Counting Down The Days To Go


Sunlight streamed through the window and directly onto my face on the very first day of the New Year. I smiled in content as images from last night came tumbling into my mind. The way Mike grunted out my name in ecstasy and how full I had felt with him inside of me. Mmmm…

I spread out my arms on either side of me, hoping to come into contact with Mike’s sleeping body but I was only met with air and crumpled bed sheets. I hastily opened my eyes to find that my bed was only inhabited by me. Had last night’s events only been a dream?

I glanced down at myself to see that my naked body was covered by my blanket. Weird. I’m sure of what happened last night. But where was Mike?

I glanced around and spied a little piece of paper under my phone which was on my little table beside my bed. I reached over to see that it was a note from Mike.

“Went back home. See you.

I’d be lying if I told you that I wasn’t disappointed at all. I expected Mike to be beside me when I woke up in the morning and I thought we’d cuddle for a bit more. After sighing for a bit, I finally got up and went into the bathroom for a quick wash-up.

The rest of the morning passed by rather uneventfully; Mom and Dad were already downstairs by the time I went down to grab some breakfast. We decided to spend the morning together since it was very rare for the three of us to be hanging out. We caught up with each other and Dad was talking about investing in another house.

Before I knew it, it was already four in the afternoon. I decided that maybe I should give Mike a call and see what he was up to.

“Hi, I’m currently really busy so just call me back later or leave me a message,” Mike said rather dully into the phone. The one thing that really got me worried was when people turned their phones off. It just left me with no other way of contacting them and I freak out, thinking that the worst had happened.

Throughout the rest of the evening, I gave Mike numerous calls and text messages but I kept hearing Mike’s recorded voice and my messages were not replied. I was really freaking out especially since he left with just a note as proof of his presence.

Where the hell was Mike?


After a rather sleepless night spent thinking about Mike's whereabouts and cuddling up to Teddy Bear, I woke up at around 9 the next morning. I put on some warm clothes and hastily walked over to Mike’s place. I thought that since he wasn’t answering my calls and messages, I should go over to his place and find out what’s going on.

I ended up at his front door in a matter of minutes. My finger hovered over the doorbell as I debated within myself. Was I being too desperate by practically hunting down Mike just because we didn’t talk for about 24 hours? Would they even be awake?

What the heck.

Ding Dong.

I heard the corny doorbell chime throughout the house. With a doorbell as loud as that, I had expected someone to open the door in a minute. But nevertheless, I was proven wrong. A few minutes later, I pressed the button again.

No response.

I pressed it continuously for about 3 times.


I looked around in frustration. Why wasn’t anyone answering the goddamn door?!

“Excuse me, dear,” A croaky voice called out from somewhere.

I looked around and saw a little old lady peeping over the fence that separated the houses. She looked like the kind, old grandmother who baked cakes and knitted during her spare time.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I am a neighbor of the Bergens. Are you looking for Mike? Charming young lad, he is,” The lady mused. “I’m sorry dear, but the Bergens left yesterday morning.”

“Yesterday?” I wondered. Yesterday morning was the morning after we had sex. Was that the reason why he rushed off, not even staying around until I woke up?

“Yes honey. I even waved bye to those darlings. They looked as if they were going on a road trip of some sort with all those suitcases.” The lady continued.

“S-suitcases?” I asked in disbelief. It can’t be. That old lady must have really poor eyesight or something! Why would Mike leave town without even telling me?

“Yes, suitcases. Is anything the matter?” The lady asked in concern. “Oops. I almost forgot! They told me that they might be gone for a couple of weeks. So why don’t you come back another day? It isn’t good to be standing out here in the cold.”

“O-okay. Thanks,” I muttered before walking down the porch’s steps.

I didn’t get it at all. Why would Mike leave town?
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks to all the babes who commented!
XDitsy_Overreactorx, Scenedar!, xbl33dingxt3arsx and dnciz4evr;
you guys are the bomb!


with loadsa loves;