Counting Down The Days To Go

The Dreaded Question.

Mike was still ignoring me and I was still moping about the house. I decided that it would be very desperate of me to go and look for him at his house and his mom might shoo me away like she did the other time when Mike was sick so I just let the matter rest for a bit. Of course, Mike invaded every single moment of my life. He was either racing through my mind during classes or slouching down the hallway during school.

My phone started buzzing around, interrupting me from my thoughts. It was Amanda calling.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Hey Crystal. Can we talk for a bit?” Amanda asked. “We haven’t talked in a long time.”

“Yeah. Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

“I…I told my parents. Just now. Over dinner,” Amanda said. Knowing her, she was probably cuddled up in her comfortable blanket because that was what she did whenever she felt down.

“What did they say?” I prompted her.

“They started arguing among themselves. My dad blamed my mom and my mom blamed my dad. Then they finally realized that I was still pregnant and the baby isn’t going anywhere. They wanted me to get an abortion but I refused and Mummy started crying,” Amanda said.

“Oh man. That sucks. So are you still going to keep the baby?” I asked.

“Yeah. The baby and I are going to stick together,” Amanda said with a dry laugh.

“But what about Brad?”

“Well, he is still not supportive and all. He wants me to get an abortion too. But on the bright side, no one else knows so I don’t have to face taunts and the rumors from everyone just yet,” Amanda said. “The morning sickness is a bitch though.”

“Yeah, I can just imagine,” I said while trying to stifle a yawn. To tell the truth, I wasn’t up for a heart-to-heart talk with Amanda and her pregnancy woes. I just wanted to go back to thinking about him.

“My parents are still fighting and blaming each other,” Amanda sighed. “So, any progress with Mike?”

“None. He is still ignoring me and I just have too much pride to go down to his house and question him.”

“Hmm…why don’t you give him a call then?”

“Tried and failed. During the week he went missing, I gave him over a hundred missed calls and he didn’t even call back when he returned. Then I called him on the day he ignored me and he rejected my call.”

“Text message?” Amanda asked hopefully.

“I don’t know…” I said.

“Come on, just try it. You never know, he might reply. It’s not like you guys have officially broken up yet so technically you guys are still together and what’s wrong with a girl text-messaging her boyfriend?”

“Alright. I’d text him,” I said.

“Okays. Go ahead. I’m going to sleep now. Being pregnant makes you tired,” Amanda gave a small whine.

We said our goodbyes and soon hang up. I then began to type the most difficult text message I had everwritten composed in my whole life. I kept over-thinking each word and deleting every single word after I typed it out. Finally, after a while, I sent Mike the message, ‘Hey, what’s going on with us?’

Short and sweet, right?

I waited for an antagonizing fifteen minutes before he finally replied. My heart pounded in ecstasy as I opened the message. He actually replied! Maybe all hope is not lost after all.

‘Didn’t I tell you to just leave me alone?’ That cold message soon left my heart pounding in misery. He sounded mean even on text messages.

‘Why?’ I texted back.

‘You shouldn’t be hanging out with me.’ He replied in a matter of seconds.

‘You can’t run away from this. We need to talk’ I replied. I felt that Mike was somehow escaping or running away from something and we seriously needed to talk things out face to face.

‘No we don’t. As long as you leave me alone, we’d be fine.’

After reading his reply over and over again, I typed out the question that I really didn’t want to ask.

‘So does that mean you are breaking up with me?’
♠ ♠ ♠
i know i know;
everyone is confused.
think about it;
crystal is as confused as you guys. :D
i'm sure things would clear up soon.

nothing much to rant about today.
i wanted to go out;
and i put on my make-up and all.
but then i saw the computer;
and thought of all the confused minds...
and i decided to update.

just kidding!
i was just plain lazy to go out today. xD
