Counting Down The Days To Go

Another Sappy Chapter.

“Here, take my hand,” Mike said as he gave me a hand to grab onto. We had just finished dinner at his house and he suggested to go sit on the roof of the house for a while.

The idea sounded super nice when he suggested it but I was finding it hard to climb out of his bedroom window, cling onto the roof like Spiderman and finally place my ass on one of those hard tiles roofs are made out of.

I grabbed onto Mike’s hand and he pulled me up single-handedly. I didn’t know he was that strong! I grabbed onto some bit of the roof while I gingerly stepped out of Mike’s room. After some careful maneuvering, Mike and I were sitting on the roof and gazing up at the black sky that was sprinkled with a fair amount of twinkling stars.

“It’s pretty up here,” I said.

“Yeah? I think so too. I like to come up here and just…think.” Mike said. He laid down on the roof with his arms behind his head. He looked damn comfortable lying down so I decided to do so as well.

I was greeted with an even better view as the whole night sky was spread out above me.

“I feel so small now. It’s like I’m just a little dot in a place that’s so big…so infinite.” I said.

“I feel that way too. It really does make me wonder what’s out there.”


“So, I was thinking.” Mike began.

“About?” I asked.



“We are seniors already and by next fall, we would be in college. Have you applied or thought of any colleges you want to go too?” Mike asked, turning to face me.

“Umm…not really. I was thinking about chilling at home for about a year or maybe…travel?” I said. The thought of traveling had crossed my mind a few times but I don’t know whether my parents would be supportive of that idea.

“To tell you the truth, I didn’t even think about college at all. I’m just so happy now. Being with you and all. This place is great so college can just fuck off. I hope I’m not going anywhere for awhile.” Mike said as if he was in great thought. “I just want to be here. With you, you know?”

“Aww…that’s so sweet!” I said before snuggling into him and giving him a small peck on the cheek. “I want to be with you too. But what if I want to see the world for a bit?”

“Where do you feel like going?”

“Well, I’ve always wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower. Ever since I was a young kid, I thought Paris was the most romantic place in the whole wide world. I just wanna go there and check it out.”

“Oh. That’s nice.” Mike murmured before a comfortable silence enveloped us.

We stayed that way for quite awhile. I was gazing up at the vast black sky above me and just thinking about how lucky I was.

“Hey, I got something to give you,” Mike said while digging in the pocket of his jeans for something.

“Here,” Mike said as he passed me a tiny pink envelope. “Open it.”

I opened the tiny envelope and the tiny object fell onto the palm of my hand. It was the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen! It was a pig charm.

“I bought it for your charm bracelet,” Mike whispered into my ear. “It’s your nickname, remember? Piggy?”

I burst into a fit of giggles as I realized what the pig charm symbolized.

“You are just too sweet,” I said to Mike before engaging our lips into a sweet kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah.. filler-ish?
i thought the strawberry was a tad lonely.

i just got back from watching madagascar2.
and before the movie started,
they showed the trailer for twilight! looks fabu. (:

the chihuahua movie is finally showing next thurs
[yeah; movies reach us waayyyy slower than the rest of the world]
maybe i should go check it out?
i wanna watch quarantine/wild child/twilight etc. :D
and i'm going out again tmrwwww. :D

thanks for the comments!
