Counting Down The Days To Go

The First Signs

Currently, I was having Creative Writing. I have a really cool teacher this year so she basically lets us do whatever we want, as long as we managed to read finish “ To Kill A Mockingbird” and write a book review by the deadline which is in three weeks' time. Mike was sitting right next to me and he was listening to his Ipod. My teacher was so cool that she basically closes two eyes every lesson and lets us use our electronic gadgets even though we weren't allowed to.

Just as I was skipping off to lalaland and start to daydream about Synyster Gates, I felt a gentle poke on my arm.

“ Wanna listen?” Mike asked with an earbud in his outstretched hand.

“ Aww. You’re too nice.” I grinned and took the the earbud. And that was how we spent the rest of the lesson. He was nice enough to play the songs of the bands that I like, and not those overly-screamy bands that I detest.


“Hey you! Why don’t we sit together at lunch today?” Amanda said as she spotted Mike and I walking out of the Creative Writing class.

I looked over at Mike to see him looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I suppose one little lunch with Amanda wouldn’t hurt.

“ Uh, sure?” I said.

“ Great. Meet you two at the usual table!” Amanda said. But just as she was about to strut away, she turned back and lightly touched Mike on his arm, “ And I totally can’t wait to learn more about you!” With a grin and a wave, she flounced off to her next class, leaving me and Mike still standing outside our previous class.

“ Is she always that hyper? And loud?” Mike asked me with an amused look on his face.

“ Yeah. Sort of.”

Lunch came too soon and Mike and I were soon at the cafeteria, looking around for Amanda’s ‘usual table’. I spotted a manicured hand waving at us from the middle of the cafeteria. True enough, it was Amanda. I was about to wave back to her but she was blocked by a tall guy. That was one of the disadvantages of beingshort petite.

“ Hi!” Amanda shrieked as we were within hearing distance.

“ Yo.” I replied coolly.

“ So, have you heard? Have you heard? Peter Wood is having a party this Friday! Wanna come?”

“Sure. I’d love to.” I gave a toothy grin to Amanda. That was one of the perks of being her close friend, you get invited to the hottest parties. It’s not that I totally love partying and getting drunk, but parties are a great way to unwind after a long week at school. Usually, there were at least two parties per weekend.

“ Mike, wanna go too? It’d be good to go partying you know. Peter’s parties are one of the best. And, you can go there to socialize and maybe know more people?” I asked Mike. I was hoping he would go, because the party won’t be quite as much fun without him.

“ Yeah. Alright.” Mike agreed with another one of his crooked grins.

“ Yay! I’d go tell Peter during Physics.” Amanda did one of her ‘happy claps’ and flashed us a cute grin and a view of her not-so-big chest. She was wearing one of those ridiculously low-cut tank tops again.

“ So Mike, where do you live? Cos’ I totally don’t know where you live. And why did you move here anyways? This place is like so boring. I hear good things about California all the time you know? Oh, I’ve used to have this little Chihuahua called Kelly. It kinda sounds like Cali don't you think? But she died like a coupla years ago. Do you like dogs? I love dogs...” Amanda droned on and on about her life.

I didn’t bother listening to their conversation, or rather Amanda’s one-sided conversation anymore and zoomed out to do my daily dose of day dreaming instead.
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i know it's kinda short. :(

more feedback please? thanks. :D