Counting Down The Days To Go

Drama Queen.

Two weeks has passed since the fateful night I shared a bed with Mike. We slept through the whole night in that position, only to wake up at around ten the next morning. Luckily my parents were still at work so they never knew what happened. True, I was felt kinda awkward when I woke up the next morning, snuggled to Mike who was gazing down at me. But we got over the awkwardness. We hanged out most of the following weeks at school and occasionally, we talked over coffee after school or just go exploring around town.

It was Saturday again and Mike and I had made plans to study for an upcoming Chemistry test together. I was going to walk over to his house around lunch time. Mike told me that he’d try to make lunch for me. What he doesn’t know is that I was willing to eat almost anything he cooked for me. We have definitely grown closer as we have been hanging out a lot. Now, I know that Mike likes to crack his knuckles when he is deep in thought and that he runs his hands through his hair when he is frustrated. Unimportant-ish but cute facts.

Amanda had sort of hooked up with a footballer named Brad and they have been clinging on to each other like leeches. She seemed to have forgotten about the whole X thing too so that's a good thing. Mike hasn't brought up that whole matter so I don't think he would ever tell me who X is. Not that I mind though, I am happy enough that I get to hang out with my crush almost every day.

Just as I finally decided to crawl out of bed to freshen up, my cell phone started to vibrate about madly. I saw that I had a call from Amanda.

“Hello,” I said happily.

“Hey you! Let’s hang out today!,” Amanda’s high-pitched voice floated into my ear.

I remembered about the study date with Mike and groaned inwardly.

“Sorry babe. I’m not free today,” I said gently.

“You don’t hang out with me anymore!,” Amanda said with what I guessed was a pout. As usual.

“Is Brad not free today?”

“He has some football thingy. I was thinking we could hang out since it has been ages since we had a girl’s day out!,” Amanda began screeching.

“Yeah, I know. But I’d already made plans today. I’m terribly sorry,” I tried to coax her.

“But…Who are you hanging out with today, then?”

Shit. If I tell her that I’m hanging out with Mike, would she flare up? I mean, she did sort of had a crush on him only a few weeks ago.

“Umm…it’s nobody, really,” I said, hoping that she’d just let the matter rest.

“A nobody? You have never blown me off Crystal. Spit it out. Have you got a boyfriend that I don’t know of?”


“No no no. It’s nothing like that. It’s just Mike,” I said softly.

MIKE?! BERGEN?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!” Amanda screeched.

Oh crap.

“Mike and I are just friends, Manda. Chill.”

“Chill my foot, Crystal! Tell me truthfully. Are the two of you in a steady relationship already?” Amanda asked in her ‘serious voice’.

“Trust me. We’re not. We really aren’t. We are just good friends who happen to live close to each other and we have a Chemistry test coming up next week. It’s just a study date,” I said, trying to explain things to her.

“A date! You finally spat it out. How could you Crystal. I thought we were the best of friends. I never thought you were the type to go around hooking up with boys you knew I liked. Especially when the guy that we are talking about is Mike!” Amanda said.

I sighed into the phone. “Why do you always have to be a drama queen? Can you accept the fact that for once, a guy prefers to be my friend and not yours? And why do you think that I’m in a non-platonic relationship with him? Not everybody is a slut you know.” I finished with a huff.

“Did you just call me a slut?” Amanda’s voice was barely audible. She sounded really hurt.

“N-Yes. I did. So what?” I chose to say instead. It was about time she had a wake-up call. Amanda is just a stupid drama queen who goes around with a motto 'ME ME ME'. I just hate the fact that she can't accept it when other people are better than her for once. And how could she just blow things out of proportion like that?

Fuck you,” was Amanda’s obscene reply as she hanged up the phone.

Am I in deep shit?
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gahh. how long has it been already? i'm soooooooo sorry!

9 papers down, 9 more papers to go!

this would be over next tuesday though. (: keep hanging in there!