Counting Down The Days To Go


“And there would be a quiz this Friday. You would be tested on all the chapters that you have learnt so far. The marks are counted towards your overall grade so don’t think it isn’t important,” Mrs. Tuelli, my Chemistry teacher said just as the bell started ringing.

A chorus of groans replied her as students rushed out of class, trying to run away from the evil chemistry teacher.

“Can you believe it? We only have two days to study for it,” Mike grumbled as we walked out of the class. We were both having a lunch break now.

“She’s evil like that. I flunked almost all the tests so far so I think I’d better study for this one,” I said. Chemistry and I just don’t mix so it was no wonder that I keep failing. I spent most of her periods watching fashion shows on my classmate’s Blackberry instead. What can I say? Christian Dior was far more interesting than rubidium reacting with water.

“Me too. Why don’t you come over to my house later? We can study together,” Mike said and I thought I heard a tinge of hope in his voice. Nah, I might have been thinking too far. He saw me as a friend and nothing more right?

“Sure. What about your parents?” I asked. I just disliked being around my friends’ parents. Adults made me uncomfortable. *shudders*

“Don’t worry, they’re visiting my grandparents so the house would be empty,” Mike said. He knew about my little ‘fear’.

“Alright. Let’s go to your house after school then,” I said with a smile. I like going over to his place because his room was just so much cooler than mine. I mean, who the hell gets an attic for a bedroom? That’s cool in my books. After Mike’s parents set up all the furniture and other knick-knacks, the house was just so beautiful both inside and outside. His father loved antiques so they had that whole theme running throughout the house. It was gorgeousjust like it’s owner, to say the least.

Just as I pushed open the cafeteria doors, I spotted Amanda and Brad in the cafeteria line. They just looked so cute together. Amanda caught my eye and she gave me a small wave before pecking Brad’s cheek. Barf. Well, at least she's happy, right?


“Did I tell you that I absolutely love your house?” I asked Mike as we entered his house.

“Only about a hundred times,” Mike laughed. “Your house is really pretty too.”

“You’re just saying it. And I don’t like pretty houses, I like houses like yours. So cool and unique with all the stuff you have lying around here,” I said and pointed to an old treasure chest they used as a stool for emphasis.

“My family just got a really good interior designer, I guess,” Mike said with a small shrug. “Are you hungry? I got some pasta from last night’s dinner somewhere in the fridge. I’m afraid that’s all that we have today. My mom forgot to go to the grocer’s again.”

“It’s okay. I’m not hungry,” I said.

“Let’s get started on Chemistry then. Where do you want to study? Kitchen, living room or my room?” Mike asked.

“Your room,” I said. Duh. Mike’s room is only my favorite room in the whole house. I’ve been in his room several times and I am always in awe whenever I walk through the door. I would be hit with a severe shock of OMS [Obsessive Mike Syndrome] every single time I entered.

The room is like a typical guy’s room. There were clothes flung everywhere and Mike would run around cleaning up the room whenever I went in. There was the laptop in the corner of the room, the posters covering every inch of the wall, the guitars and other boy stuff. All those things were sprinkled with a little bit of Mike, making it more unique and likable.

“Velcome to my humble abode,” Mike said, trying to sound like some weird old dude. He just had to do voice impersonations every time we entered his room.

“Let’s study on the…bed?” Mike asked.

I shrugged, not really caring. I saw his study table full of books and other stuff so there was no place for us to spread out our books there. It was either the bed or the floor and the bed was a much more comfortable choice.

I plopped down on a corner of his bed, not really sure what to do. Mike began to take his Chemistry books out of his bag and I decided to do the same.

“Just make yourself feel at home. Don’t be like shy or uncomfortable or anything,” Mike said, smiling at me.

I smiled back and crossed my legs Indian style on his bed. The sheets were clean and soft, with a faint smell of detergent and Mike’s deodorant. There had been a few occasions where we were close enough to each other and I had managed to smell Mike’s deodorant. I must say he has a nice smell.

“Let’s start with the qualitative analysis?” Mike asked.

“Gosh. That’s the part I hate the most!” I said. I completely suck at that section. Who the hell can remember that you are supposed to test sulfur dioxide with some potassium dichromate (VI) shit?! That was just absurd. I mean, not like I am going to grow up to become a chemist or anything.

With that, Mike and I began memorizing all the various tests and stuff. Well, Mike did all his memorizing while I on the other hand tried to memorize. None of the shit was getting into my brain. It was partly because I don’t really get the concepts, but mostly because I was distracted by Mike’s gorgeous self.


After about two hours of memorizing, Mike and I decided to test each other on all the stuff that we had learnt.

“Alright, why don’t I ask you a question first?” Mike asked.

I nodded in reply.

“What is the color of chlorine gas?” He asked, smiling. “It’s an easy one, Crystal.”

“Um. Blue? No…wait. Green? No, that’s not it. I know, orange?” I asked.

Mike shook his head, smiling.

“Oh my god. Am I dumb or am I dumb?” I muttered as I flipped through my Chemistry text, trying to find out the answer.

Just then, Mike reached out his hand and placed it on mine, stopping me from flipping the pages. I looked up, only to be startled at how close Mike and I was. I swear we were relatively far from each other just a minute ago. But now, his face and mine were just inches apart. As seconds ticked by, I saw Mike’s face getting nearer and nearer until I couldn’t really see his whole face any more.

‘Was he going to kiss me?!’ I thought to myself as I desperately tried to think of what to do. My heart was thudding at an alarmingly fast pace and I felt as if it might burst any time. I gulped in anticipation; wondering what was going to happen next.

I decided that maybe closing my eyes would be the right thing to do just about now. Mike’s face was getting closer and closer by the second and I hastily closed my eyes shut.

Just as I thought I felt Mike’s soft lips brush against mine, the shrill sound of a telephone ringing could be heard. I jumped with shock from the sudden noise piercing the silence. Opening my eyes, I saw that Mike was already crawling down from the bed.

“I, um, I’m going to um, pick up the call,” Mike said as he went downstairs to get the phone.

I gathered all my books as I decided that it was time to leave. It was almost dinner time, after all. Glancing at the mirror, I saw that I was as red as a tomato. My heart was still thumping along at the alarmingly fast rate and I had no idea when it would calm down.

I walked down the stairs to see Mike hanging up the phone.

“It was my mom,” Mike said.

I nodded, still speechless form what almost happened just now.

“I-I’m going to go home now,” I muttered almost inaudibly.

“Are you sure? I mean, is it because of-,” Mike began.

“No no. Um, I’m going home for dinner. I can’t be late. It’s rare for my family to sit down together and eat dinner together,” I explained.

“Do you want a ride?”

“No. It’s just a couple of streets away, I can walk.” I said.

“Alright then,” He said as he opened the door for me.

I slipped on my shoes and walked through the door.

“Bye,” I said almost inaudibly.

“Bye,” Mike said with a small grin.

With that, I walked home mentally yelling at myself, ‘What just happened?!’
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sorry for the rant on the previous post.
i don't usually do that kind of crap.
sometimes, people just piss you off soooo bad that you just wanna
i don't know, STRANGLE them?
again, sorry for ranting out my troubles.
i'd take it to my diary the next time. xD

there'd be good stuff coming along soon.
i promise.