Counting Down The Days To Go


“Do you want to hang out at my place for awhile?” Mike asked as we rolled out of school.

“Sure.” I said, looking over to him.

“So…” Mike said.

“So.” I repeated, drumming my fingertips along to some song by The Ting Tings.

“I didn't see you much last weekend.” Mike said.

“Yeah. I was over at Amanda’s house for the weekend.”

“Oh, why didn’t you on your phone though? I wanted to hang out with you during the weekend but you weren’t at home and you didn’t on your phone. I thought something happened to you.”

“Aww…you are so cute when you are worried,” I said, giving him a toothy grin. “I’m so sorry for going MIA like that. You see…Amanda had a problem.”

“What’s new?” Mike said with a playful roll of his eyes.

“Well, it’s sort of serious this time round.” I paused, debating whether I should tell Mike. “You promise not to tell anyone?”

“Uh…sure?” Mike said.

“I’m serious, Mike. It’s a huge matter and it’s rather personal…but I don’t want to keep you out of the loop and all.” I said, biting my lip and wondering if I was doing the right thing.

“Alright. I promise not to tell anyone the secret. Cross my heart and hope to die.” Mike said with his crooked grin.

“Okay,” I said, turning to face his profile. “Amanda’s pregnant.”

Mike reacted by slamming down on his brake, flinging both of us forward. Luckily there wasn’t a car behind us.

“What?” He asked, shock apparent on his face.

“Yeah…it’s Brad’s.” I said.

“Wow. Amanda being a mother? I can’t imagine it. Poor thing. What is she going to do now?” Mike asked.

“She’s got no idea. I think she’s thinking things through so she skipped school today.”

“Right.” Mike said before turning off the engine. We had reached his house already.

Mike and I ate some lunch which consists of a sandwich and some leftovers from Mike’s dinner the previous night. We were talking and laughing, just like usual, in his room.

“Hey, wait here,” Mike said abruptly before he went through another door.

“Waiting,” I said in a sing-song voice.

Mike returned to the room a few moments later with a small black box in his hand.

“I, uh, got this for you the other day cos’ I thought you might like it,” Mike said, reaching out to take one of my hands and placing the box in it. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“You can open it now,” Mike said hopefully.

“Okay,” I said before I undid the cute red ribbon securing the box and took off the lid. It revealed a cute bracelet lying on a bed of pink tissues.

“It’s so cute!” I cried out. The bracelet was silver and it had rings making up the whole bracelet. It looked almost like a charm bracelet and currently, there was this really cute strawberry charm hooked on to it.

“I’d buy more charms for you to hang on it if you want,” Mike said. I looked up to see him giving me a small grin and I couldn’t help but to lean forward and enveloped him into a hug before giving him a kiss on his soft lips.

A few moments later, we finally broke apart from the kiss and Mike helped me hook the bracelet onto my wrist.

“It can match this now,” Mike said as he fingered the ring he had given me that night. I had hooked it onto a necklace chain and worn it around my neck.

“It sure does,” I said before giving him another peck on the lips. Mike was just too sweet to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
ehh.. charm bracelet!
i thought it up like weeks ago. xD
i decided it shall play a semi-important part in the story.

Thanks so much to:
Supz, XDitsy_Overreactorx, dnciz4evr, ryan-ross-is-sexy, and xbl33dingxt3arsx;
for commenting! :D

Thanks to:
foblove27 and paolakittycat;
for showing the love!

You guys have been absolutely awesome in giving me suggestions.
but there are still some who haven't spoken up yet;

i'm sure you know what i'm about to type already!

What should Mike give to Crystal for Xmas?
What should C give M for Xmas?
