall ways. And only 30% of them were hardcore sluts. There were a lot of pretty girls who were friendly and lovable, but at the same time they were still virgins. I know, hard to believe right? But that’s the truth. I’ve known some of them all my life. We weren’t close or anything, just an occasional wave or a smile when we see each other. But then again, every high school wasn’t complete without at least a couple of sluts so there was indeed a few girls walking around with barely enough clothing who would give a blowjob or more in a heartbeat.

I went to my walk-in closet to pick out something nice for the day. I decided on some skinny jeans, a black tank top and a thin, longish cardigan. I slipped my feet into a pair of hot pink Converse shoes. Walking over to my vanity, I put on some foundation, eye-make up and some lip gloss and I was ready to go.

“ Good morning Mom,” I greeted my dear mother as I saw her in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the family no doubt.

“ Hi Crystal. Excited for today? You’re a senior already. Very soon, I’d have to say goodbye to my baby.” Mom said and I swear I saw her eyes getting considerably moist. My mom is so sappy sometimes. But this reaction was reasonable as I was an only child.

“ Mom. Chill.” I said as I sat down at my usual seat and began eating freshly sliced apples. I’m not a health nut or anything; my mom is the vegetarian in the family. I quickly gulped down the rest of my breakfast as I did not want to be late for my first day of being a senior.

I rushed out of the house and into my darling black Mercedes. It had a red interior with red leather seats and all. I wasn’t poor to say the least, but this wasn't the flashiest car around. We live in the upper-class suburbs where everyone had a pool in the backyard and a car for each family member.

I reached school in about ten minutes. Students were already milling around the car park, catching up with each other and showing off what they did for the summer.

“ I , like, went to the Hamptons you know.”

“Oh my gosh. Really? My parents didn’t really want to travel far this year so we went to France instead. I’ve been there like a thousand times already. It was so boring.”

“ Konichiwa Riley! How was your summer? Mine was a blast. I went to Japan and I …”

‘Welcome back to Snobs’ High School’ I thought to myself as I walked through the crowds of students and heard snippets of their conversation. Needless to say, some of the kids here were rich, really rich and they just couldn’t wait to show it off. The car park was a competition ground itself. BMWs, Mercedes, Porches etc filled up all the spaces.

Boo!” I jumped as someone jumped on my back, disrupting my train of thought. I turned around to come face to face , or rather neck to face with a petite girl dressed in short shorts and a tube top. Clearly someone forgot to give her the memo that summer was over. Meet Amanda, my best friend and my worst enemy of 13 years all rolled into one small package.

“ Hey you! You scared the freakin’ chickens out of me.” I said, trying my best not to yell at her. This was definitely not one of the days that I would call her my best friend.

“ I tried to call you but you didn’t hear me,” Amanda replied with a pout on her face.

“ Save that pout for the football jocks,” I said with a sly grin which was returned with a friendly glare. It was no secret that Amanda used her petite figure and cute looks to get all the guys. And amazingly, guys still fell for her. Hard. She used guys like she used cell phones. Once a new model comes out, she would willingly buy the new one, but doesn’t bear to throw out the old one either. But in a couple of hours when she got used to using the new cell phone’s features, the old cell phone can be found in the dust bin. Two weeks later, another new model comes out.

I know that Amanda is my “best friend” and I shouldn’t be saying all that crap about her. But sometimes, it drives me up the wall on how she uses guys so easily. Sure, a little bit of jealousy might be the cause of me bitching about her too. I just think that it is so not fair that she could get all the guys even though they know they are going to get dumped anyway. But then again, teenage guys with raging hormones think with their dicks. Amanda is a rather,easy friendly girl, so maybe that’s why they are so attracted to her. She is a gorgeous girl really, so that might be another factor. I only have my tall and gangly figure, plus my thunder thighs and my boob-less chest to account for.

Amanda and I walked to the office to get our new class schedules. We had 3 classes and lunch period together, but we were in different homerooms. Oh well.

“ See ya later shortie,” I waved to Amanda as she stucked her tongue out at me. Homeroom was easy to find and I made my way to the back of the class before plopping down on to a seat next to another close friend, Chanel, just before the bell rang.

Senior year had just started off with a bang.
♠ ♠ ♠ story. tell me whatcha think? :D