Counting Down The Days To Go

A Main Course of Confusion.


Thanks so much to Supz for making this lovely banner for me! You can check out the other one here (:

I curled a some of my hair with a curling tong and let them envelope the sides of my face. The rest of my hair was pulled up into what i hope was an elegant-ish bun. Carefully, I applied some liquid eyeliner on the perimeters of my eyes as a final touch and my make up was set. After everything was done, I realized I didn’t look half bad. I liked dressing up and wearing make-up for special occasions. Those were the only times I felt pretty. As you know, it was Saturday evening. Mike was coming around 6.30 to pick me up and then we were going to some place fancy for dinner.

I slid on my heels and walked out of my room. It wasn’t often that I wore heels so I felt a tad wobbly walking on them. My parents were off visiting some distant relatives of mine so I had the home to myself for yet another weekend.

“Ding Ding Ding.”

My doorbell rang and I slowly walked over to the door. I was quite nervous at what Mike would think of me in this formal garb. I pulled open the door and Mr. Fancy himself stood on the steps, smiling at me. Mike looked divine, to say the least. He looked really good tonight. He was wearing a pair of skinny-legged trousers and a white formal shirt with a black skinny tie. Mike had his hands tucked into his trousers’ pockets, creating a very confident look.

“Too fancy?” Mike asked, gesturing to himself.

“Not at all. You look great,” I said.

“You look beautiful,” He said with a smile.

I blushed at his comment. He thought I was beautiful?! That definitely boosted my confidence up by a few notches. “Thanks,” I said shly.

“Let’s go. I made reservations at that restaurant for dinner at 7.” Mike said, reaching out and guiding me by holding onto my elbow gently.

“Which restaurant are we going to?” I asked.

“Chinois’. It’s one of those restaurants beside the beach.”

I nodded. Those restaurants by the beach were fairly expensive to eat at and I used to go down there to celebrate birthdays with my family. Those restaurants privately owned a plot of the beach that is open for diners to take a stroll on. The big-shots at those restaurants had turned the beach into a beautiful hot spot to attract more customers and I am a big fan of that place even though it's 70% man-made.

“Just so you know I love that beach. I haven’t been to Chinois’ though,” I said.

“Oh? I made a good choice then. It serves food of almost all cultures with a Western touch. I went there once with my family and I loved it so I thought I’d bring you there,” Mike said with a shrug as he opened the car door for me.

We fell into a comfortable conversation but somehow Mike seemed more nervous and fidgety today. He was a bit more distant then usual but otherwise, he was the cute old Mike. We bopped our head along to Rihanna and reached the restaurant in about 20 minutes.

Chinois’ had a gorgeous exterior. It was shaped like a boat, maybe to suit with the whole beach theme and the waiters seemed friendly enough. We were then guided into a private portion of the restaurant.

“It must have cost a bomb to get all this VIP-treatment,” I said.

“My dad has connections so it really is no big deal. I just want you to enjoy tonight and have a nice dinner,” Mike said with a crooked grin.

“Thank you so much for going to all the trouble.”

“It’s alright. I don’t really care as long as it’s for you,” He said.

His comment almost made my heart melt. As long as it’s for me! I was happy to know that he would go to all that trouble for me but his behavior and actions were confusing and weird all the time and my crush on him didn’t make it any better. His every action and every word meant so much to me and with that kiss we almost had a few days ago, I had been thinking about us quite a lot. Were we friends? Were we best friends? Did he see of me as something more than a friend? I am just so confused and him trying to kiss me didn’t make it any better. Every time our hands brushed against each other or whenever he gives me a small hug, it would send electric jolts down my spine but I kept telling myself that ‘we were just friends’. How I wish we were more than that.

“Crystal?” Mike’s voice popped me out of my thought bubble.


“You were spacing out. Are you okay?”

“Yeah yeah. I’m fine.”

“You can order now,” Mike said, pointing to the open menu in front of me.

“Oh o-okay,” I said. I really hated spacing out and every time I do, it would take at least a few minutes to recollect my bearings again.

After pondering for a while, I decided to have some Crayfish pasta. The description sounded yummy and it was the chef’s recommendation so I hoped it tastes good. Mike ordered some French dish and the waiter soon left us to our privacy.

“So,” Mike began.

“So.” I said, smiling.

“How do you find this date so far?” Mike asked.

Did he just say date?

“It’s cool. I really like this restaurant. But we are on a date?” I asked, kinda confused.

“Yeah. Don’t you want to go on a date with me? You just hurt my feelings,” Mike said, pretending to fake pout.

I gave out a light giggle.

“No. It’s just that I thought dates were used for you know…couples. And seeing as we aren’t together or anything…”

“Do you want to be?” He asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Want to be…what?” I asked, not sure whether he was referring to us being a couple or us going out on a date.

“You know.”

“I know?” I asked. It was weird to see Mike being so vague.


“Yeah?” I asked. Okay, this was getting confusing.

Just then, the waiter interrupted with a small cough. He proceeded to place our respective dishes in front of us. With a small ‘Enjoy your meal’, he was out of the room.

“Let’s dig in,” Mike said pretending to be overly-excited at seeing his food.

“Yeah. Wait, what were we talking about again?”

“Why don’t we eat first?” He said with a grin.

With a nod, I began digging into my food. Not really digging but taking small and demure mouthfuls. I really wouldn’t want to eat like a pig in front of Mike. That would be so barbaric.

Oh, and my crayfish pasta was just delicious. The dinner was great too except for the fact that Mike and I would talk about the usual things but I still haven’t figured out all the random stuff Mike was spouting just before the food came.

"Bill please," Mike said politely to a waiter who walked past our private dining table.

Part 2 is coming soon to
♠ ♠ ♠
Part 2 would seriously be up soon!(:

I'd like to give a big shout out to Supz!
She made two gorgeous banners that are totally related to the story. (:
Like, seriously.
Supz is also one of the very few that has given me support all the way since the very beginning. :D
Do check out her story as she is both a good soul & a talented writer. :)

Thanks so much to all of you who commented as well!
People from Mibba are like super awesome. xD