Counting Down The Days To Go

Mr Brightside.

“So how’s things with Mike?” Amanda asked before taking a sip from her vanilla milkshake.

“We’re cool. It’s just weird you know? I don’t have much dating experience so I just don’t know how to be around him. Like, I don’t want to screw up and I really want to just be around him and stuff but my heard just pounds so fast and there are so many butterflies inside my stomach,” I rambled on. I decided to meet Amanda and Chanel at the mall for some drinks today. I had told the two of them about Mike and I being together like one day after he asked. Amanda took it well, surprisingly, and Chanel was calm and collected as usual. I suppose Amanda didn’t get that much of a shock because maybe she had already gotten over it when she thought Mike and I were together a couple of weeks back. But the bottom line was, she's cool about me and Mike now.

“Yeah, that’s how I feel around him too,” Chanel whispered, almost as if she was talking to herself.

“Him?” I asked. When did Chanel have a him?

She looked startled for a bit, like a deer caught in headlights but after a few seconds, she managed to compose herself. With a shrug, Chanel said, “I met this guy at the bookstore the other day and he’s kinda cute.”

“Do tell!” Amanda screeched. She was always excited when we were on the topic of boys.

“Well, I was at the bookstore the other day and I happened to take the same book as this guy. His name is Jeffrey by the way. We hit it off and he asked me for my number and we went out a few times after that. He seems really cool and nice so…” Chanel said.

“You like him, don’t you?” I asked. Out of the three of us, Chanel was the only one currently single and I really hoped she would find a guy that she truly liked. She was a nice girl and she deserved a good boyfriend. Her previous relationships didn’t turn out that well and I kinda think she’s scared of love. You know, the whole once bitten twice shy thing?

“I wouldn’t say like. It’s too early for that,” Chanel said.

“Well, on a lighter note, Brad is like totally awesome!” Amanda said loudly. “Just the other day, he was saying something about buying me a dog!”

“A dog eh? Cute.” I said with a smile. Brad and Amanda were still together, surprisingly and maybe she had finally found The One.

“Well, look at us. Have we being bitten by the love bug or what?” I said good-humouredly.

“I totally agree. Like, me and Brad. Crystal and Mike. And Chanel and Jeff!” Amanda said.

“Jeffrey,” Chanel muttered. Someone’s feeling touchy.

“How did Aiden take it anyway?” Amanda asked me.

“Take what?”

“You know, the whole Mike and you being together thing. During the whole misunderstanding the last time, he completely freaked out when I told him Mike and you were together.”

“I haven’t told him yet,” I said with a little bit of guilt. Aiden was one of my closest friends and I felt like I had to tell him whether I’m single or not but I really don’t know how he’d react if I tell him.

“What? Why?” Chanel asked.

“I’m scared I guess. I don’t know how he’d react and I’m afraid that he would take it really badly. He isn’t really fond of Mike to say the least,” I tried to explain myself.

“I think you should tell him ASAP. It’s better for him to know now and get mad rather than for him to know like months later and get mad at you for not telling him sooner.” Chanel said.

“See? It’s a no win-no win situation. I mean, I don’t want Aiden to freak out or anything. Period. I want my good friend to get along with my boyfriend and just accept it,” I said, smiling when I said the word ‘boyfriend’.

“Do you want me to help you tell him?” Amanda offered.

I shrugged. I really didn’t know which was the best way to break it to Aiden.

“Speak of the devil,” Chanel said pointing to some shop.

I whipped my head in the direction Chanel was pointing at and I saw the one and only Aiden sauntering out of a music store.

“HI!” Amanda shrieked before I could tell her not to say a word. Aiden turned his head towards us and immediately spotted the three of us. He walked over to us with a cheerful grin. I noticed a few teenyboppers checking Aiden out just as he was walking over. Psh.

“Hey, what a small world,” Aiden said. “Mind if I sit down?”

“No, not at all,” Amanda answered for us and I slid down the booth to let Aiden sit next to me. Chanel and Amanda were occupying the seats opposite me.

“What’s up?” Aiden said coolly, his eyes landing on me.

Amanda and Chanel remained silent so I suppose it was my cue to speak.

“The ceiling?” I said weakly.

“Oh. Ooooh,” Aiden said before giving out a small laugh.

“Wanna go catch a movie after this?” Aiden asked all of us in general.

“I’m meeting Brad later. Sorry,” Amanda said.

“I’m heading down to the coffee shop to meet someone,” Chanel spouted out her excuse.

Aiden then turned to me with hopeful eyes.

Shit. I was supposed to go over to Mike’s later on for some dinner and ‘chilling-out’ time.

“I, uh, I’ve got something on,” I said.

“Like?” Aiden asked inquisitively.

“Um. I’m hanging out with Mike,” I said. The sooner the truth is out, the better.

“Oh. So you’re going to ditch me for him?”

“No no. It’s not like that. We made the plans like ages ago,” I said.

“Ages ago. Okaay,” Aiden said and an awkward silent fell on us.

I looked at Chanel, hoping to send her some ‘save the conversation’ vibes but she was looking at her nails.

I turned to Amanda next. I mean, she was always the loud one but Little Miss Loud just so happened to be glued to her sidekick just at that moment.

I gave Aiden a sideway glance and he seemed to be concentrating really hard on the counter top and biting his nails simultaneously. It was now or never then.

“You see, Aiden, don’t get this whole thing wrong. I mean, we are still good friends but Mike and I…we’re…well, we are like, you know….w-we are together now,” I said it with much difficulty.

“Together as in?” Aiden asked, seemingly baffled.

“You know, we are in a relationship?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” Aiden said, hurt evident in his voice. “I thought friends were supposed to tell each other everything.”

“Well, I’ve told you now.”

“Yeah. Good luck with that relationship. I’ve got to go now so see you guys later or whenever. Don’t want to interrupt the snogging. Nice ring by the way,” Aiden said with a huff before walking away.

I looked down at the ring that Mike had given me only a week ago and sighed. Problems just love me, don’t they? The bad always has to come with the good.

“Someone’s jealous,” Amanda muttered with a smirk.
♠ ♠ ♠
so sorry for the lack of updates!!!
i went to an a7x concert on friday.
and mibba was being stupid yesterday.
pleaseplease accept my apology?

a7x was freaking awesome!
best night of my life! [so far] :D