Counting Down The Days To Go

Young Love.


I don't know what's wrong. But I've been trying to post everyday since Monday but it just didn't get uploaded! I think either my Mibba or my computer is screwed. Sorry for the wait. I'm terribly sorry. But it really isn't my fault. I've been trying my very best these few days. And I know there are some grammatical/spelling errors and such in the following chapter...but after editing it for 10+ times and it not showing up on Mibba, i got fed up. So...maybe I'd edit it another day? Cheers!

Mike was back to his cheery self the next day at school and my worries about the whole Aiden thing was pushed to the back of my mind. I mean, that boy doesn’t even go to the same school as me and Mike so why do I have to care so much, right? And Mike doesn’t really seem like the suspicious type who would hold a tight rein over me and tell me who to hang out with so everything is cool. For now.

Currently, I was preparing to go out on a date with Mike. We decided to pop by the cinema for some horror movie and maybe grab a dinner either before or after it. It’s been ages since I’d last went out on a proper date with him and although I seem him almost every minute of the day, I just wished we would do some romantic stuff together once in a while.

School was tough because we are seniors and all. Teachers kept rubbing in the fact that we are going to be out of high school in a few months and that we’ve got to think of which college to attend blah blah blah. To them, every little mini quiz counts but to me, I just want to have the time of my life. I’ve reached a point in life where I was truly happy and I can’t be bothered with school at the moment. And anyways, I think I’m taking a year off to rest before I head on to college. Isn’t that what everybody is doing these days?

I finished applying some lip gloss and headed out of the door. Mike was waiting for me in his car and I could hear loud music from my doorstep.

“Hey you,” I said as I slid into Mike’s car and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

“Hi Crystal. Do you mind if we go for dinner first? I’m starving,” Mike said with a crooked grin.

“Nah. I don’t mind. Where do you want to go eat?”

“Why don’t we go eat sushi?” Mike asked before a coughing fit enveloped him. Out of concern, I leaned over and patted his back gently.

“Are you okay? And sushi is fine.” I said after Mike’s coughing fit died down.

“I’m fine.” With one last cough from Mike, we rolled out of my driveway and over to one of the sushi places in town.

It had been ages since I last ate sushi. We went to a dainty little shop that was made to look like a Japanese house. It looked small from the outside, but it was bustling with activity inside. Like almost every sushi restaurant, we got to sit beside this conveyor belt thingy where plates of sushi are lined up on. I think I ate more than ten plates just because I had long forgotten how delicious sushi was. If I could, I would live off sushi and wasabi for the rest of my life. I mean, no wonder those Japanese people could live longer than average! Maybe there’s no link but whatever, sashimi is just tre delicious.

After that wonderful dinner, we headed down to the cinema.

“What shall we watch?” I asked as I patted my stomach in content.

Mike laughed good-humouredly at me patting my stomach and said, “Hmm…I’ve got no idea. What do you feel like watching?”

“Anything but a biography or some boring shit like that. I’m all up for comedies or horrors.”

“Why don’t we head down to the cinema and look through the choices.”

“Sure thing.”

Before long, we reached the cinema. There weren’t really that many great movies showing. I mean, the best choices were either High School Musical 3 or The Coffin which was a Thai horror movie. The rest was either pure crap or ones that we’ve watched before.

So which movie did we decide to watch? The Coffin. Duh. I prefer a horror movie to some corny feel-good movie any other day even though HSM3 was about senior year and parting with each other.

Mike and I began to join the end of a really long queue. Just as Mike was saying something about Vanessa Hudgens, I spotted a really familiar girl standing in front of me. Even though her back was facing me, I felt like she sort of looked like someone I was really close to.

“Chanel?” I asked, hoping that I didn’t see the wrong girl or anything.

That blond girl spurned around and once she saw me, her face broke into a grin. “Crystal!”

I looked to the side of Chanel and spotted a familiar guy standing next to her. Ahh, that must be Jeffrey. I vaguely remembered him from the Halloween party the other day.

“Hi Jeffrey,” I said, trying to be polite. He gave me a smile and a nod before giving one to Mike.

“What movie are you guys watching?” Chanel asked, with a toothy grin on her face. Her eyes were just sparkling and she looked extremely happy. Jeffrey sure is one of the best things that have happened to her.

“We are watching The Coffin,” Mike answered for me.

“Ooh! We are watching that one too!” Chanel squealed. Yes, squealed. Chanel doesn’t squeal. ‘Someone’s in love,’ I thought as I smirked to myself.

“You okay?” Mike asked me as he gave me a gentle nudge. Woah. I must have looked retarded smirking to myself while gazing at Chanel or something. I’ve got to stop dazing out like that!

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

After a while more of chit chat, we were soon at the head of the queue. There were only a few ‘couple’ seats left in the theater and sadly, the four of us couldn’t sit together. So instead, Chanel and Jeffrey sat one row down from me and Mike.

The movie was starting in a few minutes but with the advertisements and such, I’m sure it was bound to be delayed. Chanel and Jeff [apparently he prefers that] decided to grab some snacks. Mike and I were just too full so we decided to head into the cinemas first.

“I hope this one isn’t so scary,” I whispered to Mike as we got comfortable in our seats. I was snuggled into the crook of his neck while one of his arms were around my shoulders.

“Don’t worry, you can just close your eyes at the scary parts,” Mike tried to comfort me. As much as I was a sucker for horror movies, I was still scared of the suspenseful sound effects and the sudden scene changes.

“Would you get mad if I scream?” I asked. Did I mention that I tend to scream? A lot?

“No. Of course not. Don’t worry, I’m sure the poster is more frightening than the movie itself.” Mike said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

The lights got even dimmer if it was possible and two scurrying figures settled into the seats directly in front of us. That would be Crystal and Jeff if I’m not wrong. Sure enough, I heard Chanel’s unmistakable giggles a few seconds later.

The movie itself wasn’t very scary apart from the sound effects and like I said, the parts where the camera suddenly does a close up or points to another figure. The plot wasn’t really there but the ending was quite nice. All in all, it would be a 7/10 for the movie.

Throughout the show itself, I could see Crystal and Jeff getting cozy and snuggling into each other more and more. And if I didn’t see wrongly, I think I saw them kissing. Mike and I got fairly comfortable with each other too.

We said our goodbyes to Chanel and Jeff outside the cinema. And after a sweet goodnight kiss on my front porch, Mike was on his way home too.

Ahh, the bliss of young love!