Counting Down The Days To Go

Patching Up.

“Hey. Let’s go for lunch,” Mike said as he spotted me trying to shove my Chemistry textbook into my overstuffed locker.

“Sure, just hang on for a minute while I try to put this thing in,” I told him.

He nodded and leaned against another locker.

“See, those rumors are true after all,” A random girl told her friend as they walked past us. I think she purposely said it as loud as possible so that Mike and I would hear her. One of Mike’s eyebrows was propped up in a questioning glance as I looked away from him.

“Am I being overly self-conscious or are those rumors about us?” He asked.

“It’s us. Apparently the whole world thinks we are dating, no thanks to someone,” I began as I told Mike all that had happened, beginning with Amanda’s phone call. He had a right to know, after all, the rumours were concerning him too.

“And that’s why people think we are together,” I finished my rant.

Mike gave a low whistle. He sipped on his milk and thought for a moment.

“ I think you should explain everything to Amanda. Only she can reverse the damage that she did,” Mike said.

I nodded in agreement. “But the problem is that she hates me right now. I’ve got no idea how to start explaining.”

“Give her a call?”

“I tried yesterday but she rejected my calls,” I grumbled. Amanda wasn’t making this thing easy to clear up.

“Why don’t I explain everything to her?” Mike asked.

“No thanks. She’d think that I asked to do it and she won’t believe a word you say,” I said. I know Amanda well.

“I think I’d ask Chanel for advice later,” I said. Chanel was the solution to almost all my problems and no doubt, she’d definitely be able to help me out with this one. Heck, I can always beg and plead with her to explain things to Amanda for me. I know that secretly, Amanda had a lot of respect for Chanel and she would listen to almost everything she tells her. Although Chanel and Amanda weren’t close, the three of us do hang out together from time to time.


“So you’d help me?” I asked Chanel hopefully. I was currently talking to her over the phone about the whole Amanda issue.

“Would I help you? Yes. Can I guarantee that Amanda would listen to me? No. So don’t get your hopes up,” Chanel said in her usual calm demeanor.

“Alright. Thank you so much. Just text me or call me or whatever after you talk to her. I want to know what she said.”

“Ok. Bye,” Chanel said and she hanged up with a click.

I placed the phone back on to the table and rested my head against the headboard. Let’s just hope the misunderstanding between Amanda and I could be cleared up. I really can’t stand people in school having this whole impression of me that was not true at all. But most of all, I really wanted to be friends with Amanda again. True, she could geta little bit a whole lot annoying sometimes. But that’s just who she is and…I think friends have to accept friends for who they are.
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ooh.. was this chapter confusing-ish?

i'm freaking out right here. i haven't even written finish chapter 21. usually, at my normal speed, i'd be at like chapter 25 or something. i've got to buck up.

there'd be another one up tomorrow!
and thanks for the comments. (: