Counting Down The Days To Go

Amanda's Woes.

“I-I just can’t bear to ruin Christmas for them,” Amanda blubbered. Chanel, Amanda and I were currently in the girls’ toilet which was empty except for the three of us. We had decided to skip History and instead, we were talking about Amanda’s pregnancy.

“But they are going to find out eventually,” Chanel sighed out. We were both getting very exasperated with Amanda. No matter how much we tried to persuade her, she just wouldn’t tell her parents about her pregnancy. Every single time, she would think up different excuses and reasons to avoid telling her parents. But the bottom line was that she was a pregnant teenager and telling her parents was the best thing to do.

“Amanda, you have been pregnant for about 7 weeks already. There’s no time to waste,” I said gently.

“But-but, what if they kick me out? They are going to be so disappointed. I just can’t ruin Christmas for them. I think I’d let them know after Christmas. Alright?” Amanda said. It was already the first week of December and I suppose two more weeks wouldn’t really hurt.

“Promise?” Chanel asked.

“I promise. I would really tell them after Christmas.” Amanda said.

Aren’t promises meant to be broken?

“Alright, let’s get back to class,” I said as a bell rang outside, signaling a period change.

“Okay, but hold on for a bit. I need to pee,” Amanda said before jumping off the corner and marching into one of the toilets.

A few seconds later, vomiting noises were heard from the cubicle Amanda went in.

“Oh my god. Are you okay?” Chanel asked as she rushed towards the toilet door. Amanda didn’t lock it so she went in. I followed suit.

Chanel was helping Amanda to gather up her hair and I decided to help press Amanda’s back. My mom did that to me when I fell sick during a long car ride and it made me feel loads better.

I absolutely couldn’t stand the stench of vomit and the sounds people made when they are vomiting. It made me feel like vomiting too. Luckily, Amanda emptied the her stomach’s contents in a matter of minutes.

“Oh joy. The vomiting and the morning sickness have started,” Amanda muttered as she rushed out of the smelly toilet cubicle to rinse her mouth.
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uber short, i know.
sooooo i'm going to post a second one later!
during the evening;
which is when i usually update. :D
look out for it!

i'd reply comments on the second update too.(:
cos' now i'm going to watch some antm. xD

turns out i'm not going out today. :(
friends cancelled out on me. blahs.
more time to update! hehehes.
