Counting Down The Days To Go

SOS! Please, Someone Help Me!

It had been three days since we arrived in Lihue. And for the past few nights, I had been sharing Chanel’s bed. Being the kind soul that she is, she didn’t seem to mind although there is only so much kicking she can endure during the night. I might have forgotten to mention that I’m a rather…rough sleeper. I tend to kick and push subconsciously when I’m asleep, not to mention the fact that I steal Chanel’s share of the blanket too.

What we did during the day was rather repetitive. All four of us would head down to the hotel’s restaurant for some breakfast before heading down to the beach and renting some surfboards and stuff like that. Aiden and Jeff were the ones who were usually doing the surfing while Chanel and I lay on the beach and read some novels. And for meals, we would head down to the strip of restaurants to dine in. There were a few shops that sold some really cool stuff and Chanel would drag me in there to go shopping. It seemed like she was trying too hard to fill the space that Amanda left. Aiden, on the other hand, was trying to be Mike and failing very miserably.

All three of them had been cracking lame jokes and making a fool of themselves and I had a feeling that they were all doing it for me. All I had done during this trip was perch those oversized sunglasses on my nose and turn up the corner of my lips by a few millimeters to show that I was having fun.

Am I a wet blanket or what?

But I can’t help it. I love Lihue, I really do but maybe I’m just PMS-ing.

Currently, I was lying on my black and white polka-dotted towel at the beach and trying to take a little nap in the warm morning sun when I felt some water droplets falling onto my bikini-laded skin.

I opened my eyes lazily and saw a shadow standing right above me. It was hard to see as the sun was right behind that figure.

“Boo!” The figure said as he leaned down to my height.

“Aiden, you made me all wet,” I whined.

“Want me to lick them off?” He asked, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Ewww! God, no!” I cried out before closing my eyes again. “Now, shoo!”

Instead of going away like I hoped he would, Aiden shuffled around and plopped himself on the other side of me, the spot that I thought was being occupied by Chanel.

“Where did Chanel go?”

“She went off with Jeff. I think they’re heading off to spend some one-on-one time together,” Aiden muttered before making himself comfortable on the purple and pink striped towel.

“Mmm…” I responded before falling back into a light sleep; one of those kinds whereby you think you’re drifting off to sleep but you can still hear noises from your surroundings.

“Crystal, I know what you’ve been up to,” Aiden said rather softly.

“Huh?” I asked, feeling rather groggy.

“The smell, the constant toilet breaks and not to mention the lighter,” He said in a louder voice. Uh-oh. Was I busted? Aiden couldn’t be talking about my cigs, could he?

“Once again, huh?” I feigned ignorance.

“You shouldn’t be doing this, Crystal. It’s not that I frown on it but I don’t want you to get addicted…” Aiden trailed off.

I wanted to feign ignorance and pretend that I didn’t know what he was talking about but our little conversation was soon disrupted by Chanel calling out our names.

“Crystal! Aiden!” Chanel greeted us rather cheerfully.

“’Sup,” I muttered.

“I’m so sorry about ditching you guys just now but while Jeff and I were walking about this place, I noticed a club thingy and I was wondering whether you’d like to go. What do you think Crystal? A bit of dancing and some booze might be the exact thing that could cheer you up,” Chanel said with a slight nudge into my arm. I pity her, really. Here she was, trying so hard to bring my spirits up and I couldn’t say no to those hopeful pair of eyes.

“Sure,” I said with a small shrug.


“Let’s get the party started!” Aiden hollered before leading us into the building that we were going to party the night away at.

The interior was exactly what I had expected. Various neon colors flashed across the whole room; leaving the inhabitants squinting their eyes to regain their vision. There was the typical bar, the synchronized beats and the people grinding and smooching about on the dance floor.

Rules were pretty relaxed here so before long, the four of us were sitting in a booth in a corner of the club and sipping on alcoholic drinks of our choice. I was trying to actually enjoy myself but I wasn’t really feeling the atmosphere of the club very much. But I wasn’t about to be a wet blanket seeing as the rest were laughing and they seemed like they were having a ball of a time so instead, I plastered a smile on my face and bobbed my head along to whatever they were rambling about even though I was just dying for a fag.

After we finished our second round of drinks, Jeff grabbed Chanel and they headed towards the dance floor for some booty shaking, no doubt. Aiden was casually eyeing up every piece of ass that was unfortunate enough to walk pass our table. Seeing as Chanel was no longer here, I wiped off the fake smile from my face and laid my head down on the table. I myself don’t get why I am being so…down and miserable. Bleahs. It must be those stupid girl hormones.

I laid there for what seemed like eternity with the vibrations of the table pressed into my right ear when I was pulled up to my feet by none other than the not-so-sober Aiden. He led me off to the crowded dance floor before placing me in front of him and he started to do this thing with his hips and chest that he tried to pass off as dancing. Not to be outdone, I shook my hips into him with every pound of the bass. I'm supposed to let my hair down, aren't I?

We continued our little routine for quite a while and managed to grab some more drinks in between but after what seemed like a coupla hours, I was out of breathe and getting tired.

“Aiden, I can’t do this anymore. I wanna go back to the hotel,” I yelled into his ear with all the force I could muster. Chanel and Jeff had disappeared to god-knows-where and I could only care less about them at this moment.

“Hotel? Sure,” Aiden replied with a smirk.

We stumbled out of the club and by some miracle, there was a cab lounging right outside the doors. In a matter of minutes, we had collected our keys from the receptionist and were staggering up to our rooms.

“Did you have fun back there?” Aiden asked.


“Wanna have more fun?” He asked before pulling me into him. He started sucking on my bottom lip rather violently and try as I might to push him off, he just wouldn’t budge. Instead, he hoisted my legs up onto his waist and we somehow stumbled back into Aiden’s room.

He finally finished sucking off my face but now he was attacking my neck rather roughly.

“Aiden, stop!” I tried to yell but it came out as a whine and I feebly tried to push him off.

In a split second, I somehow lost contact with Aiden’s body but I came crashing down on the soft, hotel bed instead. In his drunken stupor, he pounced on to me like some wild cat and continued kissing, touching and exploring my body. It was disgusting to say the least.

“I told you that he was a no-good scumbag. Let me show you what making love is all about,” Aiden said in a throaty growl before shoving his tongue into my throat causing my screams to become muffled. And what's worse was that no amount of me pounding and kicking about could get him off me.

Oh fuck. SOS!
♠ ♠ ♠
All Aiden wants is a little bit of love.
All Crystal wants is a little bit of Mike.
All Chanel wants is a little bit of Jeff.
All Jeff wants is a little bit of Chanel.
All Amanda wants is a little bit of Europe.
All Mike wants is a little bit of