Counting Down The Days To Go

The Latest Chapter

Author's Note:

I'm sooooo sorry for the lack of updates! I just finished my exam like yesterday and i went out after that to celebrate. And then I went out again with my friends to celebrate some more. And maybe I'm going out again tomorrow. My dates are packed. But no worries, I'm going to be back to my pre-exam mode; one update per day. (:

And I'm so sorry if you've forgotten this story or the whole plot altogether. :(
I promise this won't happen again. :D
I'm going to be dedicated to this one.


Needless to say, Amanda ignored me the whole weekend. At school on Monday, I saw her walking along the hallways a few times but she gave me cold hard stares whenever I managed to catch her eyes. She was definitely angry at me.

People were also doing a whole lot of whispering and staring at me ever since Monday and I was beginning to find it weird. Two whole days of people staring and seemingly talking about you can be extremely nerve-wrecking. I had a tingling feeling that the whispers were regarding the fight Amanda and I had.

Amanda didn’t really have a small mouth so she might have probably ranted our quarrel to a few of her friends who in turn told other people. Apart from me, Amanda hanged out with othersluts girls who just loved togossip talk. I don't really hang out with them much or know them really well. I just received an occasional fake smile and a loud hi from them.

During second period on Wednesday, I felt something moist in between my legs and mentally smacked myself. That must be my period. I quickly rushed out of class and went to the toilet.

Just as I was opening the small tampon’s wrapper, I heard the toilet door creak open.

“History is such a bore. I’m glad we skipped it,” A nasal voice rang out throughout the whole toilet.

“Like totally,” A high-pitched voice that I recognized to belong to one of the cheerleaders said.

“So did you like hear?” The first voice said.

“Like what? I heard that Zack and that emo girl was like totally snogging each other behind the technical block and isn’t that like totally disgusting or like what?” The cheerleader said.

“Uh-uh. But that is like totally old news. Did you hear about that Crystal or Christie? Amanda’s friend? Amanda and her totally had a fight.”

“Oh really? Over what?”

“Over a guy, like duh. Amanda was always getting the guy and I think Crystal was like totally jealous. So she stole Mike from Amanda. Like she’s a total backstabber much?” The first voice said. I was beginning to hate that voice.

“Mike who?” The second voice asked in a curious tone.

“The new kid, duh. That hot one. Amanda and him totally hooked up from the start but Crystal stole him from her. He’s such a man-whore.”

“No way! I never thought Crystal would do something like that. I vaguely know her and she doesn’t look like a boyfriend-stealer at all.” I smiled to myself at what the cheerleader said. So I don’t look like some back-stabbing bitch after all.

“Yes way. Amanda told Chloe who told Naomi who told me during Gym just now.”

Would Amanda really spread such rumors? As the two girls’ voices faded out, I quickly put in my tampon and strolled back slowly to class. I knew Amanda is totally pissed at me right now but she has absolutely no reason to! Mike and I are so not “hooking up” and these are just false lies.

Things are just so complicated right now. No thanks to Amanda’s overly-exaggerative mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
short? filler-ish?
well, fillers are important in a story. (: