Counting Down The Days To Go

Meet The Parents.

Saturday evening was here and I was smoothing down my black dress nervously. I glanced at the full-length mirror for the umpteenth time. Should I wear heels or flats? I mean, I’m tall enough. I don’t need heels to accentuate my height even further. Is my make-up too overdone? Would Mike’s mother think that I look like a cheap prostitute? What if Mike’s parents got a bad impression of me? They say that first impressions matter most. Oh my god! What the hell should I fucking say to them?

Just then, my door bell rang through the house, startling me out of my nervousness. “Coming!” I said loudly.

I pulled opened the door, only to reveal Mike dressed up in a long sleeved shirt folded up to just below his elbows and a pair of skinny jeans. Was that some black Converses peeping out from beneath the skinny jeans?

“Um, did I overdress for the dinner?” I asked, afraid of the answer to my question.

Mike flashed a grin as he gave my outfit the once-over. “Nah, you look fine. Back at home, my mom is freaking out about what to wear too. She wants you to have a good impression of her.”

“Phew. Thank god,” I muttered.

“Anyways, do you mind walking? I decided to walk over here to save some fuel. Oil prices are high these days,” Mike murmured.

“It's okay, I don't mind,” I said.

“Are you nervous?” Mike asked.

“A bit…” I said. Mike was giving me the ‘yeah-right’ look so I said, “Okay, maybe a lot.”

“You don’t have to worry about it. Mom’s a bit too upfront and loud but Dad is easy-going. He doesn’t really like to talk much either so don’t think he isn't talking to you because he doesn't like you.” Mike said as he grabbed my hand while we were walking.

“Okay. Thanks for giving me the lowdown. I’m just so scared…that I would leave a bad impression on your parents.”

“Hey, chill. Don’t worry about it. I mean, I don’t really care about my parents’ opinions so even if they don’t like you, I’d still love you. And, I know for a fact that they are just going to love you too.” Mike tried to reassure me.

His words did make me feel better by a little bit. After a bit more chit chat, we were already at Mike’s front door. Never had I dreaded to walk into the house this much. This was going to be the first time I properly met Mike’s parents! The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering around like crazy and I felt like I was going to puke. Mike flashed a reassuring smile and gave my hand a gentle squeeze before pressing the door bell.

In a few moments, the door was thrown open by a smiling lady who seemed to be in her late forties.

“You’re here. Finally,” She murmured. Her voice was warm and full of motherly love. There were laugh lines around her eyes and she just looked like the perfect model mother. All at once, I felt as if a huge load had been lifted off my chest. Maybe this dinner wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Mom, Crystal. Crystal, Mom,” Mike said goofily as he pulled me into the house.

“Hi Mrs. Bergen,” I said with a grin.

“Oh, dear, call me Alice,” ‘Alice’ said to me as she winked at Mike. “You’ve picked a fine one, Mike.”

I couldn’t help but blush a bit at her comment as Mike looked at me. “See? I told you it’d be okay,” He whispered into my ear.

“Matthew? Honey? Crystal and Mike are here!” Alice called out into the direction of the kitchen.

A really tall man who looked as if he was around Alice’s age came lumbering out of the kitchen. He was wearing a formal shirt and pants but there was a pink polka-dotted apron tied around the waist. He had little beads of sweat on his forehead and he had a wide, toothy grin on his face.

“Ahh… Crystal. We finally meet. Mike has said countless nice things about you,” Matthew said as he gripped my hand in a firm but gentle handshake. His eyes were twinkling with what I assumed was happiness. Both Alice and Matthew were so warm and friendly! And here I was thinking that they were rich snobs.

“Nice to meet you,” I said politely.

“Come on, let’s head to the dining room. I’ve just finished cooking dinner,” Matthew said.

His dad knows how to cook?! Wow. I was so not expecting that especially since my own father couldn't fry an egg to save his life.

Mike gently grabbed my elbow and led me into the formal dining room.

“It smells good,” I said. It sure did. This delicious smell was just wafting out of the kitchen. I couldn’t wait for the dinner already!


“And he took off his underwear!” With that exclamation, Alice burst into a fit of laughter. I laughed along politely while Matthew gave out a hearty bellow. Mike on the other hand was cringing in embarrassment. Alice and Matthew were recounting the funny tales of Mike’s childhood. All I can say is, they sure do have a good memory.

“Mom…stop,” Mike groaned out. “I think Crystal needs to go home now.”

“Alright alright. I shall stop and spare you from further embarrassment,” Alice said. “Crystal, do drop by some time soon. I haven’t told you about the time when Mike decided to wear his birthday suit for his birthday.” She stage-whispered and gave me a rather obvious wink. I grinned back in return.

Both Matthew and Alice walked me to the door.

“Drive safe,” Alice called out as Mike and I hopped in to his car.

It had been a rather fun evening and it was already nearing 10 at night. Time sure fly by when you're having fun.

“Wow. That was fun,” I said.

“And embarrassing.” Mike muttered. “I’m glad you had fun though. I was so worried that it would screw up.”

In a flash, we were already at my house.

“I’m rather tired Crystal. I hope you don’t mind if I don’t walk you to the door,” Mike said. Come to think of it, the dark circles under his eyes were becoming more apparent and he looked really lethargic as he tried to stifle back a yawn.

“Alright. Don’t worry about it,” I said as I leaned in to kiss Mike. Thankfully, he had enough energy to return the kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
alright alright!
why did i update today?
it's all thanks to coke-ittles INYF and Supz;
for commenting on my story!
And to bbyvee and paolakittycat;
for showing me some love!

78 subscribers and only 4 people showed some love?

on another note; this is the picture of Brad:

till next time!
