Counting Down The Days To Go


I have a problem. Should I tell Mike about what Aiden said to me at the park? I mean, I'm really confused. On one hand, Mike is my boyfriend. I should tell him everything, yeah? On the other hand, if I tell Mike what Aiden said to me, I think he would get mad and there goes the 'amiable' relationship between Mike and Aiden. On the third hand, if I don’t tell Mike and if he ever finds out, would he misunderstand everything? God, sometimes I wish I don’t think so much.

As I always do when I’m in need of some good consultation, I picked up my hand phone and pressed 6 to call Chanel. That’s right, she was on my speed-dial. That’s how important she was to me.

“Hey,” Chanel’s soft and gentle voice greeted me.

“Hi. Chanel, I need your help badly! IthinkAidenlikesmeandhe’sbeensocreepyaboutitandidon’tknowwhetherishouldtellMike!” I blurted out in one breathe.

“Woah. Woah. Slow down there Crystal. Breathe in. Breathe out. And speak sloooowly,” Chanel said.

“Okay. So Aiden is cool about me and Mike now. But he was being all creepy and he dropped quite a few hints and I think he likes me. So now, I don’t know whether I should tell Mike. Should I?” I asked.

“See. I told you Aiden likes you a few weeks back,” Chanel paused for a while. “I don’t mean to go down the whole ‘I told you so’ route. I think…maybe you shouldn’t tell Mike. For now that is.”

“W-why?” I asked.

“Well, you and Mike make such a perfect couple and would you bear to let Aiden ruin this? I mean, you and Aiden have known each other since forever and there’s a reason why the two of you never properly dated. So, all I’m saying is, just play it cool and pretend you don’t know what the heck Aiden was trying to say.” Chanel said it in a duh tone.

“Ooooh. I see it! I see the light!” I cried out. Chanel’s reasoning was just so logical and simple. Why didn’t I think of it?

Chanel gave out her light, gentle laugh.

“Thanks so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I said gratefully.

“No prob. Listen, I’d love to talk. But I’m sort of going on a date with Jeffrey,” Chanel said almost inaudibly. This girl was so good at giving advice but it’s such a pity that when it comes to her own love life, she’s so unsure about everything. But she was just so super secretive so even though I wanted to repay her kindness, I'm afraid I can't.

“Have fun Chanel. Seriously, the most important thing is to have fun,” I said.


A few minutes after I hanged up the call with Chanel, my phone buzzed again. The Caller I.D was blinking madly and flashing the name ‘Mike <3’ over and over again. I smiled to myself as I accepted the call. I just loved listening to Mike’s voice on the phone.

“Hey Crystal.” Mike greeted me.

“Hey,” I replied coolly.

“So…how did the whole Aiden thing go? Is he okay now?”

“Eh…yeah. He’s cool with it,” I said, trying not to give too much away but failing all too miserably by sounding like I'm hiding something.

“Right. So, what happened?”

Was it me or was Mike just being awfully curious tonight? “Um. Some talking, a little bit of recount, a hug and we’re cool,” I said.

“Cool,” Mike muttered.

“Yeah. So um, I’m kinda tired tonight. So…”

“Okay. I get it. Good night,” Mike said.

“Yeah. Night,” I had only uttered the word ‘night’ when a dialing tone beeped into my ear. Did Mike just hang up on me? That was the most awkward phone conversation I’ve had with him and it just feels…weird. Usually we would be so open and cool with each other but maybe tonight I was just trying to hard to not let him know anything.

‘Way to go Crystal. Way to go,’ I muttered to myself before fluffing up my pillow and snuggling into my comfortable bed.
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filler-ish? no?

aniwaes, i just updated to tell all of my wonderful readers: