Counting Down The Days To Go

MIndless Chatter.

“ Welcome to my lair,” Mike said in poor impersonation of the scary, Dracula-ish voice. I bit down on my lip and tried to contain my laughter at his voice-impersonation.

A lot of stuff was still in cardboard boxes and they littered the living room. The couches, tv and other stuff like that were already unloaded though. Even from these few pieces of furniture, I could tell that his parents had expensive tastes. Almost all of the stuff were antique-looking and really classy.

“ My parents are not at home. And I’m their only kid so just relax and do whatever you want. Are you hungry or anything?”

A low growl from my stomach gave away the fact that I was indeed kinda hungry.

“ You bad, bad thing,” I mock-scolded my stomach. This earned a small laugh from Mike.

“ I’m not a terrific cook or anything. But I can make you a sandwich,” Mike said as he opened the refrigerator, to look for ingredients for the sandwich I suppose.

Ten minutes later, each of us were feasting on a super big sandwich. Mike just stacked up a whole lot of cheese, tomato slices, lettuce, chicken and tomato sauce in between two slices of bread to make the sandwich. He sure wasn’t kidding about the “ not a terrific cook” part.

“ You know. This is the first time a guy made something for me to eat.” I said, trying to make small conversation.

“ Serious? I thought a hot girl like you would have an endless queue of suitors or something.”

I blushed a deep red at his compliment. Did I hear right? He just called me hot.

“ Hot my foot dude. I’ve never been in a steady relationship.”

“ Oh come on. Serious?”

“ Yeah. My first and only boyfriend lasted 1 week and 6 days.” I burst into laughter. Thinking back now, that relationship was one big joke.

“ That sure sucks. But trust me, you are pretty. Maybe those guys at your school are just blind fools.”

I blushed again at his compliment and averted my eyes away from him. He had just said something nice about me, twice! The two of us then finished our lunch in a comfortable silence.

“ So, let’s go up to my room. My room is far more interesting than the kitchen.” He stood up and led me to the attic. It was so cool that he had the attic for a room. I had wanted the attic as my room too but my dad wanted to put the junk in it. My dad said that an attic was not fit to be a bedroom, but I beg to differ.

“ So, what do you think of my room?” Mike asked as he threw open the door. The walls were painted a deep purple that was almost black at first glance, and covered in posters from various bands. He had this whole black and red theme going on. His bed was black, but his sheets were red. Some of the pillows were black but others were red. It sure was a sexy bed. Altogether, his room was just plain gorgeous.

“ I think your room is hot. Totally hot. Having the attic as your bedroom is cool enough in my books. But the colour scheme and everything just makes it hotter.”

“ Wow. Thanks. My room back at the old house was way cooler. But I have to make do with this now I guess.”

“ Do you mind if I sat on your bed?” I asked. His bed just looks so comfortable and soft. I just want to lie down on it, but it might be considered a tad rude inviting myself onto his bed.

“ Sure. You can even sleep on it. I don’t care.”

I took up his offer and after I kicked off my Cons, I laid down on his bed. It felt exactly the way it looked; damn comfortable. Just before I started imagining what Mike could do on this bed, his voice burst my thought bubble.

“ So, what do you want to do?”

“ Beats me.”

“ My dad hasn’t connected the internet yet. So we can’t do anything much. We can listen to music though.”

“ Hey. Why don’t we get to know each other a little better?” I said.

“ Alright. Ladies first. Ask me any question you want.”

“ Why did you move here?”

“ Ah.” Mike said. “ I knew that was going to be your first question. Well, my parents thought a change of environment would be, you know, better for me. Our old place was a rather busy place and Mom thought moving to somewhere quiet was the best for me. And my parents sort of knew that I wasn’t the most popular guy at my old school. So they wanted me to have a fresh start I guess.” I nodded at what he said.

“ So, Crystal, what’s your favorite colour?”

“ Purple. What’s your favorite band?” I asked as I looked through all the posters on the walls.

“ Gosh. That’s hard. It’s either Metallica or Disturbed. I don’t know. What’s the furthest you’ve gone with a guy?” My eyes bugged out at his question. I looked over at him to see his crooked grin plastered onto face.

“ Uh. I told you that I’ve only had one boyfriend. So, nothing much. Just kissing and holding hands.” He nodded.

“ What’s your number?” He asked even though it was my turn to ask the question. “ I’ve got to contact you somehow right?”

I nodded at his explanation and asked him for his too. Sweet. Now we’ve got each other’s number. But I doubt he’d give me any sweet goodnight-calls anytime soon. I bet he asked for it so that he could call me anytime he was in trouble or if he needs a ride, seeing as his car isn’t here yet.

“ Are you a virgin?” I decided to ask out of curiosity. Well, it was his fault for steering us into this direction with that question about how far I’ve done with a guy. -.-

“ Nope. I was drunk one night. I didn’t even remember most of it. The next morning, I woke up naked to the worst hangover ever and there was this blonde girl next to me. Once she woke up and saw who I was, she swore me to secrecy and rushed out of the room. She forgot to even wear her underwear. That was how scary I was.” I couldn’t help but laugh at his tale.

“ What sort of music do you like?” He asked.

“ I love anything with a good guitar solo. So it’s mostly Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine and stuff like that.” I said after spending a few seconds looking through my mental playlist.

“ Sellouts,” Mike muttered under his breath.

“ Hey!” I said as I threw a pillow at him. He caught it and threw it back at me, lightly. And that was how the pillow fight started.

I had a blast at his house. He let me listen to his favorite bands and I got to know him better. Mike was a sweet guy really. He knew how to play the guitar so he played “ Tonight” by Fm Static for me. His voice wasn’t bad at all. I told him that he should think of forming a band or something. That’d be so rad.

I also found out that his favorite colour was dark blue, he preferred dogs over cats, the most romantic thing he had done for a girl was to buy her 99 roses on Valentine’s Day (aww) but the girl rejected him instead, he knows how to play the drums and piano too and he knows how to swim. Boring facts, I know. But at least I know him better now and I think I might have a crush on this perfect boy.
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comments would be great. (: