Counting Down The Days To Go

Sunset Or Sunrise?

“I can’t wait to see the place that you're going to show me,” I told Mike as he drove the both of us out of school on Friday afternoon.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high though. I’m not totally sure whether you’d like it,” Mike said while flicking on the radio.

I’m sure I’d love anything you do for me.’ I thought to myself.

“I’m sure that won’t be the case,” I reassured him out loud instead.

I had been thinking of this little outing with Mike for the whole of last night. I was thinking of where he was going to bring me since he hadn’t been in this town for long so I doubt he would be really familiar with the town yet.

The music on the radio was pure crap like 7 things by Miley Cyrus (barf!) so Mike popped in a My Chemical Romance CD. Within seconds, Gerard Way’s voice began singing to the tune of Cancer. That was one of my all time favorite songs of MCR’s.

“I love that song,” I murmured as trees whizzed past the car window.

“Have you ever had a relationship with anyone who had cancer?” Mike asked softly, as if he was distracted.

“No. Never. You?”

Glancing over at Mike, I saw him shaking his head.

“What about death?” Mike asked again.

“Hmm…all my grandparents have passed on but they died when I was like really young so I don’t really remember feeling the pain. My family is healthy and fine so I don’t think I’d be experiencing the agony of losing some one anytime soon,” I smiled to Mike.

Mike didn’t say anything to the last comment.

“What’s up? Why are we talking about death all of a sudden?” I asked.

“Nah, I’m just curious. Death is an awful thing.”

“It sure is,” I said and turned back to the scenery flying past my window. It was a blur of trees and I knew that we were no longer in town but somewhere in the outskirts. Perhaps Mike was taking me to one of those lakes that we had around here.

“So, do you have any idea where I’m taking you to?”

“Hmm… is it a lake?” I asked.

Mike gave a laugh and said, “Damn. And for once, I thought I could give you a surprise or something.”

“So it is a lake?”

Mike nodded. “Yup. I went driving around this place in my dad’s car when I first moved in to sort of check out this area. And then I chanced upon a lake surrounded by really beautiful trees and it was the perfect spot to see the sunset. So I wanted to take you out here and see it today to sort of relax since it’s the weekend and all.”

Aww! I felt so touched that Mike would actually drive out here to see the sunset with me. I have never seen the sunset out here and judging by the scenic view that I could already see from my car window, I knew that it was going to be a wonderful experience.

“You’re so nice,” I said in appreciation. “Thanks for doing this for me.”

“You’re welcome. You were nice to me ever since the first day of school and I thought I should do something for you too.” He said with his trademark crooked grin. His green eyes twinkled with the light and he just looked so gorgeous at that moment.How I wish he was mine.


“We’re here,” Mike said as he braked the car to a slow stop, just outside some sort of dead end.

“We are?” I said, bewildered.

“Yup,” Mike said with a chuckle as he opened his car door. “Don’t you trust me? I won’t rape you out here and murder you after my 4th orgasm.”

“I’m sure you won’t.” I said with a chuckle.

After I got off the car, Mike led me a small, almost unnoticeable path that led into what seemed like woods. I followed him hesitantly, even though I’m sure that Mike wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. We walked on the narrow path for about ten minutes, with Mike leading and me following close behind. He would push away overhanging leaves and other obstacles for me. I smiled at how cute he was.

Very soon, he suddenly stopped walking and I almost walked into his back. I looked around him and saw that we were gazing at a gorgeous lake. It was a seemingly huge lake that had woods around half of it, which was the side that Mike and I were standing at. Whereas, facing us, was the lake that seemed to stretch out beyond the horizon. We were facing the sun and it cast a warm orange glow over the woods and the lake, making everything seem more surreal. The surface of the lake glittered like diamonds with every ripple and it was just a breathtaking view.

“Let’s sit down here,” Mike said and he began to walk over to a huge piece of flat rock at the edge of the lake.

As I sat down beside him, I suddenly felt a sense of calm and tranquility, like all my worries had vanished with just one glance at this magnificent place. Yeah, it was that great.

“Wow. I’m like speechless. How did you discover this place?” I asked.

Mike shrugged as he made himself comfortable by lying down on the rock. He propped one knee up and an arm went under his head. He looked so hot, like a model doing a pose for a photo shoot.

“I was driving around one day and I drove to the place where I parked my car just now. I looked out of my window and saw the path. I was like thinking what the hey. I mean, what’s the worse that could happen, right? I walked on and found this place. And I thought I would like to share it with you. Don’t tell anyone else though,” Mike said, pressing his index finger to his full lips for extra emphasis.

“It would be our little secret,” I said. I glowed with happiness at knowing that we actually shared a secret!

The sky was slowing fading from orange to what seemed like a mixture of faint red and orange. The sun was slowly setting.

“I just love sunsets,” Mike said softly.

“Why?” I asked, turning my body to face him. I was sitting cross-legged so that I could have a full view of Mike.

“To me, sunsets somehow signify the end of the day. The father goes back home, the mother starts cooking dinner; the kid finishes his homework. And night falls. I also like how the colors merge together in the sky, slowly fading and just dying out. It’s good to know that I had at least seen the sunset because who knows? I might not see the sunrise the next morning,” He said, looking far out into the distant.

“What you said just made total sense. But shouldn’t we be more optimistic?”

“Life is just so unexpected so I try not to take things for granted,” Mike said, training his green eyes on me.

We sat in silence as the sky slowly turned darker, shade by shade. It was a light purple now and I could only see the last tips of the sun over the horizon. Very soon, it would set completely and it would be night.

“That was nice,” Mike said, breaking the comfortable silence.


We watched on as the sun set into the horizon completely and the sky was a deep purple color now.

“Do you want to go back to the car now?”

I nodded in reply. “We should do this again some time. Just now, I felt so at peace and it was so cool.”

“Sure. I’d love to come out here with you again.”

We walked back down the path and into Mike’s car.

“So, do you want to go for dinner or something?” Mike asked.

“Sure. Dinner sounds great.” I said to Mike, giving him a toothy grin.
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sooo sorry for not updating the last two days. =X

finals starts this friday and i'm totally stressing out. comments would be good right about now. :D