Counting Down The Days To Go

Like Owner, Like Car

Amanda didn’t take it too well when I told her that I wasn’t able to find out who X was; and she was even more mad when I told her that I have no intention of finding out who X was ever again. Let’s just say a whole lot screeching and cursing was involved, but she finally calmed down and accepted the fact that Mike doesn’t like her.

It was Thursday morning and Mike had told me yesterday that he would give me a ride to school today as his car arrived yesterday and he wanted to “return the favor”. I tried to decline politely but he insisted that I had to check his ride out. Well, since he insisted, then what the hey. So I quickly ate my breakfast and walked out of my front door to see a sweet ride on my driveway.

The car was an absolutely gorgeous metallic silver color and it was a BMW. Totally posh. Leaning against the car was an even more gorgeous guy.

Who else but Mike?

He grinned when he saw me walking towards him and I just had to grin back. Yeah, that was how smitten I was with him.

“Sweet ride,” I said.

“Jealous?” He asked with a smirk.

“Duh. That baby is just tres hot.” I said. That was the truth after all.

“I hope no one would scratch the paint or something awful like that,” Mike said while running a hand down lovingly the side of the car. He looked like he really cared for the car and treated it like he would a person. Lucky bitch.

God, now I’m jealous of a car?!

I walked towards the front passenger seat and slid in. Mike entered from the other side and began rolling out of the driveway.

I turned on the radio and the opening chords of “Critical Acclaim” by Avenged Sevenfold filtered into the car.

“I love that song,” Mike said with a toothy grin.

“Me too.”

“Ssshh… be quiet. You might piss somebody off,” We sang, or rather whispered, together to The Rev’s voice. We sang along to the rest of the song and it was quite enjoyable.

“FUCK YOU!” We screamed in unison and started laughing.

“That was awesome,” Mike said.

“Yeah. I totally agree.”

“So, umm… I’ve been meaning to ask you something. Since my car is here and all, I was thinking that I want to bring you somewhere tomorrow after school? There’s this totally cool place that I found a while back and I want to show it to you.” Mike said while keeping his eyes on the road.

“Where is this place?” I asked out of curiosity.

“I sort of want it to be a surprise for you so you’re going to have to wait to find out, I guess.” Mike said.

“Alright then. I love surprises by the way,” I agreed. Duh. Who wouldn’t agree to spending some one on one time with the Mike Bergen?

“Cool. So we’d go after school? Your parents won’t mind if you go home late, right?” He asked.

“Nah. They’re cool about these things. I rarely see my parents around. They are just so busy with their important business,” I said, putting air quotations around the word ‘important’.

“Yeah. My parents used to be like that too.”

“Used to be?” I asked in confusion.

“Umm… yeah. They’ve changed. So, did you do that assignment for Chemistry?”

I nodded my head.

After a few more minutes of small talk, we were entering the school compound. Mike found a parking space between a shiny truck and a small convertible.

I stepped out of the car and looked around to see a few people looking as Mike and I stepped out of the car simultaneously. I rolled my eyes. I hope they didn’t have the same misunderstanding that Aiden had about me and Mike. Just because we are hanging out a lot doesn’t mean we are together. Sigh.

Mike and I then walked in for another day of school.

Oh joy.
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sort of filler-ish. but it's cos i didn't get many comments for the previous part. :(

please comment? thanks in advance. :D