Counting Down The Days To Go

Ass and Aiden.

Just as I was about to shove a mountain-full of cereal into my open mouth, my phone buzzed. Sighing, I put down my spoon and picked up the call.

“What’s the news of the week?” Aiden slurred into the phone. No doubt he had been drinking again…at 9 in the morning?!

“You tell me,” I said, playing along.

“News of the week. No, wait. The topic of the week. Innocent little Crystal fucks Mikey-Wikey. Hard. Poor Amanda finds out and breaks the decades-long friendship with Crystie-poo and-,”

“What the hell?” I asked, furious. Sure, Aiden was my friend. But he had no right to talk about me like that. And spouting untruths at that!

“Oh wait. Newsflash. It turns out it was all a misunderstanding. Everything is fine in happily ever after land now,” Aiden said, trying to sound like a news broadcaster.

“Aiden,” I sighed, “It’s like nine in the morning and you are drunk already? Come on, sober up! I’m taking all this shit from you because I treat you as a good friend. If it was anyone else, I’m sure they would have broken your nose already.”

“Chill. I was just kidding around with ya. Don’t break my pretty nose. I’m your good friend eh? Then why haven’t we been hanging out lately? You are always with him. Am I just some guy you go to when he finally dumps you?” Aiden breathed into the phone. He sounded extremely sober now.

“Huh? How can he dump me when we are not together?” I asked in confusion.

“Wait and see,” Aiden said huskily. “On a lighter note, want to go out today? Since today is a weekend and all.” He said in his normal voice.

I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “ You are a weird person.”

“ I am your weird person. See you at the usual place at 11-ish? Do you even remember that place?”

“Yes I do. Alright. See you,” With that, I hanged up the phone.

“I guess today is Aiden’s day,” I said out loud to nobody in particular. My parents were gone for some company retreat. Aiden was sort of right in a way. We used to hang out like once a week beforeMike senior year came along and I guess I am with Mike a lot. So it’s no wonder that Aiden felt a bit…left out?


“Hey you,” Aiden said as I reached “the usual place.” It was actually outside this old shop that sold weird things like crystal balls, tarot cards and stuff like that. We discovered this place a few years back and decided to go in and look around but the old lady at the cashier scared us from going inside ever again.

“Hey you!” I said back to him.

“Come on, give me a hug,” He said, walking towards me with his arms wide open.

I opened mine and we shared a sweet hug. His hugs are always the best because his hoodies and jackets are just so comfy.

“Where to now?” I asked, breaking away from the hug.

“Ice cream?” Aiden asked as we spied an old man coming down the road selling ice cream on one of those portable things.


A while later, I was licking my chocolate chip ice cream with extra sprinkles whereas Aiden was licking his vanilla and strawberry mixed.

“What’s the plan for today?” I asked. “I kinda thought about it and you were right. We don’t see each other as often now so we’ve got to make the best of today!”

“Let’s go to the mall? There’s like a million and one things you can do there.”

I nodded. “Hey. I was just wondering, what was all that crap you were saying on the phone about? You know that none of it is true, right?”

Aiden gave a small shrug. “To you it isn’t true. But to the bystanders, it looks like there’s something going on. But it’s none of my business. At least everything is all cleared up between you and Amanda right?”

I nodded again.

“So don’t worry about it. Let’s go and have some fun," Aiden said before grabbing my hand and leading me down the street.

As neither of us brought our cars, we decided to go to my house which is nearer and grab my car first. After that, we went to the mall. Aiden was right when he said we could do a million things at the mall. We went ‘shopping’ at those high end boutiques which were situated at the far corner of the mall. That corner was for those mom-ish types that had no time to fly elsewhere for better clothes.

We tried on numerous clothes and pissed off the staff there because we sure didn’t look like we wore those type of clothes. Whatever. We had a whole lot of fun. But I must admit, Aiden looks tres fine in a suit.

After that, we headed down for lunch in the basement. I ate a salad while Aiden ate some greasy fries and hamburgers. It was a wonder how he maintained that wonderful body. I saw his six-pack a while ago and it was hot! This brings us to the topic of whether any girl likes Aiden? Well, let’s just say that he can get just about any girl he wants. All the teenage girls gave him flirtatious stares and suggestive body behavior that Amanda would have been proud of. But Aiden didn’t even give them a second glance. So that’s why I think that boy is gay.

“What’cha thinking of?” Aiden asked, waving a fry in my face.


“I know! You are thinking of how hot I am, right?” He asked with a knowing smirk.

“No. I was not.”

“Was too.”

“Was not.”

“Was too.”

“Wanna go catch a movie later?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“You admit it! You think I'm hot. About the movie, yes. House Bunny?” Aiden asked.

“You are a perv. But okay since I heard that it’s a comedy,” I said.

We headed up to the cinema and watched House Bunny, wasting 98 minutes of our lives with the antics of that blonde Amanda-lookalike. Shelly or something? I could only remember the part when she said, “Your eyes are the nipples of your face.” Over all, it was a good movie. Aiden kept commenting on how fine their asses were and we kept cracking up at the funny parts.

After the movie, we headed to the arcade and it burned a hole in my wallet. I still couldn’t defeat the evil zombies but I wasted like 20$ trying to. We mall-rats then decided to do some actual shopping as it was the middle of fall now and very soon, winter would be here.

I reached home at around 7 and crashed onto my bed immediately. It was an exhausting day. But it was a day well spent with one of my very good friends. (:
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do you guys still remember aiden?
i hope you do.
he's hot.

thanks for all the comments! I seriously love all of you guys who commented sooooooo i'm going to upload another one tomorrow! i've written until chapter 25....and some good stuff are coming up sooooooooon. :D