Counting Down The Days To Go

Moping, Doping, Sloping.

About a week after Amanda told me that she was leaving, I received a text message from her telling me that she was boarding her flight already. As I was having classes when she texted me, I could only rush to the toilet and give her a call to bid her bon voyage. This wasn’t the way I had expected Amanda and I to part ways but I supposed we’ve got to separate one day or another.

As for Mike, it was a different story altogether. Ever since we had broken up, he had been coming to school less often and it was worrying the hell out of me. He seemed to be paler, weaker and less enthusiastic about things. The fact that I couldn’t do anything for him doesn’t help either. Every single time my eyes fell upon him [which was every second unless I had to blink or he was absent from school], I felt so helpless. It is a known fact that I stillliked loved him very much and it hurts me to see that he was going through this without me by his side. Wasn’t that what lovers were supposed to do? Be there for each other through thick and thin? If so, why was Mike pushing me away and leaving me unable to do my duty?

Life just sucks so hard right now.

I blinked a couple of times and tried to focus on the English assignment before me. Nothing was going into my brain and instead, Mike’s face was just popping up in my mind. I couldn’t help but groan out in frustration.

Suddenly, my little phone started vibrating and doing it’s little dance across my table. I stared at the Caller I.D and saw that it was Aiden calling me. Oh joy.

“Yo,” I said rather dully.

“Yo yo yo! What’s up, babe? How’s life?” Aiden asked. “Your best friend left you for Europe and your boyfriend left you because he got sick of you. Aren’t you glad that I stuck around? Huh?”

Aiden might not know it but his careless words hurt me. I’ve been thinking of 101 reasons on why Mike broke up with me and it had never occurred to me that maybe it was my fault. I kept letting my imagination run wild and thought that maybe Mike was part of a mob and he didn’t want me to get killed by another mob so he had no choice but to pretend that he didn’t love me any more.

Maybe the reason was plain and clear from the start after all. Who was I but an average girl who has no features whatsoever that could bring her out from the crowd? It was no big wonder that he left me, really.

“…Crystal? You still there? Hello?” Aiden’s voice soon floated back into my ear.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I don’t think you heard me just now so let me ask you again. What are you doing for Spring break? That’s like in a month and we should start planning now if we’re going out of town,” He blabbered on.

“Well, before Amanda left town and Mike left me, I was thinking of going to Miami or Florida. Or maybe somewhere like Mexico or Hawaii. Hawaii seems nice,” I murmured.

“Well, you can still go with me,” Aiden said hopefully.

“So you’re going to sunbathe in a bikini with me?” I asked with a small laugh.

“No. I’m going to watch you sunbathe in a bikini.”

This was so typical of Aiden.

“I don’t know…with all the things that have been happening, I don’t really have the mood to go sunbathe in a bikini,” I said.

“So it’s settled then. Me, you, Chanel and Jeffrey shall go some place nice and sunny to sunbathe,” He said with a determined voice.

“But I don’t- “

“What happened with you and Mike exactly?” Aiden asked, cutting off my protests.

“And why are you so curious?”

“Because it’s pretty obvious that he hurt you badly and well, you’re single now so I thought…”

“Don’t think, Aiden. I’m single and loving it, alright?” I said firmly.

“Listen to me. Don’t you want to get back at Mike? I was thinking maybe we can pretend to be a couple and make him jealous. He would get really mad and horny and think about all that he is missing out on by breaking up with you. Before you know it, he’d be crawling back to you,” Aiden said and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

“What’s in it for you?”

“The joy of knowing that I helped out a dear friend in need.”

“Well, thanks but no thanks. I told you I’m perfectly fine,” I said.

We went back and forth like this for about ten more minutes. Aiden kept insisting that his plan would work and that Mike and I would be together again but I knew better than to really trust him on this one. I'm sure that he had more plans than to get back at Mike by getting together with me and I just wasn’t ready for Aiden or any other guy now.

It just kinda sucks when the guy that you absolutely want doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.
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Sometimes fillers aren't meant to be fillers.