Counting Down The Days To Go

The Facade

The rest of the day passed by uneventfully. Mike would follow me around but we barely had any time for conversation. It turns out that he isn’t much of a talker either. I tried to ask him about his life and all but he would only respond with a nod or a shake of his head, or mumble out a couple of words. He seemed to be very bored. He probably found this place boring compared to the bustling life of California, and I couldn’t blame him for that. If I were in his shoes, I would have refused to move and would have chained myself to the bed post or something like that.

Mike was also getting quite a lot of attention from everybody. Teachers were wondering what sort of student he would be. The sluts were wondering if he was a good fuck. Girls were probably drooling over his good looks. Guys were probably threatened by his presence. I don't blame them, Mike was a guy blessed with good looks. Hushed whispers followed us around the whole day and when we step into the classrooms, almost everyone would be noticeably quieter. Needless to say, everyone was talking about Mike, the hot new kid in school. I'd be freaked out of my socks with all the stares and whispers if I were him, but he seemed cool and quiet about the whole situation.

Currently, I was in the last class for the day. Mike was on the right of me and Chanel was on my left. Amanda was not in the same class as us. I was sneaking glances to my right as discreetly as possible. I keep wondering what the hell Mike was thinking about all the time. He doesn’t talk much and it certainly looks like he was thinking. Sometimes, I wish I could be a mind-reading vampire just so that I could tell what others where thinking about.

The loud bell shrieked and I was thankful that the school day was over. I quickly packed up my notebook and pencil case and gave a quick wave to Chanel. God knows what she was going to do after school. She was a very private person and I had long ago learned not to meddle in her affairs. Turning around, I came face to face with Mike. We were close, too close. I took a step back out of reflex and stared into his gorgeous green eyes.

“ So.” I tried to begin a conversation.

“ Where do you live?” He cut off my sentence.

“ Huh?”

“ I said, where do you live,” Mike repeated his question slowly, as if I was a 5-year-old.

“ Right at the end of Cherry Avenue.”

“ Mind giving me a ride? My parents dropped me off at school and my car hasn’t arrived from Cali yet.”

“ Sure.” I replied and we began walking to the car park. I saw that almost half of the parking lot was empty and the cars were slowly crawling out of the school. This was what I hated most, after-school traffic. But it was a rather funny sight to see a whole line of luxury cars crawling out of the school gates, bumper to bumper. Most of the kids were no doubt heated off to The Coffee Bean, the local coffee shop where students go to chill andgossip unwind after a stressful day at school.

I saw Amanda’s pink car drive out of the school gates. She was obviously going to that coffee shop and hanging out with the rest of ourtwo-faced bitches friends.

I turned back to Mike and looked at him. We had been walking in silence and I was still wondering what he was thinking.

“ Quit staring at me.” He suddenly said out of the blue.

“ Huh?”

“ I said, stop staring at me. It is quite unnerving you know? You’ve been doing it the whole day.” Mike said with a smile on his face. “ Am I so gorgeous that you can’t keep your eyes off me?”

I could only blush at his question. The answer was a definite yes. But no way was I going to tell him that. I shrugged in response instead.

“ Nah, I was just wondering what you were thinking about. You aren’t much of a talker, are you?”

“ Yeah. Sorry about that. It’s just so overwhelming you know? My family just upped and moved to a whole different state. I had to leave all my friends and the place that I grew up in. It just sucks. I’m just trying to fit in.”

Woah. That was like the most he had said all day. We had reached my car and I was unlocking the door for him to get in.

“ Wow. From your perspective, it sounds damn sucky. But then again, you look like you could be really popular here you know? All the girls are like practically drooling over you.”

“ Yeah? All the girls?” Mike asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“ Duh.” Only after the word left my mouth did I realize what he was asking. I had just confessed that I found him hot. Looking over at him, I saw him grinning and trying not to laugh.

“ Cool. Back in Cali I was always getting beaten up. Apparently, I was a fag. All those fake blondes were drooling over the quarterbacks ya know? I was a nobody. It’d be cool if what you just said was true.”

“ You? A nobody? Please.”

“ I’m serious.” Mike said, laughing and showing off his cute dimples. He probably thought that it was funny how a nobody like him from Cali wasn’t a nobody here.

“ So anyway, where do you live?”

“ Um. If I don’t remember wrongly, I live on some lane that has a cheesy name. Mountbatten Lane if I’m correct. No. 10.”

“ Come on. I’m the one that lives on Cherry Avenue. Talk about cheesy names. You know, Mountbatten is like 2 minutes away from where I live. We are practically neighbors.”

“ Sweet. So that means you’d give me a ride until my car gets here? Having my parents drop me off at high school is a teeny weeny bit embarrassing.”

I laughed at how cute he was. Mike was actually quite funny after he warmed up to people. I suppose him being distant and aloof just now was because he was trying to adjust to his new surroundings. I don’t really blame him. If I were him, I would have refused to go to a new school completely.

Very soon, we arrived at his house. It was a three-storey house which was white with a blue roof. Quite nice really. It radiates out this homey feeling. I suppose there was a medium-sized pool in the backyard. Almost all of the homes in the neighborhood had a pool back there.

As I was checking out his home, I noticed that Mike was looking at me from the corner of my eye. I turned to him and raised my eyebrows.

“ Do you want to like come in for a second? Seeing as you’re my friend and all, it would be rude to not invite you in.” Mike asked with a crooked grin.

“ Sure. I’d love to check out the inside of your house.” I smiled back. I was smiling at the fact that he just called me his friend.

“ So, we are friends now eh?” I asked him, just to make sure of my status.

“ Yeah. You seem real nice, you know, showing me around school and stuff. And not being put off by the fact that I didn’t really talk much today. Just to let you know, I’m like that with new people.”

“ Alright. I’m shy when I meet new people too.”

We walked up to the front door and Mike bend down to take the house key from under the welcome matand let me check out his fine ass and let us both in.
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